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Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Ban am was a bad, bad man. 


His reign was a reign of terror and racial and political discrimination as state policy.


That's why people like old riggers like Alexander should stop resurrecting his jumbie every year.  

bai...yuh don't know bout real terror...Forbes was ahead of his time


Look how good he was


1> PPP still using his constitution

2> Jagan believed in Burnham's Feed, Clothe and House the Nation

3> Guyana was the bread basket of the Caribbean under Burnham

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Ban am was a bad, bad man. 


His reign was a reign of terror and racial and political discrimination as state policy.


That's why people like old riggers like Alexander should stop resurrecting his jumbie every year.  

bai...yuh don't know bout real terror...Forbes was ahead of his time


Look how good he was


1> PPP still using his constitution

2> Jagan believed in Burnham's Feed, Clothe and House the Nation

3> Guyana was the bread basket of the Caribbean under Burnham

HAHAHA   Guyanese were starving.  Bannas yuh nah gat shame.

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Why is Guyana importing Fruta from the Caribbean when we can make our own brand of juices with all the fruits we have?  That makes no sense at all.


The PPP has done almost nothing in 23 years in food processing and canning industries in all the rural areas.  Their main priority is hotels.

That is the undertaking of private venture. Yesu doing canning already.


The PPP leadership believe they can win the May 11 elections by focusing on Burnham and his party. It is a deliberate ploy to avoid accounting to the electorate for their shameless rampant corruption, nepotism, cronyism and extravagant lifestyle. They don't even feel confident to campaign on their track record, which is really what the elections are about.


The worst of the PPP is better that the best of the PNC. I live it. I experience it. I refuse to be a traitor that speak in public and forgive the sins of the PNC for committed crimes against huminity for decades. It was finally said that the PNC never won election once in 28 years. Therefore, the rigging will never happen again. Let the voters decide their faith. Any Indian that knowingly support any illegal government for 28 years is an ememy of the state and should be dealth with severly.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

PPP in financial trouble? I was invited to a fund raising event with Ramotar as the main speaker.... date not yet worked out.

Pass the invitation on to yuji. He has deep pockets, and some more. Donald will give yuji a big appreciative bearhug.



I love and support the PPP and it ends right there. I am not part of any political party nor do I engage in financial contributions to any political party.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

PPP in financial trouble? I was invited to a fund raising event with Ramotar as the main speaker.... date not yet worked out.

Pass the invitation on to yuji. He has deep pockets, and some more. Donald will give yuji a big appreciative bearhug.



I love and support the PPP and it ends right there. I am not part of any political party nor do I engage in financial contributions to any political party.



Too bad, too bad, yuji. Your PPP needs not only lip service but tangible support. For 23 years I dug deep into my shallow working-class pockets and handed over to the PPP dollar after dollar after dollar, as well as my time for voluntary party work, up to May 1992.

Now, just as you're supporting the PPP on GNI, I'm supporting APNU+AFC, but for me it doesn't end here. I've been sending small cash contributions since last September and will send a little more before May 11. I put my money where my mouth is.


Last edited by Former Member

 "Any Indian that knowingly support any illegal government for 28 years is an ememy of the state and should be dealth with severly."

Burnham and Hoyte died long ago; don't dig them up.


Granger is new, had not been a party executive and is a moderate. He has sidelined the militant wing of the PNC.


The PPP has refused local govt elections for 20 years.  The PNC rigged; the PPP frigged.  PNC rigging = PPP rigging by stealing your right to vote in LGE.


Jagotar asked, "Do you want LGE or general election?"  Just like Burnham asking, "you want increase in pay or electricity?"


Shouldn't your statement say any Indian who votes for the PPP participates in their kleptocracy and should be dealt with?


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