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Businessman shot, robbed outside night club

August 25, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

After a night of clubbing with friends, a city businessman was shot and robbed by a masked bandit moments after stepping out of a Sheriff Street night club.

The injured businessman, Ravindra Singh, in his hospital bed.

The injured businessman, Ravindra Singh, in his hospital bed.

According to reports, Ravindra Singh, 28, owner of R&R Car Rentals, was shot thrice in his right leg before being relieved of two gold chains and a bracelet in the wee hours yesterday. It was just after the curfew time of 2:00am when Singh had parted ways with friends leaving them in Club Monaco where they had gone to enjoy a night of clubbing. Kaieteur News understands that while Singh was making his way to his car which was parked outside the night club, he was grabbed from behind by someone who demanded that he “pass the chain.” Thinking that it might be someone he was familiar with, he did not entertain the thought of him becoming a robbery victim. In fact, after having a ‘blast’ he would not have expected his ‘fun time’ to end in such a way as he had never had such an encounter. It was after turning around to a man masked with a bandana that he realized what was about to happen. Yesterday when Kaieteur News spoke with the injured businessman at a city hospital, he was in a stable condition in the recovery room as relatives in their numbers lined the hallway awaiting their turn to visit his bed side. Singh said that he had put up a fight with his attacker, while an accomplice was a short distance away, standing guard. After moments of struggle the bandit had gotten frustrated and fired a warning shot to the ground, however that did not stop Singh from fighting to keep his belongings. Aggravated by the resistance of his victim, whom he obviously had no intention of killing, the frustrated bandit then opted to pump three bullets into Singh’s right leg. Singh was weakened by his injuries and the bandit finally succeeded in ‘bursting off’ the two gold chains from his neck and yanking a bracelet from his arm. Amazingly Singh continued to resist as the bandit then tried to relieve him of his cash, but luckily other clubbers had rushed to the scene upon hearing the gunshots causing the bandit and his accomplice to flee in the direction of Stone Avenue, Campbellville. Investigations into the incident are ongoing.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The crime rate was high when the PPP governed also but this new government has been pounding their chest for nearly a decade now that they can do better. The ball is now in their court to do so. What is keeping them from doing so?
Originally Posted by ksazma:
The crime rate was high when the PPP governed also but this new government has been pounding their chest for nearly a decade now that they can do better. The ball is now in their court to do so. What is keeping them from doing so?

Pardoning and releasing crimminals from prison bhai.

Originally Posted by asj:

Businessman shot, robbed outside night club

August 25, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

After a night of clubbing with friends, a city businessman was shot and robbed by a masked bandit moments after stepping out of a Sheriff Street night club.

The injured businessman, Ravindra Singh, in his hospital bed.

The injured businessman, Ravindra Singh, in his hospital bed.

According to reports, Ravindra Singh, 28, owner of R&R Car Rentals, was shot thrice in his right leg before being relieved of two gold chains and a bracelet in the wee hours yesterday. It was just after the curfew time of 2:00am when Singh had parted ways with friends leaving them in Club Monaco where they had gone to enjoy a night of clubbing. Kaieteur News understands that while Singh was making his way to his car which was parked outside the night club, he was grabbed from behind by someone who demanded that he “pass the chain.” Thinking that it might be someone he was familiar with, he did not entertain the thought of him becoming a robbery victim. In fact, after having a ‘blast’ he would not have expected his ‘fun time’ to end in such a way as he had never had such an encounter. It was after turning around to a man masked with a bandana that he realized what was about to happen. Yesterday when Kaieteur News spoke with the injured businessman at a city hospital, he was in a stable condition in the recovery room as relatives in their numbers lined the hallway awaiting their turn to visit his bed side. Singh said that he had put up a fight with his attacker, while an accomplice was a short distance away, standing guard. After moments of struggle the bandit had gotten frustrated and fired a warning shot to the ground, however that did not stop Singh from fighting to keep his belongings. Aggravated by the resistance of his victim, whom he obviously had no intention of killing, the frustrated bandit then opted to pump three bullets into Singh’s right leg. Singh was weakened by his injuries and the bandit finally succeeded in ‘bursting off’ the two gold chains from his neck and yanking a bracelet from his arm. Amazingly Singh continued to resist as the bandit then tried to relieve him of his cash, but luckily other clubbers had rushed to the scene upon hearing the gunshots causing the bandit and his accomplice to flee in the direction of Stone Avenue, Campbellville. Investigations into the incident are ongoing.


