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Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Suh how the r@ss do arrived that may not have much education.

Compared to others who discuss intellectual matters, you fall short. But no sweat, you give the perspective of the blue collar among us. 

So Drugb is an intellectual discussing intellectual matters?

You should bow to your intellectual superiors and recognize that you are a mere mortal compared to a giant like druggie.  

I suspect that "intellectual" and "Drugb" in the same sentence might be an aberration of intellect.

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

In addition to the above, we all must remember that Drugb habitually berates other posters. Drugb ridiculed Warrior who had built and donated a modest house to a poor family in Guyana. Drugb always tried to belittle Stormborn's Howard University certification. Just two examples.

Drugb can speak out against the PNC; I have no problem with that. But in the process he must cease denigrating other posters with malicious and offensive labels.

Warrior, a man who builds a house without foundation and then comes here to brag is not a man of good character.  D2, another braggart, who supported the pnc and extols his alleged achievements  must be brought down to earth.  This is where I come in, guided by an invisible hand to bring balance. 


Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Suh how the r@ss do arrived that may not have much education.

Compared to others who discuss intellectual matters, you fall short. But no sweat, you give the perspective of the blue collar among us. 

So Drugb is an intellectual discussing intellectual matters?

You should bow to your intellectual superiors and recognize that you are a mere mortal compared to a giant like druggie.  

Drugb posted:

This is not what you mooks were saying during PPP time. You blamed them if a black stump his toe or a buck man sell his daughter into prostitution.


The above coming from a man of good character and intellectual,you need it never too late.

Django posted:

The above coming from a man of good character and intellectual,you need it never too late.

I am flattered for a moment that you took the time to read all my comments. However this flattery was fleeting at the realization that this was coming from a slop can carrier.  

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

The above coming from a man of good character and intellectual,you need it never too late.

I am flattered for a moment that you took the time to read all my comments. However this flattery was fleeting at the realization that this was coming from a slop can carrier.  

Don't start strutting. You are still ugly, stupid and dirty from slurping all the slops.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

The above coming from a man of good character and intellectual,you need it never too late.

I am flattered for a moment that you took the time to read all my comments. However this flattery was fleeting at the realization that this was coming from a slop can carrier.  

Drugb posted:

This is not what you mooks were saying during PPP time. You blamed them if a black stump his toe or a buck man sell his daughter into prostitution. 


An introspect is needed on the Condescending ways you use to demean people.

This is public forum,one can choose what the want to read.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

The above coming from a man of good character and intellectual,you need it never too late.

I am flattered for a moment that you took the time to read all my comments. However this flattery was fleeting at the realization that this was coming from a slop can carrier.  

Drugb posted:

This is not what you mooks were saying during PPP time. You blamed them if a black stump his toe or a buck man sell his daughter into prostitution. 


An introspect is needed on the Condescending ways you use to demean people.

This is public forum,one can choose what the want to read.

This is the truth,  go back and scour the archives, see how the PPP were criticized by lilmohan, jalil and the many others for every conceivable ill in Guyana, whether justifiable or not. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

The above coming from a man of good character and intellectual,you need it never too late.

I am flattered for a moment that you took the time to read all my comments. However this flattery was fleeting at the realization that this was coming from a slop can carrier.  

Drugb posted:

This is not what you mooks were saying during PPP time. You blamed them if a black stump his toe or a buck man sell his daughter into prostitution. 


An introspect is needed on the Condescending ways you use to demean people.

This is public forum,one can choose what the want to read.

This is the truth,  go back and scour the archives, see how the PPP were criticized by lilmohan, jalil and the many others for every conceivable ill in Guyana, whether justifiable or not. 

I am going to fix your loose screw as soon as I can get you to stop running around in circles stinking up the place. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

The above coming from a man of good character and intellectual,you need it never too late.

I am flattered for a moment that you took the time to read all my comments. However this flattery was fleeting at the realization that this was coming from a slop can carrier.  

Drugb posted:

This is not what you mooks were saying during PPP time. You blamed them if a black stump his toe or a buck man sell his daughter into prostitution. 


An introspect is needed on the Condescending ways you use to demean people.

This is public forum,one can choose what the want to read.

This is the truth,  go back and scour the archives, see how the PPP were criticized by lilmohan, jalil and the many others for every conceivable ill in Guyana, whether justifiable or not. 

Is it acceptable to describe ones opposition to a party in gov't by that "crude and condescending" manner.

Living in a first world country have done you no good,i usually keep my distance from people of your ilk to avoid contamination.

Django posted:
Is it acceptable to describe ones opposition to a party in gov't by that "crude and condescending" manner.Living in a first world country have done you no good,i usually keep my distance from people of your ilk to avoid contamination.

It is perfectly acceptable within literary circles to use sarcasm to convey a point.  You being of lesser knowledge would not be aware of this. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Is it acceptable to describe ones opposition to a party in gov't by that "crude and condescending" manner.Living in a first world country have done you no good,i usually keep my distance from people of your ilk to avoid contamination.

It is perfectly acceptable within literary circles to use sarcasm to convey a point.  You being of lesser knowledge would not be aware of this. 

Drugb posted:

This is not what you mooks were saying during PPP time. You blamed them if a black stump his toe or a buck man sell his daughter into prostitution. 

Is this literary ??

you are condescending,talking about knowledge one have to ponder on that.

Have a great day.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Is it acceptable to describe ones opposition to a party in gov't by that "crude and condescending" manner.Living in a first world country have done you no good,i usually keep my distance from people of your ilk to avoid contamination.

It is perfectly acceptable within literary circles to use sarcasm to convey a point.  You being of lesser knowledge would not be aware of this. 

