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Former Member

Following a request by PNC member of parliament and former Finance Minister in the PNC government, Carl Greenidge that the House be provided with “a list of all the transactions involving the granting to former Presidents or Prime Ministers whilst they were still in office, title to state lands and properties" and that "the price per acre, the total cost, the size of the plot and other terms and conditions" also be provided it was revealed that such transactions were extended only to two persons and they both were from the PNC.

Manager of the Land Administration Division of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC) E. Monize, declared that all transactions regarding State lands and ex-Presidents, Prime Ministers and their spouses involved Mrs. Viola Burnham, wife of former President Forbes Burnham and Mr. Ptolemy Reid.

Written details of the information was submitted to Leader of the House, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and circulated in the National Assembly today in response to the question posed by opposition M.P Carl Greenidge.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

As a boy growing up we were fed with PPP kool aid that Burnham had hundreds of missions US$ in a Swiss bank. Why is the good lady choosing a cheap govt house lot? After all there must be millions? It is amazing how the lies are unraveling as people observe the wealth accumulation of Jagdeo, Irfan Ally, Robert Persaud, Lumumba and others. 


Manager of the Land Administration Division of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC) E. Monize, declared that all transactions regarding State lands and ex-Presidents, Prime Ministers and their spouses involved Mrs. Viola Burnham, wife of former President Forbes Burnham and Mr. Ptolemy Reid.


These records speaks for themselves

Originally Posted by TK:

As a boy growing up we were fed with PPP kool aid that Burnham had hundreds of missions US$ in a Swiss bank. Why is the good lady choosing a cheap govt house lot? After all there must be millions? It is amazing how the lies are unraveling as people observe the wealth accumulation of Jagdeo, Irfan Ally, Robert Persaud, Lumumba and others. 

I think Burnham did steal a lot but made bad investments in Africa and other places and lost it.

Originally Posted by General:

These old crooks are still looking for handouts. I remember many years ago when Burnham was accredited the title of  "one of the richest black person in the western world."

His family members are reaping the benefits of him raping the nation. You are correct, they are still looking for more handouts. They missed getting every thing for free. Who knows, they might still be associated to organized crime. They cannot steal land; this maybe the reason they decide to try to beg for it. They got no shame; the more they have, the more they want. Go figure.

Originally Posted by TK:

As a boy growing up we were fed with PPP kool aid that Burnham had hundreds of missions US$ in a Swiss bank. Why is the good lady choosing a cheap govt house lot? After all there must be millions? It is amazing how the lies are unraveling as people observe the wealth accumulation of Jagdeo, Irfan Ally, Robert Persaud, Lumumba and others. 

And the PPP is still at it whilst stealing more on a yearly basis than Burnham could ever possibly have managed.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by General:

These old crooks are still looking for handouts. I remember many years ago when Burnham was accredited the title of  "one of the richest black person in the western world."

His family members are reaping the benefits of him raping the nation. You are correct, they are still looking for more handouts. They missed getting every thing for free. Who knows, they might still be associated to organized crime. They cannot steal land; this maybe the reason they decide to try to beg for it. They got no shame; the more they have, the more they want. Go figure.

There is very little land left. The PPP has shared it out amongst friends in and outside of Guyana. The PNC stole a plot or two. The PPP is stealing the whole country bit by bit.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by General:

These old crooks are still looking for handouts. I remember many years ago when Burnham was accredited the title of  "one of the richest black person in the western world."

His family members are reaping the benefits of him raping the nation. You are correct, they are still looking for more handouts. They missed getting every thing for free. Who knows, they might still be associated to organized crime. They cannot steal land; this maybe the reason they decide to try to beg for it. They got no shame; the more they have, the more they want. Go figure.

There is very little land left. The PPP has shared it out amongst friends in and outside of Guyana. The PNC stole a plot or two. The PPP is stealing the whole country bit by bit.


Where is your evidence of this? Corruption exists in all govt, the PNC situation was much different that the PPP's. The country was in the toilet during the PnC era. Today under the PPP it is flourishing despite attempts by the AFC/PNC terrorist activities and obstructionist pursuits in parliament. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by General:

These old crooks are still looking for handouts. I remember many years ago when Burnham was accredited the title of  "one of the richest black person in the western world."

His family members are reaping the benefits of him raping the nation. You are correct, they are still looking for more handouts. They missed getting every thing for free. Who knows, they might still be associated to organized crime. They cannot steal land; this maybe the reason they decide to try to beg for it. They got no shame; the more they have, the more they want. Go figure.

This is Jagdeo you talking bout here skelly boi. Not Burnham. Good description. Glad to see that you seeing the light and willing to call out your fellow PPP members. Truth and Justice will prevail.

Originally Posted by General:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

If Burnham was the world's richest black man then them black man really really poor because Burnham lived in rented house and state owned house until he dead.

 but have you seen the "renting houses he lived in"?


At the end of the day it was still rented houses. His family had to pack up and leave when Hoyte took over.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

As a boy growing up we were fed with PPP kool aid that Burnham had hundreds of missions US$ in a Swiss bank. Why is the good lady choosing a cheap govt house lot? After all there must be millions? It is amazing how the lies are unraveling as people observe the wealth accumulation of Jagdeo, Irfan Ally, Robert Persaud, Lumumba and others. 

I think Burnham did steal a lot but made bad investments in Africa and other places and lost it.