Welcome to change. Guyana is now the most dangerous country under PNC.

Originally Posted by asj:

Very shameful that Guyana cannot stop the robberies and murders plaguing Guyanese every single day.

As man on the street would say, PNC sufferings is back with us again.

It will be worse than the Burnham days. Take time.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:

Very shameful that Guyana cannot stop the robberies and murders plaguing Guyanese every single day.

As man on the street would say, PNC sufferings is back with us again.

It will be worse than the Burnham days. Take time.

Granger was an accomplice to murder in Corentyne under Forbes.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:

Very shameful that Guyana cannot stop the robberies and murders plaguing Guyanese every single day.

As man on the street would say, PNC sufferings is back with us again.

It will be worse than the Burnham days. Take time.

Granger was an accomplice to murder in Corentyne under Forbes.

I remember that incident at No. 63 Village.


PNC hate for Indos have increased tenfolds under the "change"

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:

Very shameful that Guyana cannot stop the robberies and murders plaguing Guyanese every single day.

As man on the street would say, PNC sufferings is back with us again.

It will be worse than the Burnham days. Take time.

Granger was an accomplice to murder in Corentyne under Forbes.

I remember that incident at No. 63 Village.


PNC hate for Indos have increased tenfolds under the "change"

They changed back to pre 1992.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:

Very shameful that Guyana cannot stop the robberies and murders plaguing Guyanese every single day.

As man on the street would say, PNC sufferings is back with us again.

It will be worse than the Burnham days. Take time.

Granger was an accomplice to murder in Corentyne under Forbes.

I remember that incident at No. 63 Village.


PNC hate for Indos have increased tenfolds under the "change"

They changed back to pre 1992.



Berbicians are scared to death under the "change"


Crimes have increased tenfold and Moses is using the C word to further insult them in Parliament.


Dat is change, PNC style.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:

Very shameful that Guyana cannot stop the robberies and murders plaguing Guyanese every single day.

As man on the street would say, PNC sufferings is back with us again.

It will be worse than the Burnham days. Take time.

Granger was an accomplice to murder in Corentyne under Forbes.

I remember that incident at No. 63 Village.


PNC hate for Indos have increased tenfolds under the "change"

They changed back to pre 1992.



Berbicians are scared to death under the "change"


Crimes have increased tenfold and Moses is using the C word to further insult them in Parliament.


Dat is change, PNC style.

Yuji bhai, Moses cannot organize a 2 car parade. No wonder Granger treats him as the house negro.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:

Very shameful that Guyana cannot stop the robberies and murders plaguing Guyanese every single day.

As man on the street would say, PNC sufferings is back with us again.

It will be worse than the Burnham days. Take time.

Granger was an accomplice to murder in Corentyne under Forbes.

I remember that incident at No. 63 Village.


PNC hate for Indos have increased tenfolds under the "change"

They changed back to pre 1992.



Berbicians are scared to death under the "change"


Crimes have increased tenfold and Moses is using the C word to further insult them in Parliament.


Dat is change, PNC style.

Yuji bhai, Moses cannot organize a 2 car parade. No wonder Granger treats him as the house negro.


Moses is like a PNC masquerade and Moo Moo.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
The crime rate was high when the PPP governed also but this new government has been pounding their chest for nearly a decade now that they can do better. The ball is now in their court to do so. What is keeping them from doing so?

