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Budget 2013 preparations underwayPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Nadine Sanchara   
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 00:39

AS the 2013 budget consultations continue, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh has advised that parliamentary opposition parties, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have submitted their issues of interests and priorities which are now being carefully examined.
During a press conference yesterday at the National Communications Network (NCN) television studios on Homestretch Avenue, Georgetown, the minister said government is working on preparation of the 2013 budget.

He noted, however, that preparation of an annual budget is “not a discreet exercise that suddenly start at some point in time” but rather  it is “an ongoing endeavour”.
Dr. Singh further mentioned that the technical work and preparation for the budget has been underway for some time, adding that government has also been engaging the parliamentary opposition in the preparation process.
“In fact, I did invite them (parliamentary opposition) to a meeting perhaps a month or two ago at which we had a very good discussion, the APNU was represented as was the AFC,” the Finance Minister told reporters.
Dr. Singh disclosed that representatives from the opposition parties, at the meeting, did offer initial comments and observations, in addition to a number of references made to ongoing issues.
He related that both  APNU and the AFC parties were invited to make submissions of issues of interest and priorities which were received by the government subsequent to the meeting.
“Those submissions have been looked at, and are being looked at and carefully considered. Many of the issues raised are not completely novel issues; they didn’t come as huge surprises…many of the issues have been publicly ventilated,” Dr. Singh said.
The minister pointed out that there has been some amount of public disclosure and discussion of the issues and priorities that were identified by the opposition parties.
Nevertheless, he reiterated that the submissions made are presently being examined very closely by government.
In addition, he disclosed his intention to convene a follow-up meeting with  APNU and the AFC the to discuss the submissions made in greater detail.
The Finance Minister also related that  government continues to engage other stakeholders, more generally, to get feedback from them on priorities and issues as they perceive them to be important.
“This work will continue, and we hope that this work and the ongoing engagement that we will have with stakeholders will see us concluding a budget that will continue to serve the cause of development in our country,” Dr. Singh declared.
Last year’s over $192.8B budget was slashed by more than $20B by the combined opposition using their one-seat majority. This affected several government agencies including Office of the President and agencies falling under its purview such as the Ethnic Relations Commission, Guyana Power and Light, State Planning Secretariat, Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit, and the Guyana Elections Commission.

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Dr. Singh disclosed that representatives from the opposition parties, at the meeting, did offer initial comments and observations, in addition to a number of references made to ongoing issues.
He related that both  APNU and the AFC parties were invited to make submissions of issues of interest and priorities which were received by the government subsequent to the meeting.
“Those submissions have been looked at, and are being looked at and carefully considered


The National Budget is always prepared to serve the best interest of Guyanese,especially those of the working class, the largest budgetary allocations are to the social sectors.

Originally Posted by warrior:

they should put a sign on you and put you to stand  by bigmarket so every one can see what you saying,them AFC bai do not belive you

That's the practice of them AFC boys like GR, Freddy and Benschop to pose with signs of propaganda like them stupidy.


The 2013 Budget will be another pro-working class budget,that will be of benefit to all Guyanese, its time the joint opposition stop playing partisan politics and support the government working towards the development of the Country


The opposition goons knows to their gut that the 2013 National Budget is gonna be pro-working class once more and the goons are desperately looking at ways to criticized and discredit it.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the goons of the opposition has nothing constructive to contribute ...

..and you do right?

Dude, you post the same shitty lies everyday, would you call that constructive?


Many of you fools now have secretly bought property in Guyana as you see land price increasing astronomically. But then you come on Gni and sing out of the other side of your mouth while investing in Guyana, contrary to your rhetoric. ahahahah


Minister Singh had the audacity to claim he consulted the Majority Opposition adequately on the 2013 budget.



What he must know is the majority opposition will not vote for $75 billion in capital works when the PPP cannot even spend $50 billion inclusive of bribes and kickbacks in 2012.


There will be cuts.


Let him continue to be fanciful, there will be severe amendments to the 2013 budget.


Trotman is hoping that the 2013 budget would be concluded much smoother than last year’s

Speaker Trotman is offering his services and solutions to what he believes can help to make the budget 2013 process smoother.

However, he is cognizant that he can only play this role if he is so invited.

At a recent press conference the speaker stated that one possible solution is to invite those countries with minority governments that would have successfully navigated the budget making and presentation.

The Speaker believes too that while each side has their own responsibilities often times the lines become blurred.

He says at the end of the day though the elected government should be allowed to govern and its programmes therefore need to be financed.


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