Drugb posted:

This is not what you mooks were saying during PPP time. You blamed them if a black stump his toe or a buck man sell his daughter into prostitution. 

Is this literary ??

you are condescending,talking about knowledge one have to ponder on that.

Have a great day.

I guess KP did not read that.

Drugb posted:

This is the truth,  go back and scour the archives, see how the PPP were criticized by lilmohan, jalil and the many others for every conceivable ill in Guyana, whether justifiable or not. 

Druggie if the moon falls down to earth you will wail about Granger.  You blame Granger for the state of Guysuco even as it was inherited BANKRUPT from Jagdeo/Ramotar.

I have no problem with you criticizing Granger and in fact more often than not I have the same opinion.  Its your hypocrisy about Jagdeo which is the issue.  He was no better than these clowns.

Everyday starving Venezuelan soldiers come through the bush begging ordinary Guyanese for food.  THAT is the country that Jagdeo screamed that we should sell rice to even as that country tried to sabotage the Exxon deal. 

Where does he think that Venezuela would find the $$$ to pay?  Don't say with oil as Venezuela needs every ounce of hard currency it can get so wasn't going to swap this for rice.  In any case as poor as it is Venezuela also isn't going to pay prices any higher than the world markets.

So as far as I can see Granger is a jackass but then so too is Jagdeo.  I can think of nothing that he did and currently screams should be done that indicates that he is anything other than a fake doctor.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Is it acceptable to describe ones opposition to a party in gov't by that "crude and condescending" manner.Living in a first world country have done you no good,i usually keep my distance from people of your ilk to avoid contamination.

It is perfectly acceptable within literary circles to use sarcasm to convey a point.  You being of lesser knowledge would not be aware of this. 

It is also a sign of poor education when one uses vulgarity as sarcasm.  I use that directed at you because this is clearly your level of cognitive ability.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Is it acceptable to describe ones opposition to a party in gov't by that "crude and condescending" manner.Living in a first world country have done you no good,i usually keep my distance from people of your ilk to avoid contamination.

It is perfectly acceptable within literary circles to use sarcasm to convey a point.  You being of lesser knowledge would not be aware of this. 

It is also a sign of poor education when one uses vulgarity as sarcasm.  I use that directed at you because this is clearly your level of cognitive ability.

Apparently you don't know the meaning of the words you use. what is vulgar about a black man stumping his toes and PPP getting blamed for it?

Drugb posted:

Apparently you don't know the meaning of the words you use. what is vulgar about a black man stumping his toes and PPP getting blamed for it?

The crime syndicate of your idol, the Rat, and his abuse of power are vulgar.

Wahappen bai... like you abandon defending the Rat's nefarious activities concerning NBS.

antabanta posted:

The crime syndicate of your idol, the Rat, and his abuse of power are vulgar.

Wahappen bai... like you abandon defending the Rat's nefarious activities concerning NBS.

Don't know this rat or any abuse of power. What I do know is that Jagdeo pull the teeth out of the PNC. After his rule, street protest, mo fiah slow fiah etc came to an end.  In fact you folks were have heart palpitations at the hint that he may run for a 3rd term. This is in direct conflict to your assertions about him. Why was he so popular among the people to the point that the slop can crew were going into epileptic convulsions every someone mentioned Jagdeo and a 3rd term?

Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:

The crime syndicate of your idol, the Rat, and his abuse of power are vulgar.

Wahappen bai... like you abandon defending the Rat's nefarious activities concerning NBS.

Don't know this rat or any abuse of power. What I do know is that Jagdeo pull the teeth out of the PNC. After his rule, street protest, mo fiah slow fiah etc came to an end.  In fact you folks were have heart palpitations at the hint that he may run for a 3rd term. This is in direct conflict to your assertions about him. Why was he so popular among the people to the point that the slop can crew were going into epileptic convulsions every someone mentioned Jagdeo and a 3rd term?

Jagdeo gave the PNC Belly wuk to such an extent that the Slop Can Crew is still carrying it till today.

Jagdeo took the bull by the horn and destroyed the PNC terrorist organization. Sadly, Jackass Granger is rebuilding it again by Invoking Burnham's Jumbie.

Many from the AFC/PNC crew will have to deal with more heart burn if Jagdeo decides to run for a third term. I guarantee anyone that this time around, the PNC terrorists will be exterminated from the face of the earth if Jagdeo takes office again.

Berbicians are living in fear today as the PNC style robberies have returned to the ancient county. They are praying for the return of their Boss man Jagdeo.

In the meanwhile, idiot Ramjattan still cannot figure out how to run a Security ministry. Rohee was 1,000,000 times better than that Idiot Ramjattan.

And this thread about Burnham fighting for equality is sheer BS. Burnham was worse than a stray dog.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:

The crime syndicate of your idol, the Rat, and his abuse of power are vulgar.

Wahappen bai... like you abandon defending the Rat's nefarious activities concerning NBS.

Don't know this rat or any abuse of power. What I do know is that Jagdeo pull the teeth out of the PNC. After his rule, street protest, mo fiah slow fiah etc came to an end.  In fact you folks were have heart palpitations at the hint that he may run for a 3rd term. This is in direct conflict to your assertions about him. Why was he so popular among the people to the point that the slop can crew were going into epileptic convulsions every someone mentioned Jagdeo and a 3rd term?

Don't mistake disgust for heart palpitations. You still cannot provide any details of how the Rat did what you credit him for. I told you what happened.

antabanta posted:

Don't mistake disgust for heart palpitations. You still cannot provide any details of how the Rat did what you credit him for. I told you what happened.

We don't want you to go into further convulsions if we reveal how Jaggy brought down the PNC.  Let's just say it is top secret, not even the CIA or Wikileaks dare divulge the information. Lets just say it was a joint effort. 


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