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Budget cuts to hamper every aspect of Amerindian development - PS Dharamlall


Georgetown, GINA, May 5, 2012

Source - GINA


A resident of Shulinab expressing his frustration over the budget cuts, Region 9


Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs Nigel Dharamlall and a team of officials visited several communities in Region Nine including Sawariwau, Potarinau, Parikawaranau, Shulinab, Karasabai, and Surama to inform residents about the joint opposition cuts to the 2012 national budget for various projects.


During the many meetings residents expressed their concern and denounced the cuts, saying that the same opposition members campaigned in their villages and offered them a better life during the run up to the November 2011 elections.


Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs Nigel Dharamlall addressing residents of Region 9


While outlining the various cuts to the $192.2B budget Dharamlall said that, “These funds were to support the socio-economic development of Amerindian communities through the implementation of their Community Development Plans and programmes,” Dharamlall said.


Several programmes for Amerindian development, he said which came under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) would be affected as its allocation was cut to $1.


While explaining the new dispensation of the National Assembly, he said that the joint opposition used its one seat majority to cut programmes government proposed for the development of the country and its populace, including the poverty fund under the Office of the President, which was reduced to $1.


This cut, he said will see many Amerindian communities suffering, since the fund also caters for the annual presidential grants to communities.


The administration, he said believes in equal opportunities for all the people and in recognition of Amerindians’ contribution to national development, made a resolution to not only ensure that Amerindians are included in the national developmental programmes, but implemented special programmes, to empower them.


Presidential Grants

The Presidential grants have allowed many villages to implement programmes to generate income including the construction of village shops, passenger, cargo and fishing boats, the purchase of mini buses, tractors, ATVs, and portable sawmills among other ventures to improve life at the village level. This would however, now be affected.
Hinterland Electrification programme 

The Hinterland Electrification programme will also be affected by the budgetary cuts.  The programme has a target of 11,000 homes in the hinterland to be provided with solar panels.


Residents of Surama listening attentively as Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs Nigel Dharamlall outlined the cuts made by the joint opposition to 2012 National budget


“Early this year over 2000 solar units were bought and distributed to hinterland communities, however as a result of the cuts made Funds allocated under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in 2012 budget Government will be unable to procure more units for remaining homes,” Dharamlall explained.


Some communities in Region Nine have received their solar units from the 2,000.    


Information Technology Trust

The ICT Trust initiated by the administration to connect Guyana to the rest of world, especially Amerindian communities through it One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) programme and the e-government fiber optic cable from Brazil will be hampered as a result of  the cuts.


The programme intends to cater for 90,000 families in Guyana, including in Amerindian communities benefiting from internet ready computers, however this will not be possible, since funds allocated for continuation of this programme have been slashed.


The PS assured the Toshaos and residents that Government will continue to fight on their behalf to ensure that their lives are not hampered.


The Presidential grants, OLPF, the fire optic cable, ICT programme, and the extension and demarcation of Amerindian lands, he said, would have significantly boosted the development of Amerindian communities if they were approved by the joint opposition.


Many residents also used the forum to express their concerns about the cuts.


Derrick Adolph, a 42- year old benab builder of Shulinab Village like several other residents said that they were surprised by the action taken by the opposition since they promised a better life for Amerindians.


The Opposition cut of over $18B worth of projects under the Low Carbon Development Strategy will stymie several projects including the Amaila Falls Hydro power, solar panels for Amerindians and the Amerindian Development Fund.

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Region Nine residents denounce budget cuts


Georgetown, GINA, May 5, 2012

Source - GINA


Teams of officials from the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs recently travelled through Amerindian communities. Theirs was the job of explaining to descendants of Guyana’s first peoples why projects earmarked for their development may not come to fruition. 

The halting of the OLPF programme and training and internet access for low income earners across the country, will create a class barrier by allowing only the middle classes to participate in the new knowledge economy by their ability to afford laptops.

