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Originally Posted by asj:

Budget 2015 presentation by PPP/C Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo August 21st 2015


I have to say that Jagdeo is well prepared and versed on his facts. I will give him that much. I have heard this about him before, but I am more convinced today that he will give the coalition a run for their money, given his knowledge of economics and his experience in government. This, however, does not increase my admiration for him given the moral issues that surround his lifestyle.


Having said this, I believe that Jagdeo is currently the best that the PPP has, he will have to groom others to become leaders, people who are not tainted. 


PPP parliamentarians walking out of the National Assembly's Chamber.

Immediately after pledging solemnly to work with the government to improve the lives of Guyanese, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and his colleague People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) parliamentarians walked out of the House. During in his estimated 90-minute contribution to the 2015 National Debate, Jagdeo lambasted the Finance Minister Winston Jordan for crafting a budget that would fail to stimulate the economy. “It does not respond to the concerns of the people. It doesn’t focus on creating jobs, it doesn’t focus on creating wealth. It focuses on redistribution of wealth,” he told the House. The Russian-trained Economist and former Finance Minister predicted that Guyana’s economy would eventually run into serious problems. “In two or three years the economy will flat-line,” he said, adding that  real estate and motor vehicle sales have plummeted. Jagdeo also questioned the wisdom of removing tax remissions from the private sector, saying that “it is in effect a tax increase.” After reflecting on the state of the economy in 1991 when the deficit was 50 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while today it is 2.9 percent of GDP. “You left a bankrupt country, today we have the most vibrant economy,” he said to loud thumps of the desk and cheers from the PPP’s benches. Weighing on the decision by government to move about GUY$30 billion out of private bank accounts for revenue generating semi-autonomous and autonomous agencies to the Consolidated Fund, Jagdeo charged that government was decreasing money supply. “He is shrinking money supply-this is not anti-cyclical, this is pro-cyclical-you are going to drive the economy into further problems,” he said. The Opposition Leader contended that the budget failed to provide for increased prices of GUY$6,000 and GUY$9,000 per bag of paddy and rice. He observed that no mention was made of any programmes or plans to create a green economy. Jagdeo called for Commissions of Inquiry into extra-judicial killings and electoral violence for several decades now. Touching on the political environment, he used the opportunity to suggest that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) had violated a pre-election agreement with the Alliance For Change (AFC) that had guaranteed Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo several responsibilities including chairing the cabinet, domestic security and the appointment of certain commissions. Instead, he said Nagamootoo was responsible for the State media. “If you cannot be faithful to your word to your partners then how can you be faithful and true to your word to the people,” he said.
More Later:
Originally Posted by Django:

Vish,i listened to his presentation,after he finished they walked out


click on link there are presentations by the PM

and finance minister,you will get some facts.

These didn't work bai. I do want to see their presentations though. If you secure them before me, post them please. I still think that the PPP occupying their seats in the Assembly is the better approach but I would defer the reason for their actions to them.


Coming to Jagdeo's presentation one can easily see why the PPP suffered after his departure. Ramotar does not possess the fire and energy that Jagdeo does. He was pointed, funny when it called for it and confrontational when necessary. I like his end where he told the government in no uncertain terms that they should not even try that old PNC shit because he is not afraid of them. Jagan used to frighten Burnham way too much and Burnham walked all over him. Jagdeo let them know that they can't putt that shit on him. That is balls. One would not know that there is a criminal proceeding against him with the way he freely and unapologetically addressed the Assembly. Until the PPP finds another equally as fearless, they need Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
. . . Coming to Jagdeo's presentation one can easily see why the PPP suffered after his departure. Ramotar does not possess the fire and energy that Jagdeo does. He was pointed, funny when it called for it and confrontational when necessary. I like his end where he told the government in no uncertain terms that they should not even try that old PNC shit because he is not afraid of them. Jagan used to frighten Burnham way too much and Burnham walked all over him. Jagdeo let them know that they can't putt that shit on him. That is balls. One would not know that there is a criminal proceeding against him with the way he freely and unapologetically addressed the Assembly. Until the PPP finds another equally as fearless, they need Jagdeo.

