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Ahead of World Press Freedom Day, which will be celebrated on Thursday, the Guyana Press Association(GPA) warned against the circulation of fake news.

In a statement Wednesday, the GPA said while it promotes freedom of expression, it shall not allow the profession of journalism to be smeared by those who promote themselves as the local guardian under the guise of being a media outfit.

As such, the Association said it will seriously consider whether, in the interest of the promotion of high-quality journalism, it shall have to name fake news outlets in an effort to protect unsuspecting members of the public from being duped or adversely influenced by fabricated content.

The GPA is also urging media houses to guard against political interference from both the Government and opposition.

The GPA said Editors and other media managers need to stand up to those in authority who seek to impose restrictions on freedom of expression because of their dislike of the opinions of others.

The Association said the most recent incident of this is the decision by the State-owned Guyana Chronicle to discontinue the contributions by columnists Professor David Hinds and trade unionist, Lincoln Lewis.

“Over the months we have had reports of government officials calling media houses to demand sources from reporters, to demand that media outlets refrain from providing coverage to other public officials and threatening to call the police to remove reporters from public meetings

“These actions are not much different from the days when journalists were banned from the Office of the President or State House and media houses found their economic viability threatened over the withdrawals of state advertisement,” the GPA noted.

According to the Press Association, “None of this does the public we serve any good because, instead of keeping power in check, they are provided information that amounts to half-baked truths that in the final analysis make them less informed and educated to arrive at rational conclusions or decisions.

“The endgame is the cultivation and perpetuation of a destructive media culture in which media operatives see themselves as serving their political masters or other self-serving entities instead of the wider public.”

Further, the GPA raised the issues surrounding the impending Cybercrime Bill and called on the government and the opposition to work together to remove the contentious sedition clause.

Meanwhile, the GPA will be hosting will be hosting a midday lecture in observation of World Press Freedom Day tomorrow at Moray House Trust, Camp and Quamina Street, Georgetown.

The lecture will be done by Trinidadian, Afra Raymond, a leading expert in the fields of property valuation and project management. He is known for battling the government corruption rampant in his country, Trinidad and Tobago.

World Press Freedom Day is being celebrated under the theme: “Keeping Power in Check: Media, Justice and the Rule of Law”.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Resurrecting Burnham the despot,who died in 1985 whom the current population don't know is an attempt in futility.

Baby Kong should have been named in the headline for suppressing freedom of the press,remember this

“These actions are not much different from the days when journalists were banned from the Office of the President or State House and media houses found their economic viability threatened over the withdrawals of state advertisement,” the GPA noted.

The trained PPP propagandist knows how to cover up the wrong doings of their own.

Nothing wrong to change headlines of articles,it should reflect what the writer reports.

GPA mulls exposing ‘fake news’ outlets

The headline of the of the thread is deemed "fake"

Mitwah posted:

Is Harmon the incarnation of Burnham?

Not much known about his past,except was in the YSM,GDF,then became a Lawyer and an active politician in 2011.

Joseph Harmon – APNU

New faces in Parliament

Joe Harmon

This is the Sixteenth in our series on new parliamentarians

After twenty-three years in the Guyana Defence Force and another 15 years as a lawyer in private practice, Joseph Harmon is now an “active politician” and a new face in the 10th sitting of the National Assembly, a sitting he hopes would be the turning point in the country’s history.

Equity in housing distribution, proper infrastructure such as roads and bridges, and a national conversation on the country’s development, bringing together all of the country’s engineers, is what Harmon hopes that this present sitting would achieve.

Harmon also wants people to be recognized for their work and their competence and not just because they are connected with people who are in authority.
“These things we have to stamp out, and I am prepared to lend whatever energies I have to those things. I would like to see this Tenth Parliament become a turning point in the history of this country,” he said.

Sitting down with the Sunday Stabroek, Harmon described Parliament as the “people’s forum” since the people were the ones who voted for the politicians who occupy the chairs, and they want these individuals to work in their best interest.

