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Budget allocations that were cut were to enhance development - Local Gov’t Minister tells Region 9 residents


Georgetown, GINA, May 7, 2012

Source - GINA


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud along with senior officials from his ministry, visited about 20 villages in Region Nine recently, during which he met with residents to discuss the implications of the budget cuts for the communities and the way forward, along with a number of other issues important to the continued development of the communities.


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud addressing Region Nine residents on a recent outreach in the area to discuss the implications of the budget cuts.  Also in the photograph is Permanent Secretary of his Ministry, Colin Croal


Minister Persaud explained to the residents the new dispensation in the National Assembly where the opposition combined has a ‘one seat’ majority  which it used to slash the 2012 budgetary allocations by about $20.9 Billion and, which would have seen the continued development of hinterland communities.


Minister Persaud said that the PPP/C’s intentions via the budgetary allocations were to enhance growth and development of its indigenous peoples and, those who occupy the hinterland, unfortunately, this will now be affected as several projects will be affected by the cuts.


The Local Government and Regional Development Minister explained that Government through the Amerindian Affairs Ministry, along with the residents, worked together in partnership over the years to ensure accountability and project development.


Sand Creek, residents listening to Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud


“The Presidential support through the grant is no longer there to assist the communities in further developing themselves…the sustainable livelihood project was also cut…so was the OLPF and the e-governance programme which would have seen increased employment in the region along with technological advancements,” Minister Persaud said.


Former Region Nine Chairman Clarendo Lucas lamented that under the PPP/C administration, tremendous development in every hinterland community, specifically in Region Nine has been evident.


He added that the distribution of solar panels across the region would have seen each community being further enhanced, but this will be affected now.


Toshao, Karasabai, Collin Marco expressed dissatisfaction over the budget cuts, especially relating to the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).

“I support the two ministers who stood up in parliament to support our cause, it is hard to know that we in the hinterland areas are facing problems, the people on the coastland and in Georgetown are not facing what we are facing and it is sad to know what the opposition has done, is this love for the indigenous people?” Marco asked.


Wowetta residents interacting with Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud on his recent outreach to discuss the implications of  the 2012 Budget cuts imposed by the opposition


Former Toshao of the area Elvis Edward said he felt betrayed with what the joint opposition has done, as during the campaign season they came in with promises, but, now it’s a sad situation for those residing in hinterland locations. “I feel betrayed, as I welcomed them who delivered powerful messages, saying that they will act in the interest of the Amerindians.”

Projects under the LCDS will no longer be realised including solar panels for hinterland communities and laptops under the OLPF programme.

 Former Nurse, and Medal of Service recipient, Juanita Alberto asked, “What will we do now?...we need the solar lights…even if we do not get the laptops, we need the lights…a lot of Amerindians were looking forward for the solar-lights…we are very disappointed,” she said.

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Projects under the LCDS will no longer be realised including solar panels for hinterland communities and laptops under the OLPF programme.

Former Nurse, and Medal of Service recipient, Juanita Alberto asked, “What will we do now?...we need the solar lights…even if we do not get the laptops, we need the lights…a lot of Amerindians were looking forward for the solar-lights…we are very disappointed,” she said.

Former Region Nine Chairman Clarendo Lucas lamented that under the PPP/C administration, tremendous development in every hinterland community, specifically in Region Nine has been evident.


He added that the distribution of solar panels across the region would have seen each community being further enhanced, but this will be affected now.


Toshao, Karasabai, Collin Marco expressed dissatisfaction over the budget cuts, especially relating to the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).


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