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Guyana need a budget every year and Minister Ashni will make a remarkable presentation in parliament on the 25th. Note: Ramjattan acted prematurely in his statement to cut funding for NCN, GINA among other areas that is directly attached to the ruling party, and that give APNU peace of mind to do the unthinkable. This will be another test to our parliamentary system. I expect to see the same on the 25th that happened in 2012. AFC/APNU voted down the crime bill and support drug trafficking and criminals. Guyana's crime problem is everyone's problem except AFC & APNU. When someone get robbed and gunned down, it remains with Granger and Ramjattan. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana need a budget every year and Minister Ashni will make a remarkable presentation in parliament on the 25th. Note: Ramjattan acted prematurely in his statement to cut funding for NCN, GINA among other areas that is directly attached to the ruling party, and that give APNU peace of mind to do the unthinkable. This will be another test to our parliamentary system. I expect to see the same on the 25th that happened in 2012. AFC/APNU voted down the crime bill and support drug trafficking and criminals. Guyana's crime problem is everyone's problem except AFC & APNU. When someone get robbed and gunned down, it remains with Granger and Ramjattan. 

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Kari, Let me hear your predictions, thoughts, concerns of the Presentation of Guyana,s Budget on Monday. ALL are welcome to join.

Pavi....the only budget I'm interested in now is my house budget. I got to make appropriations for some daroo and cuttas and a lil visit to Gaumont...

Bhai, YUh wicked but I doubt you can find Gaumont..


Cobra, The Budget MUST contain Social Service Spending, A small increase in Salary, Incentives for Small Businesses(Farmers included) and a LARGE some for Industrial Development and Technological Advances. The Revenue anticipated MUST EQUAL these Expenditures PLUS a Contingengy Fund for EMERGENCIES (REAL Emergency) like Flooding, Outbreak of some Medical infection, Koker malfunction and things.


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