It has only been a few weeks since Harmon has been occupying one of the 26 seats won by APNU, but he said he is continually driven by what he described as an “enduring image” of a mother on her knees holding up her baby in front of the vehicle transporting himself and Opposition Leader David Granger to meet with President Donald Ramotar in Parliament shortly after the elections.

“She stopped the vehicle, she got down on her knees and she held up the baby and she said, ‘Mr Granger even if y’all ain’t do nothing for me do something for this baby,’” Harmon recalled.

He said every time he sits in Parliament and hears people “pontificating” he remembers the lady on her knees and he also remembers the many workers who said they were dismissed from their work because they wore green – the APNU colour – during the run-up to elections.

In Parliament Harmon’s remit is the area of public infrastructure, housing and water and he said these are the issues that affect the lives of citizens on a daily basis.

“What I would like to see at the level of Parliament is to ensure that there are policies that guarantee equity in the distribution and access to proper housing…“ Harmon said, adding that he does not believe that a house lot is a house.

He said to just give a poor man a house lot and nothing more is to “condemn him to a continued life of poverty.” Harmon said in the National Assembly several proposals and recommendations have been made by other shadow ministers in the past concerning a holistic development in the area of housing and water and the development of communities, that would see the provision of roads, light, water, schools and green space, among others. “I would wish that my tenure in the National Assembly in the Tenth Parliament is marked by some direct input [in the development of communities].”

Further, Harmon wants to see a serious resettlement programme for the large number of squatters, and wherever possible the regularization of squatting areas.
“In my view there is too much unplanned development and I believe if people are given the proper facilities that they will move in that way.”

In terms of public infrastructure, Harmon stressed that infrastructure is what really develops a country – the roads, the bridges – and as such he wants to see a national plan for roads and bridges.

During his budget presentation Harmon called for a national conversation on this issue and for all engineers in Guyana to be utilisied, and for them to sit and down and talk about how the billions of dollars should be spent on public infrastructure. With proper roads and bridges linking the communities, Harmon said it will open up development for Guyana, and instead of most of the population remaining on the coast persons would be encouraged to move to other areas in the country.

“I believe that if we understand that and we provide these facilities people would move, people would move. They would not stay to be flooded out every time the high tide raise,” Harmon said, asking who would want to live in fear when they have the possibility of living better.

Addressing the country’s infrastructure seriously would result in a better life for Guyanese, Harmon said. He is also concerned about the country’s poor search and rescue capability, and even though persons are lost at sea or attacked on the country’s waters very often, Harmon said there is still no institutional capability of handling search and rescue; instead it is done on an ad hoc basis.

“These are not partisan issues, they are issues that affect Guyanese, and these are some of things I would wish to accomplish in the National Assembly. I believe that the National Assembly must work for the people,” he said.

Joseph Harmon revealed that he was born and raised in the West Demerara village of Pouderoyen and completed his schooling on the West Demerara before qualifying to do his ‘A‘ Levels at Queen‘s College. However, because of his circumstances he was unable to take up the opportunity and instead was forced to find employment. He worked for about a year in the Geddes Grant motor sales department before enlisting for the Officer Cadet course, and he rose from the rank of Second Lieutenant following his graduation to Lieutenant Colonel at the time of his retirement.

He applied for early retirement from the army as he wanted to do something else. During his years in the army Harmon took advantage of all the training it provided which took him to many countries, and in his later years he also made use of the opportunity afforded officers to further their studies while still serving. He completed his law degree at Cave Hill in Barbados before attending the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad. On completion of his law studies he served for some time in the army’s legal services department, where he was the Commanding Officer and where he did some prosecution work.

“After that I felt that my skills could be used somewhere else, so I left, I retired,” Harmon said,  adding that he has always held himself out to the army as being prepared to assist in whatever way he could. “I continue to give them assistance, advice in whatever particular field it might be necessary,” Harmon said.

The 15 years he spent in private practice have been a rewarding experience, since he has been able to meet different people almost every day of his life and deal with different issues.

