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Burnt to death W.C.D. elderly business couple…Killers captured


By Michael Jordan

Hiding in a nearby church, three young men heard old Mohamed and Bibi Munir screaming for help as they were roasted alive in their Good Hope, East Bank Essequibo home.

Burnt to death Mohamed and Bibi Munir.

The youths, including a 25-year-old neighbour, had broken into the Munir property on the night of April 17, 2016, to steal $20M that was rumoured to be hidden there.
But when Mohamed, 75, and his 69-year-old wife awoke and refused to open their bedroom door, the young men became incensed. One of them set the heavily-grilled house ablaze, with the elderly couple still inside.
They then fled empty-handed.
The charred bodies of the victims were found in their home, after the flames died down.
Reports had indicated that the blaze was set by intruders, but police had seemed to be making no headway in tracking down the killers.
But the entire murder plot was revealed to detectives late last week, after investigators captured one of the alleged gang members, who is also one of the two youths who robbed a Hotel Tower employee last Wednesday.
Also in custody are a 25-year-old neighbor of the slain couple, and two other youths.
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum said yesterday that detectives are trying to track down a deportee known as ‘Pepsi’ and a taxi driver known as ‘Coolie Boy’, who allegedly transported the killers.
A statement that investigators obtained from one suspect indicated that the youth who was implicated in the Hotel Tower robbery is the individual who started the deadly inferno.
Kaieteur News understands that the 21-year-old suspect in the Hotel Tower robbery also implicated his accomplices. He was reportedly taken back to the scene, and showed detectives where the gang hid after fleeing the blazing house.
The plot was reportedly hatched by a 25-year-old part-time fisherman who lives in a street behind the Munirs. The fisherman reportedly spoke with another young resident, known as ‘Plank,’ who had overheard that the Munirs, who had vast rice farming property, kept $20 M in their home.
The men then contacted ‘Pepsi’ a deportee who reportedly also lives on the East Bank of Essequibo. The gang then recruited ‘Coolie Boy’ as a driver and the 21-year-old hotel robbery suspect.
On the night of April 17, 2016, the neighbor, the 21-year-old robbery suspect and a third youth clambered onto the Munirs’ verandah. While some of their accomplices stood watch outside, the trio entered and began to ransack the house.
But the couple heard the commotion, awoke and raised an alarm. The two elderly people also refused to come out of their bedroom. According to reports, the 21-year-old suspect then set a sofa alight and tossed a fuel cylinder near the burning sofa.
The youths then fled through a track that led to a church and a cemetery in a street behind the couple’s home. From their hiding place, they heard Mohamed and Bibi Munir screaming for help.

Flashback: Detectives at the gutted property.

Kaieteur News understands that the deportee, known as ‘Pepsi’, was furious when the youths told him they did not get the $20M.
Yesterday, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum expressed shock at the ages of the alleged perpetrators, and their callousness.
“It is hoped that the revelations by these perpetrators shock all of us.
“It is hoped that they face the full force of the law, and that this serves to deter other young persons who are predisposed to criminal activity.” Blanhum recalled that the police had received some criticism from some religious organizations, at their apparent inability to catch the killers.
Eyewitnesses had recalled that the blaze started in the upper flat and that the entire flat was engulfed within minutes. While some residents said that they had heard gunshots, post mortem examinations performed on the victims showed that they had died from severe burns.
Residents, and a passing family who were among the first on the scene, could only stand by helplessly, listening to the elderly couple’s screams, which eventually ceased as the flames overwhelmed them.
Police have received reports from at least one female neighbour, who said that she saw two people in the couple’s verandah before the fire broke out. The neighbour also claimed to have heard Mrs. Munir screaming that ‘bandits’ were in the house.
Shamiza Khosial said that she was up at around 23:00 hrs, when her son told her that there were people fighting at the Munirs’ residence.
On peeping outside, Mrs. Khosial said that she saw two people on the couple’s verandah. She also heard the Munirs screaming for help.
“The place was dark and I see two persons on the verandah and then I started to hear they (the couple) shouting that bandits were in the house,” Khosial said.
The woman said that she also heard Mrs. Munir apparently calling their family friend, businessman, Shiraz Ali, to tell him that bandits were on the property. She also said that she saw the couple thrusting their hands through their grilled-up bedroom window.
Khosial said that shortly after, she saw “a ball of fire” in the living room area and within minutes the entire property was engulfed in flames. The woman said that the victims were trapped in their bedroom, since the window, like other areas in the house, had grill-work.
Businessman Shiraz Ali said that Bibi Jamila Munir had contacted him by phone to say that bandits were in the house, while pleading with him to help. Ali said he arrived in about seven minutes, but by then the entire property was in flames.
Among those first on the scene was a family that was heading to Parika, East Bank Essequibo by bus.
One family member recalled that they were passing Good Hope when they saw flames emanating from the upper flat of a house.
”We started blowing the (vehicle’s) horn, but nobody looked out. We start shouting ‘fire, fire,’ and knocked on the gate, and finally, the next door neighbour looked out and two other people came to us.”
He also recalled that the Munirs’ front gate was not bolted, and two young men climbed over the gate.
Seeing that the flames were spreading to the neighbour’s house, the man and others helped the family to remove their valuables from the property. Another young man from the group said that he entered the yard and it was then that he heard someone screaming in the top flat.
Mr. Munir, who was in his bedroom, flung some keys through the bedroom window and told those trying to rescue them to drive one of his tractors out of the yard.
This was done, and Mr. Munir began shouting for the neighbours to use a second tractor to pull down the grill from the bedroom window.
The young man said that he suggested that they hitch a length of chain to the tractor and to the grill, but by then the flames had begun to engulf the entire upper flat and the heat was immense.
“Then he (Mr. Munir) say that his wife not breathing anymore, and after awhile he (too) stopped talking.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Too late is the hapless pnc police, and it is no comfort to the family of Mohamed and Bibi Munir. These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian. 


