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Originally Posted by MegaMan:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by MegaMan:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Budget at a glance 2012 was written in general objectives, the specific objectives are embedded

Still means nothing if there isn't a sewage system and a plumbing network, it is the corner stone of the cities

The problem with you overseas Guyanese is that you came to the US, CA and GB and encountered an already developed society without knowing how the development was achieved or even participated it those nations development. You then used these same standards to apply to Guyana. You see human society develop based on trial and error, Guyana is going through this same metamorphosis that all developing nations must go through. It like a child learning to walk, it can not be legislated, it has to be achieved through trial and error. In fact many of you folks fled Guyana and did not participate in its development yet you have the nerve to criticize. ahahahahah 

Irrelevant post,living over seas or living in Guyana has nothing to with standards, its about safety and the well being of the people,even cities in low-middle income countries like Lagos,Nigeria and Accra,Ghana.


Human society based on trial and era, we are not trying to start human civilization again in Guyana,if GUyana once had the highest literacy rate in the Caricom and lived under colonialism there is no need to start from scratch , Guyana could at least learn something from its former colonial master,a country that once embraced qualities of Great Britain should know what it means to have an adequate waste management and sewage system.Its the corner stone of civilization.


 Georgetown's waste management and sewage system is being neglected its not like its non existant, the likes of Hamilton Green have over looked it for years,because of slackness.


Even cities in Lagos,Nigeria and Accra ,Ghana have adequate waste management systems.


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