old mafia trick . . . jagdeo playing alyuh fearful ole antiman like a fiddle

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. . . Coming to Jagdeo's presentation one can easily see why the PPP suffered after his departure. Ramotar does not possess the fire and energy that Jagdeo does. He was pointed, funny when it called for it and confrontational when necessary. I like his end where he told the government in no uncertain terms that they should not even try that old PNC shit because he is not afraid of them. Jagan used to frighten Burnham way too much and Burnham walked all over him. Jagdeo let them know that they can't putt that shit on him. That is balls. One would not know that there is a criminal proceeding against him with the way he freely and unapologetically addressed the Assembly. Until the PPP finds another equally as fearless, they need Jagdeo.

old mafia trick . . . jagdeo playing alyuh fearful ole antiman like a fiddle

Why don't you cut the anti-man stuff and address the issues. I would have thought that by now all your aunties have men. Or maybe each has many men.


The speech was well-delivered and argued. Also, the walkout  seems to indicate that we will have interesting times ahead.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. . . Coming to Jagdeo's presentation one can easily see why the PPP suffered after his departure. Ramotar does not possess the fire and energy that Jagdeo does. He was pointed, funny when it called for it and confrontational when necessary. I like his end where he told the government in no uncertain terms that they should not even try that old PNC shit because he is not afraid of them. Jagan used to frighten Burnham way too much and Burnham walked all over him. Jagdeo let them know that they can't putt that shit on him. That is balls. One would not know that there is a criminal proceeding against him with the way he freely and unapologetically addressed the Assembly. Until the PPP finds another equally as fearless, they need Jagdeo.

old mafia trick . . . jagdeo playing alyuh fearful ole antiman like a fiddle

Why don't you cut the anti-man stuff and address the issues. I would have thought that by now all your aunties have men. Or maybe each has many men.


The speech was well-delivered and argued. Also, the walkout  seems to indicate that we will have interesting times ahead.

What he and TK is doing is driving people away from the APNU/AFC, he with his antiman attitudes and TK coming here with his skin teeth, in backings for his shameful posts.

I used to support the APNU/AFC but with redux kind of antimanish attitude, this is what drives me away from APNU/AFC; No more good guy posts for APNU/AFC. Unless they can get rid of all the gutter rats and put someone who can address the issues.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. . . Coming to Jagdeo's presentation one can easily see why the PPP suffered after his departure. Ramotar does not possess the fire and energy that Jagdeo does. He was pointed, funny when it called for it and confrontational when necessary. I like his end where he told the government in no uncertain terms that they should not even try that old PNC shit because he is not afraid of them. Jagan used to frighten Burnham way too much and Burnham walked all over him. Jagdeo let them know that they can't putt that shit on him. That is balls. One would not know that there is a criminal proceeding against him with the way he freely and unapologetically addressed the Assembly. Until the PPP finds another equally as fearless, they need Jagdeo.

old mafia trick . . . jagdeo playing alyuh fearful ole antiman like a fiddle

Why don't you cut the anti-man stuff and address the issues. I would have thought that by now all your aunties have men. Or maybe each has many men.


The speech was well-delivered and argued. Also, the walkout  seems to indicate that we will have interesting times ahead.

What he and TK is doing is driving people away from the APNU/AFC, he with his antiman attitudes and TK coming here with his skin teeth, in backings for his shameful posts.

I used to support the APNU/AFC but with redux kind of antimanish attitude, this is what drives me away from APNU/AFC; No more good guy posts for APNU/AFC. Unless they can get rid of all the gutter rats and put someone who can address the issues.

I am sure Redux can speak for himself. As for me...Just a big fat LOL...carry on...LOL!

