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Former Member

Businessman robbed at gunpoint of $2.9m near Ruimveldt police station

A businessman was robbed of $2.9M cash on Tuesday morning when he was attacked by two armed bandits a short distance away from the Ruimveldt Police Station.

The man who requested to remain anonymous told Stabroek News that he visited a bank located at Carmichael Street, Georgetown in the company of his wife just before midday Tuesday to conduct business after which they proceeded to a grocery shop which is located in walking distance from the police station.

He explained that he parked his car and was waiting on his wife who went into the shop to purchase a few items, when two men approached the vehicle.

According to the businessman, one of the men stood at his window while the other stood at the opposite side of the vehicle. At this point in time, one showed  him a gun which was hidden in his waist. One then dealt him a punch to the face after which they grabbed the bag and escaped.

A report was made to the Ruimveldt police station and an investigation was launched.

Yesterday, the businessman said he visited the police station for an update and he was told that the police are currently in the process of reviewing CCTV footage with the hope of identifying the suspects.

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"He is a round peg in a square hole at the Public Security Ministry. He is unable to fill the requirements of his portfolio, and should be reshuffled to a ministry for which his qualifications make him suitable.
This is my humble advice as a concerned citizen.
Lieutenant Colonel (retired)"


Sheik101 posted:

If Ramjattan feels that he cannot handle the job or doesn't have any insight on how to curb\stem the current escalating crime situation, he should say so. If I were in his position, I would go to granger and say look, I can't handle this job, find somebody else. There's no shame in it.

The clown Rumjattan has no shame !

His ego is bigger than the CN Tower.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

When KR was appointed Public Security Minister a Berbician told me that they put the Jackass in that job so he could take all the blame. The banna was right.

They were calling Rohee a donkey, it is quite the opposite, Rumjattan is the real Jackass.

Jackass Rumjattan:




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Last edited by Former Member

With all seriousness: It doesn't what face you put on Ramjattan, he will never do the honorable thing and step down from his position. Granger will never fired him either, and that leaves the country's imagery and the people at the mercy of criminals. It's sad, but true.

Last edited by Former Member

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