Yes...yes...I guess you guys have to maintain the image of the bad blackman Burnham with Swiss bank accounts while turning a blind eye at more transparent raping of the people's monies.  


If the voters are prepared to watch the PPP rape and pillage the country then they are prepared to vote in any other party. The facst speak for themselves. Crime and corruption under any previous government was a mere fraction of what it is now. Many unsubstantiated claims are made against the PNC by people who have stolen more than Burnham ever did. Even albert and conscience earn more than Burnham was paid as president. And of course PPP thieves won't want to see that stop.

Originally Posted by warrior:

BURHAM wife live on this land for over 40 yrs,i can remember going into the gardens, where her buffalo use to graze.but what the government is not saying is the land next to hers was given to lambuma,he already clear it,now how this fool get this expensive peice of land 

Burnham rented Belfield and he lived in Castalani house.  His family had to pack up and move from both homes after he died and Hoyte took over.  His wife had some lease land (leased from the state) at the back of the gardens about 2 to 3 acreas and they had some buffalo that was gven to them by inderia gandhi.   The land had an old falling down house that the workers use to stay in. The state eventually gave her the land because she had no where to stay in Georgetown. I use to work in the foreign dog kennel up the road from where the farm was so I know what was going on from talking to the man who was working on the farm.  

Originally Posted by warrior:

BURHAM wife live on this land for over 40 yrs,i can remember going into the gardens, where her buffalo use to graze.but what the government is not saying is the land next to hers was given to lambuma,he already clear it,now how this fool get this expensive peice of land 

It's called poetic justice bai warria. How are youthese days man?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

BURHAM wife live on this land for over 40 yrs,i can remember going into the gardens, where her buffalo use to graze.but what the government is not saying is the land next to hers was given to lambuma,he already clear it,now how this fool get this expensive peice of land 

It's called poetic justice bai warria. How are youthese days man?

How the F--- is that poetic justice.  Lumomboo was a Hamilton Greene big and bad man

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by warrior:

BURHAM wife live on this land for over 40 yrs,i can remember going into the gardens, where her buffalo use to graze.but what the government is not saying is the land next to hers was given to lambuma,he already clear it,now how this fool get this expensive peice of land 

Burnham rented Belfield and he lived in Castalani house.  His family had to pack up and move from both homes after he died and Hoyte took over.  His wife had some lease land (leased from the state) at the back of the gardens about 2 to 3 acreas and they had some buffalo that was gven to them by inderia gandhi.   The land had an old falling down house that the workers use to stay in. The state eventually gave her the land because she had no where to stay in Georgetown. I use to work in the foreign dog kennel up the road from where the farm was so I know what was going on from talking to the man who was working on the farm.  



That is some interesting info Prashad. What do you think about the rumors that Burnham had Swiss bank accounts. Look how people like McDavid and pretty poor these days. The Burnhams are living average lives commensurate with qualifications.


The Swiss bank account rumours were spread by the PPP in order to create even more distrust in the PNC. But as time has shown there were never such accounts and all the money that Burnham is supposed to have stolen has never surfaced. But till today the PPP keeps peddling that lie in the hope that it will justify the massive thefts by PPP officials.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The Swiss bank account rumours were spread by the PPP in order to create even more distrust in the PNC. But as time has shown there were never such accounts and all the money that Burnham is supposed to have stolen has never surfaced. But till today the PPP keeps peddling that lie in the hope that it will justify the massive thefts by PPP officials.

Then one has to ask, what happened to all the assets of the nations that "evaporated" during their era.  If he didn't tief, then someone did...and I'm confident was not Jagan.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Then one has to ask, what happened to all the assets of the nations that "evaporated" during their era.

as you well know, nothing "evaporated" during Burnham rule . . . the assets of the nation that were accumulated by the PNC state were, in 1992, inherited by the PPP and, [much of which] have, in turn, been smartly 'acquired' for a song by the NEPS, foreign [and local] criminal associates, and sundry antiman cronies (including ministers) under Jagdeo


please don't embarrass yourself further by asking for examples 

Last edited by Former Member

More fiction from the “Indo” propagandist.   This claim of Swiss bank account and being the richest Blackman is rubbish.  No evidence has been produced to support this claim.  It was and remains propaganda.  If the Baseman has evidence he should produce it. Look, if that was the case why has the PPP govt not gone after those accounts and any assets owned by Burnham.  The fact that no investigation was ever conducted and publication of reports to corroborate this by the PPP govt proves it did not exist and it is simply nonsense and really speaks to the mentality of those who make these claims.


Some of the most powerful people in the Burnham days are poor today. Corbin is pretty well off...we know how much he colluded with Jagdeo. Mr Hoyte died a left a very modest home on North Road. It is pure propaganda to assist the intense rape of the people's monies today. The Jagdeo PPP is Guyana most corrupt government...I mean financial corruption. Burnham we know was bad in other ways but please don't say the man stole the nation's monies. 

Originally Posted by TK:

Some of the most powerful people in the Burnham days are poor today. Corbin is pretty well off...we know how much he colluded with Jagdeo. Mr Hoyte died a left a very modest home on North Road. It is pure propaganda to assist the intense rape of the people's monies today. The Jagdeo PPP is Guyana most corrupt government...I mean financial corruption. Burnham we know was bad in other ways but please don't say the man stole the nation's monies. 

bai, baseman gat a dirty plaster fuh every stinking sore that raise up pun he ass . . . de voices in he head done tell hee dat Burnham lose all de money investing in "Africa"

Last edited by Former Member

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