“Every day you do something that impacts on the life of somebody, and so my entry into active politics was not something I think was a big jump from one to another. In my view it was a transition from service in the army, from practice in the army and dealing with the daily issues that affect people, into active politics,” Harmon said.

He went on to say that he used the term “active politics” because he believes that every day people do things that are political in nature even though they are not politicians.

According to Harmon, after some contemplation he recognized where the country was and felt that the skills he had acquired in his years of training and in private practice would have been better utilised in the interest of the people on a national basis. However, while the decision to take this course was a personal one, in large measures his entry into politics “was influenced by the fact that David Granger decided that he was going to run for the office of president.”

Following some lengthy discussions with Granger after he was approached to work with his campaign, Harmon said he thought about it long and hard and joined because he felt the former army head was the right person to run the country. “That was a major factor in the things I considered  that caused me to make the decision to enter politics,” Harmon said, and while Granger was not voted in as president he still feels that he is the man when “you look at what is there on the landscape.”

“I still feel that he is the best person and I continue to work with him, I made the decision in March of 2011 and I have been working with him since then up to now, and I will continue to work with him because I believe his level of integrity, his compassion, his love for people are qualities which are hard to match,” he said.

In his early days Harmon said he was a member of the Young Socialist Movement (YSM) – the youth arm of the PNC – and at one time he was the Chairman of the Pouderoyen YSM group,  later becoming a member of the regional executive of the movement. However, when he joined the army Harmon said he ceased his involvement in politics.

He renewed his membership in 2010 but even in the intervening years he said he kept in touch with what was happening with the party and on several occasions he was the Returning Officer for the elections at the party’s biennial congresses.

Harmon is married with six children and the noticeable scar on his face was a result of a car accident he had many years ago.

Last edited by Django

Not sure about this, Guyana moved up the press freedom index in the most recent report. Unless those managing the index have their eyes closed when it comes to Guyana.


Guyana gains in press freedom ranking

Although Guyana has moved up from 60 to 55 in the latest Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index (RSF), signaling that press freedom in the country has improved, the Guyana Press Association (GPA) says there are still “significant hurdles to be crossed before Guyanese can feel that an improved ranking really matters.”

Ranking ahead of Guyana on the list of 180 countries are fellow Caribbean states Jamaica, at six, Suriname, at 21, and Trinidad and Tobago at 39

Reeper posted:

Not sure about this, Guyana moved up the press freedom index in the most recent report. Unless those managing the index have their eyes closed when it comes to Guyana.


Guyana gains in press freedom ranking

Although Guyana has moved up from 60 to 55 in the latest Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index (RSF), signaling that press freedom in the country has improved, the Guyana Press Association (GPA) says there are still “significant hurdles to be crossed before Guyanese can feel that an improved ranking really matters.”

Ranking ahead of Guyana on the list of 180 countries are fellow Caribbean states Jamaica, at six, Suriname, at 21, and Trinidad and Tobago at 39

That's true

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Resurrecting Burnham the despot,who died in 1985 whom the current population don't know is an attempt in futility.

Baby Kong should have been named in the headline for suppressing freedom of the press,remember this

“These actions are not much different from the days when journalists were banned from the Office of the President or State House and media houses found their economic viability threatened over the withdrawals of state advertisement,” the GPA noted.

The trained PPP propagandist knows how to cover up the wrong doings of their own.

Nothing wrong to change headlines of articles,it should reflect what the writer reports.

GPA mulls exposing ‘fake news’ outlets

The headline of the of the thread is deemed "fake"

I think you loosing your fk mind . PPP open press freedom in Guyana . 

Am I missing something here. Is the press association speaking of PPP who is in opposition . 

You need to shut you skt and accept reality . WTF with u 

Dave posted:
I think you loosing your fk mind . PPP open press freedom in Guyana .
Am I missing something here. Is the press association speaking of PPP who is in opposition .
You need to shut you skt and accept reality . WTF with u 

What's with the cursing up?  

Dave posted:

I think you loosing your fk mind . PPP open press freedom in Guyana . 

Am I missing something here. Is the press association speaking of PPP who is in opposition . 

