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Bulk of oil wealth to trickle down to ordinary Guyanese -Granger


President David Granger greets attendees at the Victoria Village 180th anniversary celebration.

President David Granger promises that the bulk of Guyana’s oil revenues will trickle down to ordinary people and some will be used to revive the country’s village economies and social programmes.

“We will put the benefit, we will put the profit, we will put the better part of that petroleum revenue to ensure that your children will never be poor again,” he said to applause by thousands of attendees at an event to mark the 180th anniversary of the purchase of Plantation Northbrook, now Victoria Village, by freed Africans with their earnings.

But, he stayed clear of any reference to the controversial direct cash-transfer scheme that has been proposed by the Working People’s Alliance (WPA). Mr. Granger, however, continues his crusade of delivering high quality free education from nursery to university during his proposed Decade of Development 2020 to 2029.

Mr. Granger said Guyanese were entitled to their patrimony. “You the people of Guyana, you work for it, you deserve it, you own it and we’ll ensure that petroleum profits benefit you first and foremost,” he said.

The WPA, according to sources, was due to brief a group of government officials on the need for annual direct cash-transfers of about US$5,000 to each of the more than 200,000 households as a way of combatting income poverty. But detractors have frowned on the idea first publicly proposed two years agoby WPA executive member, Distinguished Economics Professor, Clive Thomas, arguing that it is a recipe for laziness and dependency.

Finance Minister, Winston Jordan and former President Bharrat Jagdeo have separately suggested that the oil revenues could better used to pay higher pensions, and improve health, education and infrastructure.

President Granger sought to assure attendees at the Victoria Village event that his proposed Village Improvement Plans and Decade of Development initiatives are not election gimmicks. “So, my friends, this Decade of Development is not an election device. It is a serious plan to move Guyana forward into the ranks of the developed nations,” he said to a clearly politically motivated audience.

The overwhelming majority of the attendees wore green T-shirts emblazoned with the logos of Granger’s People’s National Congress Reform-dominated A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change. Several hundreds of them were bussed in from Berbice, East Bank, West Demerara, and East Coast Demerara villages.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Look where he was and who he’s promising oil money.

Election give away. 

Fat paycheque to a Afro businessman who’s business was burn and nothing to the Indians who’s home was also burn. 

Indian Tax was collected in Berbice with only a fraction return for the council. The balance was put in Afro. Village with Street lights and the government will be offsetting the electricity bill. 

Sugar Estates close in all Indian villages and they were left to fend for themselves. 

Sugar Estate land give away to their Afro brothers as seen in today’s KN. 

Animal Cather is only visiting Indos village and BV Bachelor’s Adventure, Nabaclis, Victoria, Golden Grove and Buxton is left untouchable . 

Racialism! Racialism ! Racialism! 


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VishMahabir posted:

So what if several hundred were bussed in??? The party is providing the means fore them to get to that location. Your PPP does the same thing....

Our Tax is paying Jackass . 

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

So what if several hundred were bussed in??? The party is providing the means fore them to get to that location. Your PPP does the same thing....

Our Tax is paying Jackass . 

The PPP is known for doing this for years....

Remember the disgusting wine down BBQ parties the PPP used to have a few years ago?


Granger don’t know wuh di rass he talking bout!  Trickle down should not be the policy goal of a country on the cusp of unprecedented wealth but having 40% festering poverty!

True, spur economic growth and the trickledown do its thing!   But there must be direct govt intervention to alleviate some scars of poverty and get every child in school!


I suspect that most of the oil money will be going to God. God doesn't want man to have the money but want him to work. The crude oil is how God sits on the Earth and he does not want us to sit since this unsits him. The force you feel under your feet is the force of God and we can delete him by subtracting these forces as we forget it. When the oil is gushing it is loose as Lucifer which he subtracts our sensitivity as feelings with and creates fear because this sensitivity is at the end of feelings. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune

I have been saying, proving and demonstrating the RACISM, inhumanity, Barbarism of the PNC for 2 decades now. Happy to see that people are finally realizing who those MONSTERS are. They practice with pride "In your fave RACISM". They are the current P W Botha and Ian Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!


“You the people of Guyana, you worked for it, you deserve it, you own it and we’ll ensure that petroleum profits benefit you first and foremost,” he said.

He talkin sheer skoant. How did they work for it? Only negroes worked 180 years ago? Dem negroes dis must be very old. Maybe he is referencing them back to the beginning of the evolution of the apes.


Granger is liar. No one worked for de oil. 
Is PPP which started oil exploration and dem use to laugh at the PPP. Now oil find and PNC turn down them tools cArk up dem foot waiting fuh oil money.

Dem will stop working and eat out the oil profits. PNC will never change ! 


Think of it, Granger didn't even work for becoming the leader of APNU. He was placed there under the threat of gun violence. What exactly does he know about working for anything?


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