Quote "These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian."unquote

Did Guyana ever banned sending murderers (proven in court) to the gallows?
We all knows that Grainger has been friends to the prisoners that he has been giving them pardon, left right and center and we also know that Ramotar the PPP/C President (former)has pardon prisoner/?
Makes me shudder to know, what has happened to these ***kers (President)
Have they gone senile? are they fit to be President?
Where was Jagdeo when Ramotar was pardoning murderer?
These two Presidents should be in prison for interfering with the law....or rather for playing gods.



Drugb posted:

Too late is the hapless pnc police, and it is no comfort to the family of Mohamed and Bibi Munir. These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian. 

"The youths,including a 25-year-old neighbour, had broken into the Munir property on the night of April 17, 2016, to steal $20M that was rumoured to be hidden there."

Did you miss the the above?

From my instincts the neighbor is not Afro.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Too late is the hapless pnc police, and it is no comfort to the family of Mohamed and Bibi Munir. These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian. 

"The youths,including a 25-year-old neighbour, had broken into the Munir property on the night of April 17, 2016, to steal $20M that was rumoured to be hidden there."

Did you miss the the above?

From my instincts the neighbor is not Afro.

Django some on this site that only black people commit crimes and when confronted with the facts they resort to making excuses like " look who are the majority in prison".


Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Too late is the hapless pnc police, and it is no comfort to the family of Mohamed and Bibi Munir. These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian. 

"The youths,including a 25-year-old neighbour, had broken into the Munir property on the night of April 17, 2016, to steal $20M that was rumoured to be hidden there."

Did you miss the the above?

From my instincts the neighbor is not Afro.

a taxi driver known as ‘Coolie Boy’,

Dont think that any blackman would like to be called ‘Coolie Boy’, 

Pointblank posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Too late is the hapless pnc police, and it is no comfort to the family of Mohamed and Bibi Munir. These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian. 

"The youths,including a 25-year-old neighbour, had broken into the Munir property on the night of April 17, 2016, to steal $20M that was rumoured to be hidden there."

Did you miss the the above?

From my instincts the neighbor is not Afro.

a taxi driver known as ‘Coolie Boy’,

Dont think that any blackman would like to be called ‘Coolie Boy’, 

The "nonsense crew" will never admit that Indo Guyanese are entrenched in criminal behavior and have to remorse to attack their own kind.

Their toxic hate causes them to believe blackman are only thieves in the homeland.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Too late is the hapless pnc police, and it is no comfort to the family of Mohamed and Bibi Munir. These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian. 

"The youths,including a 25-year-old neighbour, had broken into the Munir property on the night of April 17, 2016, to steal $20M that was rumoured to be hidden there."

Did you miss the the above?

From my instincts the neighbor is not Afro.

Who stated about race? Your mind is in the gutter, I am addressing criminality and the comfort given to criminals by the PNC administration. 


Major Crimes Unit makes breakthrough in murder of Good Hope farmers

– four suspects in custody.


Ranks from the Guyana Police Force Major Crimes Unit have made a major breakthrough in their investigation into the murders of Good Hope, East Bank Essequibo farmers, Mohamed and Jamilla Munir, who were burnt to death eight months ago when bandits broke into their home.