You need to shut you skt and accept reality . WTF with u 

Apparently you didn't comprehend the article.

Press Freedom was opened up under Desmond Hoyte,who you fooling,trying to change history.

You are brainwashed.

Last edited by Django
Leonora posted:
Dave posted:
I think you loosing your fk mind . PPP open press freedom in Guyana .
Am I missing something here. Is the press association speaking of PPP who is in opposition .
You need to shut you skt and accept reality . WTF with u 

What's with the cursing up?  

Suh the PPP-ites behave when confronted with their lies.

Nehru posted:


You are correct !!

"The Stabroek News, has learned it is now under a total effective boycott by state advertisers after the Government Information Agency (GINA) on 6 February cancelled advertising space booked in the paper for the Guyana Revenue Authority. Since November 2006, this was the last body still placing advertising in the Stabroek News."

"The four-month suspension of CNS Channel Six, a privately-owned opposition TV station, at President Bharrat Jagdeo’s behest will begin on 1 December instead of the original date of 3 October. The president himself announced this on 9 October at the same time as he announced that the general and regional elections will take place on 28 November."

"Reporters Without Borders voiced shock today at the news that journalist Ronald Waddell, a former talk-show host on HBTV Channel 9, was gunned down outside his home in the Georgetown suburb of Subryanville on 30 January. Waddell was also an opposition activist who was outspoken in his criticism of the current government.

“The circumstances of Waddell's murder resemble the extrajudicial executions he had denounced on the air,” the press freedom organisation said. “The suspicion that his killing was politically"

"In its 31 January decision, the high court ordered CNS's suspension as a temporary measure until it issues a ruling on the legality of the government's decision to suspend the station's licence for a month.

"Suspending a news media is an unacceptable act of censorship when it is done to stifle criticism of the government," Reporters Without Borders said today in reference to the suspension of Guyana's CNS Channel Six television station, announced by the government on 22 January and provisionally upheld by the high court on 31 January.

"This is why we call on the Guyanese authorities to lift this measure and restore the equipment confiscated from CNS as soon as possible," the press freedom organisation said."


You can read the full article here


There are two reports under the coalition.

"Moseley found himself denied access to the office of the president on 13 July after covering a diploma award ceremony. The security services told him that the Government Information Agency (GINA) had withdrawn his accreditation for the president's office and official residence."

"Reporters Without Borders (RSF) urges President David A. Granger not to assent to the Broadcasting Bill that was adopted by Guyana’s National Assembly last Friday, and calls for consultations with broadcasters in order to take into account their recommendations. The current Bill, which was adopted without such consultation, raises multiple press freedom concerns."

Nehru posted:
Riff posted:

Hoyte was responsible for freedom of press

Really????  WOW!!  New News I guess.

The Stabroek News is a privately owned newspaper published in Guyana.It was first published in November 1986, first as a weekly but it later changed to a daily print newspaper.[1] The entry of the paper into the mass media in Guyana brought a new openness to the media environment in the country.[2] It was founded by David DeCaires, who died on November 1, 2008.[3]


Who attacked KN because they spoke out against the PPP govt?

Who attacked KN's editor by throwing filth at him because he spoke out against the PPP?

Who did not speak out against these actions while in govt?

After answering these truthfully, Mr Shithead Filthead should go bury his face in the sand.

Last edited by cain

PPP Press freedom in Guyana? That's a joke. The PPP hired Roger Khan to murder Wadell because he dared to speak out against the govt. They fired Freddie Kissoon and his wife from government jobs because he dared to criticize the PPP. Threw a bucket of shit on him, hired someone to punch him, and cooked up a fake lawsuit for libel. They had Kurshit holding tax evasion charges against the man so that he could keep quiet. Threw Benschop in jail on a trumped up charge for exposing the murderous and corrupt ways of the PPP. Stopped government ads in the Stabroek and Kaieteur News, two newspapers with the largest circulation, and gave them to Bobby's Guyana Times which is used for toilet paper and wrapping fish. Prevented Lindeners from having TV stations. Gave the radio licences to their cronies only. Murdered reporters from the Kaieteur News. Trumped up phony tax evasion charges against Lall because he exposed Kurshit and Bai Shan Lin. The Minister barges into the Government radio station and orders them not to play calypsoes critical of the government. Chat3 Nandlall's threats against the Kaieteur News. They sue every media outlet and take them before their Kangaroo Court if they dare to expose PPP corruption. That's the PPP press freedom we had in Guyana. 