Originally Posted by asj:
I used to support the APNU/AFC but with redux kind of antimanish attitude, this is what drives me away from APNU/AFC; No more good guy posts for APNU/AFC. Unless they can get rid of all the gutter rats and put someone who can address the issues.

i am humbled to be so central in the decisions u make in your political life


it is so very illuminating that you see your "support" as a commodity and not the inevitable product of conviction


keep talking bhai

Last edited by Former Member

This is indeed Coolie bullying but it should be a Coolie party bullying. The PPP has declared while in office the opposition had no part in the process of budget creation. That according to those autocrats were the sole purview of the administration. They went to court on that account. Granger and the rest should take that to account and send these bitches packing. There should be no compromise on this question until there is a united effort to legally change it.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

This is indeed Coolie bullying but it should be a Coolie party bullying. The PPP has declared while in office the opposition had no part in the process of budget creation. That according to those autocrats were the sole purview of the administration. They went to court on that account. Granger and the rest should take that to account and send these bitches packing. There should be no compromise on this question until there is a united effort to legally change it.

Please list your source for the statement that the previous government said that the opposition had no part in in the process of budget creation. I thought that many groups, including the opposition were consulted prior to the budget being presented to parliament.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

This is indeed Coolie bullying but it should be a Coolie party bullying. The PPP has declared while in office the opposition had no part in the process of budget creation. That according to those autocrats were the sole purview of the administration. They went to court on that account. Granger and the rest should take that to account and send these bitches packing. There should be no compromise on this question until there is a united effort to legally change it.

For many Guyanese of Indian descent and for many other Guyanese, including me, the use of the C..... word is very offensive, as offensive as the use if the N..... word.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

This is indeed Coolie bullying but it should be a Coolie party bullying. The PPP has declared while in office the opposition had no part in the process of budget creation. That according to those autocrats were the sole purview of the administration. They went to court on that account. Granger and the rest should take that to account and send these bitches packing. There should be no compromise on this question until there is a united effort to legally change it.

I seem to remember the APNU/AFC opposition not given a chance at input with the preparing of the budget

Originally Posted by Danyael:

This is indeed Coolie bullying but it should be a Coolie party bullying. The PPP has declared while in office the opposition had no part in the process of budget creation. That according to those autocrats were the sole purview of the administration. They went to court on that account. Granger and the rest should take that to account and send these bitches packing. There should be no compromise on this question until there is a united effort to legally change it.

Have you ever experienced "buck-bulling"?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

This is indeed Coolie bullying but it should be a Coolie party bullying. The PPP has declared while in office the opposition had no part in the process of budget creation. That according to those autocrats were the sole purview of the administration. They went to court on that account. Granger and the rest should take that to account and send these bitches packing. There should be no compromise on this question until there is a united effort to legally change it.

Have you ever experienced "buck-bulling"?

Dah is a new one, tell us bout it nuh. Is that how the English would pronounce "back ballin?"

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by asj:

What he and TK is doing is driving people away from the APNU/AFC, he with his antiman attitudes and TK coming here with his skin teeth, in backings for his shameful posts.

I used to support the APNU/AFC but with redux kind of antimanish attitude, this is what drives me away from APNU/AFC; No more good guy posts for APNU/AFC. Unless they can get rid of all the gutter rats and put someone who can address the issues.

Bai, you really funny, you support the APNU/AFC big-time then two lil hardly noticed political non-entities make you change alliance.  You funny, you trivial, you real shallow.  Them bannas don't swing baseman for or against any one.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

What he and TK is doing is driving people away from the APNU/AFC, he with his antiman attitudes and TK coming here with his skin teeth, in backings for his shameful posts.

I used to support the APNU/AFC but with redux kind of antimanish attitude, this is what drives me away from APNU/AFC; No more good guy posts for APNU/AFC. Unless they can get rid of all the gutter rats and put someone who can address the issues.

Bai, you really funny, you support the APNU/AFC big-time then two lil hardly noticed political non-entities make you change alliance.  You funny, you trivial, you real shallow.  Them bannas don't swing baseman for or against any one.

in a strange twisted way, baseman ends up making the proper point


a broken clock is right 2 times a day


take a bow bai


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