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House unanimously passes $230B budget

February 24, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

The mammoth $230B Budget 2016 was unanimously passed by the National Assembly in the wee hours of Tuesday, after a total of ten days of debate and intense examination of estimates by the subject Ministers and the Opposition parliamentarians.
The estimates of the Ministries of Home Affairs, Social Protection, Education and Finance were the last to be scrutinized.
At 10 pm on Monday, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, as leader of Government business, proposed that the House continue the sitting until all matters were completed.
The Appropriations Bill, which details the estimates for all ministries, amounting to $212 billion, represents funding for constitutional agencies and does not require approval of the House. The additional sums take the budget to $230 billion.
According to the Ministry of Finance, under the Ministry of the Presidency, $4.8 billion has been approved, while the Office of the Prime Minister will get $6.5 billion.  The Ministry of Finance receives $23.6 billion, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, $3.8 billion.
The Guyana Elections Commission, which is undertaking Local Government Elections for the first time in over two decades, will get $3.5 billion.
The Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs receives $2.1 billion, while the Ministry of Agriculture will get $18 billion; Ministry of Tourism ($35 million) and the Ministry of Business, $1.2 billion.
The Ministry of Public Infrastructure gets $30.6 billion; Ministry of Public Telecommunications ($821 million) and Ministry of Natural Resources $814 million.
For the Ministry of Education, some $19.7 billion has been allocated, while the Ministry of Communities gets $6.7 billion.
Other approved allocations are as follows: Ministry of Public Health
($19 billion); Ministry of Social Protection ($13.9 billion); Ministry of Public Security ($14.4 billion); Ministry of Legal Affairs ($1.6 billion).
The Guyana Defence Force will get $10.1 billion, and Supreme Court, $1.5 billion.
The Public and Police Service Commissions have been approved allocations totaling $87.9 million, while the Teaching Service Commission has been approved $109.2 million.
The Public Prosecutions office gets $160 million, while the Office of the Ombudsman will receive $44.7 million. The Public Service Appellate Tribunal has been allotted $12.4 million and the Ethnic Relations Commission some $81 million.
The Judicial Service Commission will get $10 million and the Rights Commission of Guyana $121.4 million. The Public Procurement Commission has a listing for $1,000.
The Parliament Office has been approved $1.3 billion, while the Office of the Auditor General will get $714.3 million.
The budget was passed in a House that had two members missing from the Government side and one from the opposition. Ministers Keith Scott and Winston Felix have been barred from sitting in the House after a ruling from outgoing Chief Justice (ag), Ian Chang on their Technocrat status.
On the opposition side, People’s Progressive Party MP, Clive Jagan, recently vacated his seat due to treatment he was receiving overseas. The PPP has not identified a replacement for Jagan, who is a nephew of former President Dr. Cheddi Jagan, as yet.


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