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Former Member

A Partnership for National Unity's proposed amendment to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Bill has drawn ire from many in the business community who view this as an attempt to cause them further suffering at the hands of corrupt police ranks and custom officers. The Granger led APNU proposed that police and customs officers be given the power to stop and search persons, and if such persons are found with $2 million worth of currency or more, that currency can be seized and the persons arrested if the police or customs officer has reasonable suspicion that it is the proceeds of some serious offence or the subject of money laundering.

Those complaining are pointing to the current misuse of the stop and search policy for extortion by police ranks and its effects on the citizenry. They say that APNU's proposal if implemented will be taken advantage of by corrupt ranks. One businessman said it makes very little sense as according to him  individuals and organizations that launder money do so with great complexity. He said if APNU can show him a money launderer who walks around with US$10,000 he will show them 'where god is on earth'. The businessman asked "what about the people who buy cars, trucks or buses but owing to how business is done in Guyana they have to take cash; what will happen when the encounter corrupt police ranks?".





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Originally Posted by raymond:


What difference does it make if he posts this source? newguymedia is the PPP propaganda website run by Kwame and his butt boys.

Last edited by Mars

There is no great complexity to the cash and carry society with no accountability. Only poor Freddy gets selected for income tax audit. If the government cared it could audit all of those rags to riches drug merchants flashing cash with ostentatious homes etc.


We have a parallel underground economy that is as big as the real one and every one of those businesses on regent street or sheriff streets for example are elbow deep into that economy. It means they are laundering cash. Audit Maniram for his sudden miraculous rise to riches or those hoteliers or resort owners etc. 


I agree with you that the APNU amendment is silly. It needs to be regulatory ie a form filed when TRANSACTIONS of that above and more are made.  Every Guyanese hide money under their bed. Even here every family has a little shoe box where they squirrel away cash for unanticipated spending. this stop and search is stupid and not well thought out.


But the money laundering bill is also a piece of legislation that give undue authority to the Minister of Finance. He is a crook  and the second one to go to jail after his water boy Brazzingron if there is an administration change so why would he get more power?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition appears to be on a quest to chase away investors from the country...

We do not want Surindra, or the Chinese predators. The only ones who get rich here are the kick back receivers in the PPP and the predators. Those leave our nation poor.  Investor means we produce something not simply use their nationals to  extract our nonrenewable resources, flood our markets with cheap goods  or destroy our eco system and native cultures. If they are fair, no problem.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Danyael you appears to be someone who is against globalisation. If we implement protectionism policies it have a negative impact on the economy further down the road.

I am definitely against globalization when it is feeding into the pocket books of others and leaving us destitute. Globalization has its good and bad effects. Unfortunately, it inevitably is bad with weak and corrupt governments.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by raymond:


What difference does it make if he posts this source? newguymedia is the PPP propaganda website run by Kwame and his butt boys.

rules...this is not cowboy place like Guyana

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by raymond:


What difference does it make if he posts this source? newguymedia is the PPP propaganda website run by Kwame and his butt boys.

rules...this is not cowboy place like Guyana

My point is that the source is crap anyway so whether he posts it or not does not make a difference. It's still crap. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

If the joint opposition is of the conviction that the ruling party is "bad and is weak and also corrupt" then what is preventing them from passing a vote of no confidence?

The same reason the PPP is not doing is advantageous to deliver a few more body blows. Romatar needs to be president for as long as he can and hopefully by the end of his term he can huff and puff and stomp his feet and in a bluster call elections because he is "frustrated". The opposition needs the time to to ensure most of the people see the corrupt PPP for what it is and  enough can vote their conscience versus their race.


As we draft further and further away from the results of the 2011 polls, the Guyanese people are realizing more and more, the devious schemes of the joint opposition, if the joint opposition has a good image and policies and were Sunday school boys & girls, a vote of no confidence would have already passed.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Any posts that exposed the sinister motives of the joint opposition "Mars" regards a crap, he/she needs to improve their vocab...

Kwame's favorite butt boy lecturing me on vocab. What a joke. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Any posts that exposed the sinister motives of the joint opposition "Mars" regards a crap, he/she needs to improve their vocab...