Last edited by Mars
Django posted:

Resurrecting Burnham the despot,who died in 1985 whom the current population don't know is an attempt in futility.

Baby Kong should have been named in the headline for suppressing freedom of the press,remember this

“These actions are not much different from the days when journalists were banned from the Office of the President or State House and media houses found their economic viability threatened over the withdrawals of state advertisement,” the GPA noted.

The trained PPP propagandist knows how to cover up the wrong doings of their own.

Nothing wrong to change headlines of articles,it should reflect what the writer reports.

GPA mulls exposing ‘fake news’ outlets

The headline of the of the thread is deemed "fake"

This was extracted from the press release .


Old man This is your home work.

Stop live in denial.

“Over the months we have had reports of government officials calling media houses to demand sources from reporters, to demand that media outlets refrain from providing coverage to other public officials and threatening to call the police to remove reporters from public meetings

cain posted:
Nehru posted:

Attacking a Paper by speaking out against what they wrote is NOT an attack on Freedom Of the Press. Both sides has that Freedom!


It is too difficult for you??

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Riff posted:

Hoyte was responsible for freedom of press

Really????  WOW!!  New News I guess.

The Stabroek News is a privately owned newspaper published in Guyana.It was first published in November 1986, first as a weekly but it later changed to a daily print newspaper.[1] The entry of the paper into the mass media in Guyana brought a new openness to the media environment in the country.[2] It was founded by David DeCaires, who died on November 1, 2008.[3]


Guyana moves up on World Press Freedom Index

Georgetown, GINA, February 14, 2014

Guyana has moved up two places on the 2014 Reporters without Borders World Press Freedom Index; ranking at 67 out of 180 countries. Last year, the country came in at number 69 out of 179 countries.
Reporters without Borders is a non-profit organisation based in France. The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published by this body based upon its assessment of the countries’ press freedom records in the previous year.
In Guyana, over the last 20 years under the PPP/C led Administration, the local media fraternity, both print and electronic, has grown exponentially.
The enactment of the Broadcast Act paved the way for the establishment of a new regime of rules and procedures by which persons can participate in an open and competitive broadcasting sector. This Act established the Guyana Broadcasting Authority (GNBA).
While the role of the State-owned media must be recognised, the GNBA ensures fairness and balance. In essence, the broadcast industry in Guyana is seen as plural and open to fair competition.
Over the last 20 years under the PPP/C Administration, the print media has increased from two to four daily newspapers, three of which are privately own, from just three television stations to over 20 and from just one radio station to now over 10.
Additionally, there are several internet-based news outlets. As recent as December last year, the GNBA sent out 16 more letters of approval for broadcasting licences.



The media expanded under the PPP,which i am not in disagreement,there was a lot that the PPP did to suppress freedom of the Press.


Here is 2018 ranking,four years from 2014 ranking of 67


in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index

Last edited by Django
Django posted:


The media expanded under the PPP,which i am not in disagreement,there was a lot that the PPP did to suppress freedom of the Press.


Here is 2018 ranking,four years from 2014 ranking of 67


in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index

I understand what you’re saying dude, but did you foresee muzzling Of press freedom with the press release . 

They speak of both government and opposition, but when the current government is threatening reporters with the law. This is going back to the dark days, we don’t want to relive.. don’t you agree .

Dave posted:
Django posted:


The media expanded under the PPP,which i am not in disagreement,there was a lot that the PPP did to suppress freedom of the Press.


Here is 2018 ranking,four years from 2014 ranking of 67


in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index

I understand what you’re saying dude, but did you foresee muzzling Of press freedom with the press release . 

