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@seignet posted:

The country is tensed and Jagdeo presenting a budget. That shows the man doan give a rat's ass bout the people. Just get on with it.

The only thoroughfare to move goods is under seize.  

I have my issues with Jagdeo and some in the PPP as known on this forum, but I believe the above statement is not a fair one. 

In countries with tense situations, the government still have to operate and its a failure of the leaders if they don't act in this manner. If they are influenced by the people causing the disturbances [or in some cases war], not to do the job they are supposed to do, then they fail everyone.  

@Mitwah posted:

@Tola, I like what I am hearing. Hope they have the Funds and it does get to the people who need it the most. 

@Mits,  Based on what we witnessed in Guyana during the last PPP government, I sincerely hope this budget creates significant improvement to the voters living conditions, or the people might replace the PPP again.

The voters living conditions should  take priority over large projects, that is perceived with kickbacks for the elite.

There was a GNI poster who was a distribution manager for the PPP One Laptop for Family project and what we were told was utter corruption. The PPP want to restart this program which we feel is important.  But in everything they do this time, they need to put in place checks and balances, to avoid what occured previously.    

@Tola posted:

I have my issues with Jagdeo and some in the PPP as known on this forum, but I believe the above statement is not a fair one. 

In countries with tense situations, the government still have to operate and its a failure of the leaders if they don't act in this manner. If they are influenced by the people causing the disturbances [or in some cases war], not to do the job they are supposed to do, then they fail everyone.  

You realize Shuman is the only guy there?


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