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Brzezinski: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, their western allies orchestrated Syria crisis


Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former US national security adviser


The former US national security adviser says the ongoing crisis in Syria has been orchestrated by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and their western allies.

“In late 2011 there are outbreaks in Syria produced by a drought and abetted by two well-known autocracies in the Middle East: Qatar and Saudi Arabia,” Zbigniew Brzezinski said in an interview with The National Interest on June 24.

He added that US President Barack Obama also supported the unrest in Syria and suddenly announced that President Bashar al-Assad “has to go -- without, apparently, any real preparation for making that happen.”

“Then in the spring of 2012, the election year here, the CIA under General Petraeus, according to The New York Times of March 24th of this year, a very revealing article, mounts a large-scale effort to assist the Qataris and the Saudis and link them somehow with the Turks in that effort,” said Brzezinski, who was former White House national security adviser under Jimmy Carter and now a counselor and trustee at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a senior research professor at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

Criticizing the Obama administration’s policies regarding Syria, he questioned, “Was this a strategic position? Why did we all of a sudden decide that Syria had to be destabilized and its government overthrown? Had it ever been explained to the American people? Then in the latter part of 2012, especially after the elections, the tide of conflict turns somewhat against the rebels. And it becomes clear that not all of those rebels are all that ‘democratic.’ And so the whole policy begins to be reconsidered.”

“I think these things need to be clarified so that one can have a more insightful understanding of what exactly US policy was aiming at,” Brzezinski added.

He also called on US officials to push much more urgently to draw in China, Russia and other regional powers to reach some kind of peaceful end to the Syrian crisis.

“I think if we tackle the issue alone with the Russians, which I think has to be done because they’re involved partially, and if we do it relying primarily on the former colonial powers in the region-France and Great Britain, who are really hated in the region-the chances of success are not as high as if we do engage in it, somehow, with China, India and Japan, which have a stake in a more stable Middle East,” Brzezinski said.

Brzezinski also warned again any US-led military intervention in Syria or arming the militants fighting government forces there.

“I’m afraid that we’re headed toward an ineffective American intervention, which is even worse. There are circumstances in which intervention is not the best but also not the worst of all outcomes. But what you are talking about means increasing our aid to the least effective of the forces opposing Assad. So at best, it’s simply damaging to our credibility. At worst, it hastens the victory of groups that are much more hostile to us than Assad ever was. I still do not understand why -- and that refers to my first answer -- why we concluded somewhere back in 2011 or 2012 -- an election year, incidentally that Assad should go.”

Foreign-sponsored militancy in Syria, which erupted in March 2011, has claimed the lives of many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security personnel.

the New York Times said in a recent report the CIA was cooperating with Turkey and a number of other regional governments to supply arms to militants fighting the government in Syria.

The report comes as the US has repeatedly voiced concern over weapons falling into the hands of al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups.

Al-Nusra Front was named a terrorist organization by Washington last December, even though it has been fighting with the US-backed so-called Free Syrian Army in its battle against Damascus.

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"He added that US President Barack Obama also supported the unrest in Syria and suddenly announced that President Bashar al-Assad “has to go -- without, apparently, any real preparation for making that happen.”

This is a halmark of the talking-head president, Obama.  He use "buzz-word" pharses and assumes it translates to facts.  This banna is such a dunce, I don't know how/why you jokers are so infatuated by him.  Since 2010 baseman realized Obama is just a talker and have said it.  For this you clowns refer to me as racist.  This guy cannot leave power fast enough for this country.  He make Jimmy Carter looking shine and great success.


Obama was resisting Israel pressure to wage war against Iran, and suddenly the Israelis go quiet and it is its Arab allies who start pushing USA into the war. The Global financial crisis was caused by the expenses of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. I can only think that Israelis and the Arabians want to see the Americans ruined by pushing them into very expensive wars.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Obama was resisting Israel pressure to wage war against Iran, and suddenly the Israelis go quiet and it is its Arab allies who start pushing USA into the war. The Global financial crisis was caused by the expenses of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. I can only think that Israelis and the Arabians want to see the Americans ruined by pushing them into very expensive wars.

These lil Jewish boys know how to play you Islamist very well.  Look how they got katahar Chief eating out they hand in Brooklyn.  As usual, these Arab wahabs are a bunch of ignaramus and get played constantly, and they get what they deserve.  Israel and Iran will rule over them.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Obama was resisting Israel pressure to wage war against Iran, and suddenly the Israelis go quiet and it is its Arab allies who start pushing USA into the war. The Global financial crisis was caused by the expenses of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. I can only think that Israelis and the Arabians want to see the Americans ruined by pushing them into very expensive wars.

These lil Jewish boys know how to play you Islamist very well.  Look how they got katahar Chief eating out they hand in Brooklyn.  As usual, these Arab wahabs are a bunch of ignaramus and get played constantly, and they get what they deserve.  Israel and Iran will rule over them.

Give these Arab kings pork, wine and women and you have them in your hand.


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