The soviet union and all its broken off statelets descended into chaos with the break up of the communist state. In the communist state there were little crime so did the people governing the new states caused the crimes?


Decades of starving a people and where tens of  millions were murdered or sent to the gulag left scars to be healed. I am sure the new reconstituted states  of Checz, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and a dozen more minus a tiny few like what they have become. They came out of chaos as soon as their people accepted a new way of living. Even the Russia which descended into one of nation wide criminality that it is only now getting over is a better place with the change


Guyana is coming out of a very bad era and will reconstitute itself. The beginnings of a responsible state infrastructure is in its nascent stages and will emerge. On can count on that because every avenue of aid rejected by the PPP which was offered to help in these areas are being accepted. We are being helped and in time we will get a hold of crime.


Junkies do not become well over night. Today you see one who murdered a granny sticking his middle finger at the camera because he like all junkies are soulless until rehabilitated. We have a long way to get rid of that scourge but we will because we presently have no treatment centers to make these people better.


What is offered now is a hope for change and active steps taken to accommodate change. In the PPP that did not exist and the idiot Rohee et al simply squatted and did nothing. Tell me what Rohee did to stop crime? We have an epidemic of rapes. we have 3000 young underage girls leaving school from sexual abuse pregnancy incest etc. What help did they get even though we complained daily?


What has the PPP done to intercept drugs? Have they brought one case for money laundering, racketeering etc despite claiming to have the laws in place? This daily yapping as to who is to be blamed for what is happening is purely sententious. The PPP and their two decade long neglect of the nations security caused it. This administration, promises more in terms of solution to it.

Originally Posted by asj:

Businessman shot, robbed outside night club

August 25, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

After a night of clubbing with friends, a city businessman was shot and robbed by a masked bandit moments after stepping out of a Sheriff Street night club.

The injured businessman, Ravindra Singh, in his hospital bed.

The injured businessman, Ravindra Singh, in his hospital bed.

According to reports, Ravindra Singh, 28, owner of R&R Car Rentals, was shot thrice in his right leg before being relieved of two gold chains and a bracelet in the wee hours yesterday. It was just after the curfew time of 2:00am when Singh had parted ways with friends leaving them in Club Monaco where they had gone to enjoy a night of clubbing. Kaieteur News understands that while Singh was making his way to his car which was parked outside the night club, he was grabbed from behind by someone who demanded that he “pass the chain.” Thinking that it might be someone he was familiar with, he did not entertain the thought of him becoming a robbery victim. In fact, after having a ‘blast’ he would not have expected his ‘fun time’ to end in such a way as he had never had such an encounter. It was after turning around to a man masked with a bandana that he realized what was about to happen. Yesterday when Kaieteur News spoke with the injured businessman at a city hospital, he was in a stable condition in the recovery room as relatives in their numbers lined the hallway awaiting their turn to visit his bed side. Singh said that he had put up a fight with his attacker, while an accomplice was a short distance away, standing guard. After moments of struggle the bandit had gotten frustrated and fired a warning shot to the ground, however that did not stop Singh from fighting to keep his belongings. Aggravated by the resistance of his victim, whom he obviously had no intention of killing, the frustrated bandit then opted to pump three bullets into Singh’s right leg. Singh was weakened by his injuries and the bandit finally succeeded in ‘bursting off’ the two gold chains from his neck and yanking a bracelet from his arm. Amazingly Singh continued to resist as the bandit then tried to relieve him of his cash, but luckily other clubbers had rushed to the scene upon hearing the gunshots causing the bandit and his accomplice to flee in the direction of Stone Avenue, Campbellville. Investigations into the incident are ongoing.

Where is YUJI.


Is Ramjattan's.  Yes Is Ramjattan.


Jokers.  Crime was always heavy in Guyana since Roger Khan days.


It has to come down, but give the man Ramjattan some more days.


Why this impateience?




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