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These old men die hard Racist of yonder, lack of IDEAS ,hence their usual ramblings wishing ill will ,they left and still SOUR . They will go to their graves as RACIST ,no era will change them. Never too late grasp what the Founder and Leader of the PPP said.

"Racism is the greatest curse of our land...anyone who spreads racial propaganda must be severely dealt with . Such a person is an enemy to himself and his Country" - Dr.Cheddi B.Jagan



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@Django posted:

These old men die hard Racist of yonder, lack of IDEAS ,hence their usual ramblings wishing ill will ,they left and still SOUR . They will go to their graves as RACIST ,no era will change them. Never too late grasp what the Founder and Leader of the PPP said.

"Racism is the greatest curse of our land...anyone who spreads racial propaganda must be severely dealt with . Such a person is an enemy to himself and his Country" - Dr.Cheddi B.Jagan


Trouble was, he was only one man!

Last edited by Former Member

"There might also be what he calls “psychological compensation” at play for those Indians who experience prejudice as members of lower castes or the so-called “other backward classes”.

“They could feel better by looking at African people and thinking ‘at least I am better than that’,” he says."

The start of race problems in British Guiana!


Racism in the form it is today started in the 50's when the PPP came into existence. Whether it was Burnhamite PPP or Jaganite PPP, it was the PPP that brought the curse in. There were other politicians in the colony before the PPP, but hardly heard off until the 1953 Adult Suffrage Elections. Citizens were keen on self governance but civil going about the quest. In mixed villages, ppl of afro linage were not hostile to the indians who first settled among them.

And Cheddie might have been a racist himself, he basically din think much of Indian ppl. He concluded very early that they were racist even by pointing out that one negro minister in his government were taking bribes. He would not even listen to their complaints, stormed off, leaving with the opinion that those ppl were racists. He hated anything a smart indian would have to say. He prefer followers like the Backdam guys.


Uh, seignet, how about the Cent Bread riot I only heard about! And other ethnic antagonisms which were before Jagan's time in politics? Dese damn Ns, dey cant let dey oan settle e oan diffrunces wid ah naddur poysun , dey haz gat to jine in agaynst dem addur peepul! "Dem doant lyke us, datz wy dey iz pikin on we mattee"! Really?!! Only BLM?


That was the putagees and afroes in GT. Angel Gabriel riled up his ppl. Interesting the Governor compensated the Putagees for the Negro damages and din give the Negroes not a cent. Suh, the chile din have a cent to buy the putagee man bread, even after the fighting .

Queen Victoria considered herself to be mother of her colonial ppl. CBJ perhaps had paternal feelings towards all africans. When dem Backdam boi-s sey he is the father of the nation, dey doan realize he is the father of the Black ppl who is rightfull owners of Guyana-being father of the nation.

@Nehru posted:

Seigy, every illiterate person thinks they are Einstein,. Dr Jagan married a NON INDIAN, I bet you did not know that. Stupid people do not know squat!!!

You over here to be insulted. With all the racists comments yuh making at the Backdam, including the other deplorables, your papa CBJ would have certainly distanced himself from you bunch. Einstein and James Dean, I admired those two, I think I am bright as Einstein and cool as James Dean. 

@Nehru posted:

In that case you are an enemy to yourself and country. Not that I needed Dr Jagan to see and know that! As soon as you open your mouth the evidence is CLEAR!!!!

I see you're still wearing your Nehru hat! Are you Indian or Guyanese? I asked this of you on the SN forum. I received no answer probably because SN deleted it! Well, answer this time! And why have you called yourself WCstar there? Do you star in a Water Closet because of your prolific production of ordure, both verbal and physical? What will be your choice of reincarnation, a subject you claim to know so much about?

@Former Member posted:

I see you're still wearing your Nehru hat! Are you Indian or Guyanese? I asked this of you on the SN forum.

I received no answer probably because SN deleted it! Well, answer this time! And why have you called yourself WCstar there? Do you star in a Water Closet because of your prolific production of ordure, both verbal and physical? What will be your choice of reincarnation, a subject you claim to know so much about?

Possibly they are not the same .

@seignet posted:

That was the putagees and afroes in GT. Angel Gabriel riled up his ppl. Interesting the Governor compensated the Putagees for the Negro damages and din give the Negroes not a cent. Suh, the chile din have a cent to buy the putagee man bread, even after the fighting .

Queen Victoria considered herself to be mother of her colonial ppl. CBJ perhaps had paternal feelings towards all africans. When dem Backdam boi-s sey he is the father of the nation, dey doan realize he is the father of the Black ppl who is rightfull owners of Guyana-being father of the nation.

Rightful of owners of what nation, seiggy? The slaves were brought from Africa to be owners? Or to slave away for other people's welfare and die? WTF are you talking about? Bunham USED you! When tf are you going to wake up to that? When the Indos ignore you and finally OWN ALL of the land? Then WHAT? Ask Uncle Sammy to adjudicate? You will lose! More than ever! Did Bunham invite you to share in the land that Jim Jones and his suckers left? Or did he give it to his son-in-law according to what I heard? Wake tf UP and smell the Bunham sh*t you still believe in!

Last edited by Former Member

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