Additionally, there will be a halt to grants and loans to micro and small businesses and vulnerable groups; and the withdrawal of financial support to the Amerindian Development Fund. This fund allows Amerindian communities  to implement their Community Development Plans and engage in economic activities to diversify their local economies.

Bewilderment, dismay and finally anger, came to the surface as the hinterland communities reacted.


Julie Lewis– Potarinau

We want to live a bright and prosperous life like any other Guyanese, so this move by the opposition to cut the national budget is totally unwelcome…I am calling on the opposition to change this now.


David Rebeino - Potarinau

I was really upset when I read the newspaper and learnt that the opposition had cut the budgetary allocation for many Amerindian programmes. However, it is not too late for them to correct this, if not they must remember there is a next time, when they will be coming to our communities asking for your votes.


Brenda Pedro-Potarinau

Why is it now that the oppositions… are cutting the budget for Amerindian people?  I want to let them know that I am an Amerindian woman, and God will give me the opportunity to see the next time when they will be coming to my village making false promises and asking for my vote.
They do not have us the Amerindian people at heart.


Cedric Buckley-Sawariwau

I feel that the opposition has done a great wrong to the Amerindian people of this country, because everybody even me an Amerindian man was looking forward for development in my community and now they have cut the budget.

They want to take us back to Dark Age when Amerindian people had no place in Guyana. I am hurt, I feel for my brothers and sisters of this country.


Loureto Vincine- Sawariwau

We were so proud about the development Government was giving to my community and other Amerindian communities in Region 9 but now the opposition used their power to cut development in Amerindian communities.
We are very sad about this move by the opposition, the same set of people who promised us development. 


Patrick Hopkinson--Karasabai

I am very sad about the move by the opposition and more so our own Amerindian brothers and sisters who supported the cut. This move will take Amerindian right back to the dark age where we had no development in our communities. My Amerindian brothers and sisters who supported the cut should be ashamed of themselves. Why have they done this to us?


Derrick Adolph- Shulinab

They (opposition) have never given anything to Amerindians and now the little we were getting they want to take that away too. They should be ashamed of themselves, especially those on the opposition side supporting the cut to Amerindian development.


What a bunch of crooks?


Since when a are Amerindians dependent solely on the finite hand outs by the Norwegians? These crooks have not allocated ( and at one time refused 200k to allocate lands from the WB) the necessary resources for 2 years to demarcate lands so why is the Opposition to be blamed for their strategy to steal?


These crooks want to spend money the do not have in advance and because they have not otherwise allocated for native peoples as they should the pretend that others are in the way of "development:"


The joint opposition needs to get off their respective asses and confront these lies directly and demand that GINA posts the responses to hack jobs like above or disband this propaganda machinery completely. Actually, they better get a hand on this corp least the government passes it off whole as a full fledge private company to their cronies as they often do.


In any event, this crooked government is on campaign mode and the above is simply trading beads for another term as unaccountable parasites on the nation finances.


Amerindians are in the dark ages because of Amerindians believing this crap by the corrupt PPP who were never on their side. The APA also has a responsibility to counter these lies by the PPP/

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Well, mi dozz wuk/do business wid buck people and wah yu hear nah always di whole story.  Dem bai nah depend too much pon diss, dem a cyar aan like before.

During the election campayne the PPP promise a lot of beads to them buck people, now them have to blame the opposition buget cuts for not being able to deliver. Looks like the opposition has Norwayign contacts to influence none LCD payments... 

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Well, mi dozz wuk/do business wid buck people and wah yu hear nah always di whole story.  Dem bai nah depend too much pon diss, dem a cyar aan like before.

During the election campayne the PPP promise a lot of beads to them buck people, now them have to blame the opposition buget cuts for not being able to deliver. Looks like the opposition has Norwayign contacts to influence none LCD payments... 

Look laka PPP balls in a vice bai.  Dem PPP muss mek compramise.  Peeple donk hay a wach an' ah seh, oh, ah wah PPP a hide.


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