This was confirmed yesterday by Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, who told Stabroek News that four of six suspects in the matter have since been detained. The breakthrough, he said, followed the arrest of Jason Howard on Wednesday.

Mohamed Munir

“The police were tipped off that he along with the others planned and executed,” the crime committed against the Munirs, Blanhum said.

Howard, 21, of Lot 250 East LaPenitence, George-town, the alleged mastermind, has since admitted his involvement in the gruesome crime. He was arrested on Wednesday afternoon after a high-speed chase by the police, following the attack and robbery of Tower Suites Accountant Baldeo Seegobin. Two men had grabbed $2.9 million from Seegobin right after he returned from Republic Bank on Water Street.

During interrogation, Howard reportedly implicated five other suspects, three of whom were identified as Samsudeen Mohamed, Gavin Shepherd called “Pepsi” or “Deportee”, Joel Blair, and another individual known as “Plang”. Mohamed and “Plang” reside in the same area where the incident occurred.

Three of the suspects were arrested yesterday and have also admitted to the crime. The police are yet to apprehend Shepherd and the driver of the car which transported the men to and from the scene.

Jamilla Munir

Mohamed Munir, 75, and his wife, Jamilla Munir, 70, who were well known rice farmers, were burnt to death in their Good Hope home on the evening of April 17, when bandits broke in and subsequently started a fire, after the couple barricaded themselves in their bedroom.

During the active probe, investigators has worked on a number of theories and a handyman who had worked with the Munirs was among several persons arrested. Those suspects were questioned but were later released, since there was not sufficient evidence linking them to the crime.

Blanhum yesterday once again commended the ranks from the Major Crimes Unit for their hard work and dedication, which has led to the solving of yet another high-profile crime. The head of the Criminal Investigations Department described the crime as a gruesome one, which had shocked the nation.

He said he hoped that those found culpable for the murder of the Munirs will face the full force of the law and the breakthrough will send a strong message to others who might be thinking of criminal activity.

The motive for the crime was robbery, since the suspects reportedly heard that the Munirs had $20 million hidden in their house. The men planned and executed the crime to get the cash but failed and decided to set the house on fire.

Stabroek News was reliably informed that the suspects in custody told investigators that Mohamed, who resides behind the Munirs’ home, was having a discussion with “Plang”, a neighbour of the dead couple during it was said that the Munirs had $20 million concealed in their house.

A series of contact with the other suspects followed, and the men planned the crime after which they went to the Munirs’ house. Three of the suspects—Mohamed, Blair and Howard—allegedly entered the house by piercing the veranda grill, while the other three remained outside on the lookout.

Once inside, they began searching for the money but came up empty-handed. Meanwhile the Munirs were awakened by sounds the men made and raised an alarm, securing themselves in their bedroom. The bandits, who were each armed with handguns, tried to get the Munirs out of the bedroom but also failed. As a result, Howard allegedly lit a fire on a sofa in the living room, and then threw a gas cylinder on the sofa.

The men then ran out of the house and escaped through a cemetery in the compound of a nearby Christian church. They then went to Mohamed’s house and while there, they heard a loud explosion.

Shepherd later picked them up and was told that they got nothing; the men then went their separate ways.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Too late is the hapless pnc police, and it is no comfort to the family of Mohamed and Bibi Munir. These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian. 

"The youths,including a 25-year-old neighbour, had broken into the Munir property on the night of April 17, 2016, to steal $20M that was rumoured to be hidden there."

Did you miss the the above?

From my instincts the neighbor is not Afro.

Who stated about race? Your mind is in the gutter, I am addressing criminality and the comfort given to criminals by the PNC administration. 

you are an idiot.

Drugb posted:

Too late is the hapless pnc police, and it is no comfort to the family of Mohamed and Bibi Munir. These folks lost their lives because Granger et al are soft on criminals, the jackass told police not to kill but to only capture. The criminals are give a gift voucher, spa treatment and bottle of rum every time they kill an Indian. 

Why don't you shut your stupid coolie $k*nt, this is the kind of post the admin should remove because like most of your posts they are all just like you, full of shit.

cain posted:

Why don't you shut your stupid coolie $k*nt, this is the kind of post the admin should remove because like most of your posts they are all just like you, full of shit.

Now your racist side comes through.  Your PNC is incompetent and you not too far behind.  During PPP time you had a field day criticizing them. Now you want the rest of us to fall into line behind Granger's incompetency and staan quiet as your police fail to protect the people. 


I grew up around theses ppl, taught their kids in school and our families were generational friends

Is there any update on this? I heard something  about new charges but searched all news and could not get confirmation

Last edited by Wildflower

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