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The 2012 National budget can only become a legal instrument if it is assented to by president Donald Ramotar according to the Guyana constitution.

And INews Guyana was reliably informed that the parliament office is still to be informed if the president has signed or intends to sign the appropriation act, to make the budget a legally binding instrument

The budget which passed Thursday evening after a GY$20.9B cut by the opposition can only be implement, if it is assented to by the president.

Up to late Friday, a source at the Parliament office told INews Guyana, that they were awaiting a word from the president’s office on the siging of the “modified” budget.

The constitution of Guyana dictates that in order for the budget after its passage in parliament becomes an act (Appropriation Act) and for it to become a legal instrument, the head of state must assent to it.

The government had proposed a GY$192.8B 2012 Estimate of Expenditures to, among other things, fund a number of initiatives to improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable and stimulate economic growth.

However this did not get the support of the parliamentary opposition who shaved some GY$20.9B off the estimates before it was approved, plunging a number of initiatives, including the One Laptop Per Family, the Low Carbon Development Strategy, the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, and the Information and Communications Technology initiatives and the Marriot Hotel into doubt

The cuts will also see a number of government agencies either trim their operations or closed leaving many jobless.

But the opposition maintains that the cuts were necessary to avoid ‘over spending’ and will benifit the poor Guyanese.

The president will address the nation at 8PM Friday on the budget.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The 2012 National budget can only become a legal instrument if it is assented to by president Donald Ramotar according to the Guyana constitution.

And INews Guyana was reliably informed that the parliament office is still to be informed if the president has signed or intends to sign the appropriation act, to make the budget a legally binding instrument

The budget which passed Thursday evening after a GY$20.9B cut by the opposition can only be implement, if it is assented to by the president.

Up to late Friday, a source at the Parliament office told INews Guyana, that they were awaiting a word from the president’s office on the siging of the “modified” budget.

The constitution of Guyana dictates that in order for the budget after its passage in parliament becomes an act (Appropriation Act) and for it to become a legal instrument, the head of state must assent to it.

The government had proposed a GY$192.8B 2012 Estimate of Expenditures to, among other things, fund a number of initiatives to improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable and stimulate economic growth.

However this did not get the support of the parliamentary opposition who shaved some GY$20.9B off the estimates before it was approved, plunging a number of initiatives, including the One Laptop Per Family, the Low Carbon Development Strategy, the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, and the Information and Communications Technology initiatives and the Marriot Hotel into doubt

The cuts will also see a number of government agencies either trim their operations or closed leaving many jobless.

But the opposition maintains that the cuts were necessary to avoid ‘over spending’ and will benifit the poor Guyanese.

The president will address the nation at 8PM Friday on the budget.

Read the garbage what Gerhard is posting and compare it to the facts above. Now we have the truth. AFC likes to sell snake oil.


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