They speak of both government and opposition, but when the current government is threatening reporters with the law. This is going back to the dark days, we don’t want to relive.. don’t you agree .

Fear not no dark days will return. Modern times,lots of media in the homeland,thanks to the PPP.

Mars posted:

PPP Press freedom in Guyana? That's a joke. The PPP hired Roger Khan to murder Wadell because he dared to speak out against the govt. They fired Freddie Kissoon and his wife from government jobs because he dared to criticize the PPP. Threw a bucket of shit on him, hired someone to punch him, and cooked up a fake lawsuit for libel. They had Kurshit holding tax evasion charges against the man so that he could keep quiet. Threw Benschop in jail on a trumped up charge for exposing the murderous and corrupt ways of the PPP. Stopped government ads in the Stabroek and Kaieteur News, two newspapers with the largest circulation, and gave them to Bobby's Guyana Times which is used for toilet paper and wrapping fish. Prevented Lindeners from having TV stations. Gave the radio licences to their cronies only. Murdered reporters from the Kaieteur News. Trumped up phony tax evasion charges against Lall because he exposed Kurshit and Bai Shan Lin. The Minister barges into the Government radio station and orders them not to play calypsoes critical of the government. Chat3 Nandlall's threats against the Kaieteur News. They sue every media outlet and take them before their Kangaroo Court if they dare to expose PPP corruption. That's the PPP press freedom we had in Guyana. 

Some of these are opinions, some possibly true but not all facts.  Benschop was involved in agitating a crowd that led to deaths, let us not sanitize history. 

Reeper posted:
Mars posted:

PPP Press freedom in Guyana? That's a joke. The PPP hired Roger Khan to murder Wadell because he dared to speak out against the govt. They fired Freddie Kissoon and his wife from government jobs because he dared to criticize the PPP. Threw a bucket of shit on him, hired someone to punch him, and cooked up a fake lawsuit for libel. They had Kurshit holding tax evasion charges against the man so that he could keep quiet. Threw Benschop in jail on a trumped up charge for exposing the murderous and corrupt ways of the PPP. Stopped government ads in the Stabroek and Kaieteur News, two newspapers with the largest circulation, and gave them to Bobby's Guyana Times which is used for toilet paper and wrapping fish. Prevented Lindeners from having TV stations. Gave the radio licences to their cronies only. Murdered reporters from the Kaieteur News. Trumped up phony tax evasion charges against Lall because he exposed Kurshit and Bai Shan Lin. The Minister barges into the Government radio station and orders them not to play calypsoes critical of the government. Chat3 Nandlall's threats against the Kaieteur News. They sue every media outlet and take them before their Kangaroo Court if they dare to expose PPP corruption. That's the PPP press freedom we had in Guyana. 

Some of these are opinions, some possibly true but not all facts.  Benschop was involved in agitating a crowd that led to deaths, let us not sanitize history. 

Benschop was part of a protest March. A few of the protesters stormed the compound of the Office of the President. Is he responsible for the actions of those who tried to breach the OP compound? He was tried for the trumped up charges and after the trial he was still innocent of those charges. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:


The media expanded under the PPP,which i am not in disagreement,there was a lot that the PPP did to suppress freedom of the Press.


Here is 2018 ranking,four years from 2014 ranking of 67


in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index

I understand what you’re saying dude, but did you foresee muzzling Of press freedom with the press release . 

They speak of both government and opposition, but when the current government is threatening reporters with the law. This is going back to the dark days, we don’t want to relive.. don’t you agree .

Fear not no dark days will return. Modern times,lots of media in the homeland,thanks to the PPP.

Great confidence Djanjo!! Like that . Cheers...

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Dave, the AFC is not supporting the bill. That's what I heard this AM.

That bill can't pass,it will have to be sanitize.

I think Harmon is the incarnation of Forbes.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Dave, the AFC is not supporting the bill. That's what I heard this AM.

That bill can't pass,it will have to be sanitize.

I think Harmon is the incarnation of Forbes.

Hopefully he doesn't become the President of Guyana and practice some of the traits,there will be civil war.


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