Mars is one of our best writers here. You are among our worse. Further, I am sure his formal education was far superior kind to the one you received. I also know he is not amenable to mindless allegiances. The only motives that any of us have is to expose the naked corruption of the PPP.


"Mars" is using all schemes to derail the thread against the ills of the joint opposition as it relates the anti-money laundering bill, when one examine his post, its clear to see ,he/she has nothing constructive to contribute to the discussion.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mars" is using all schemes to derail the thread against the ills of the joint opposition as it relates the anti-money laundering bill, when one examine his post, its clear to see ,he/she has nothing constructive to contribute to the discussion.

What have you ever discussed here that ever made any sense? You're just a PPP butt boy operating in robot mode, cutting and pasting whatever your handlers instruct you to post. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

As we draft further and further away from the results of the 2011 polls, the Guyanese people are realizing more and more, the devious schemes of the joint opposition, if the joint opposition has a good image and policies and were Sunday school boys & girls, a vote of no confidence would have already passed.

Dude, do not speak for the Guyanese people. Speculate if you may on what they are thinking but do not speak for them. 


Sunday school kids may be a nice analogy for you. We are not amenable to accepting political indoctrination as theology. We want good government and maybe those crooks in office needed to have been exposed to the Beatitudes to grasp the obligations of their office.


There is nothing devious in saying the PPP are autocrats. There is nothing devious in highlighting the excesses of their office. One does their civic duty in questioning their rapid rise to from piss poor to ostentatious patricians flushed with loot.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition don't want to run the risk of moving a vote of no confidence, doing such would inevitably cause them to lose their "majority".

As the AFC said, do your best. It is you who are being inconvenienced. They are just doing their duty to prevent you from looting the treasury.


As stated earlier, if the joint opposition feels they can do a better job, that what is preventing them from passing a vote of no confidence?


Either the AFC/APNU put up, or shut up!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

As stated earlier, if the joint opposition feels they can do a better job, that what is preventing them from passing a vote of no confidence?


Either the AFC/APNU put up, or shut up!!!!!

I hope they wait and bide their time for as long as possible. They longer they wait the better the chance the PPP will lose.


This is exactly what the afc/pnc want, the opportunity to shake down business people and enhance their fund raising via the 99.9% membership in the customs/police. Similar techniques were used back in the Burnham years when Indians were shaken down for being in possession of any quantity of foreign exchange, police could seize your money without just cause. 


During the Burnham years to get caught with a can of sardines or a pound of wheat flour could land in jail. Policemen would demand huge bribes from anyone found with foods that were considered contraband. This APNU tiger still has its stripes

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

During the Burnham years to get caught with a can of sardines or a pound of wheat flour could land in jail. Policemen would demand huge bribes from anyone found with foods that were considered contraband. This APNU tiger still has its stripes

Why don't you shad up.  East Indian got rich under Burnham especially Berbicians.


Aneel and Asni behaves like little kids that are not allowed to play marbles with the boys, they complains and cries for attention. The peak of their political career was when Jug-de-hoe, pull them out of the rum shop.  They are now in the gutter with the rest of the PPP louses.


Now big belly Ramu" is parading as an fool and hoping to attract followers away from Moses Nagamootoo, but he does not stand a chance.  Even Rohee stand a better chance than Ramu.


The PPP is a second rate party and would forever be .


The Blackmarketers who got rich under burnham took poor Indian people's money because they were afraid to black-market their goods to black people.  Black people demanded goods at control prices and got it. A complaint to the police of blackmarketing by an Indian falls on deaf ears. The coolie man suffered gravely during the period of shortages. Those who benefitted were a small group of creeps like the one who owns the Pegasus

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is exactly what the afc/pnc want, the opportunity to shake down business people and enhance their fund raising via the 99.9% membership in the customs/police. Similar techniques were used back in the Burnham years when Indians were shaken down for being in possession of any quantity of foreign exchange, police could seize your money without just cause. 

PNC lacks funds, they are officially starting their fundraising campaign.


Promise to rebuild East Bank Berbice road not kept


Dear Editor, It was reported in the Independent private media on May 5th, 2013 at the Albion Sport Complex that “President rallies supporters against opposition.” Well that rallying is most welcomed; only if it was backed with substance rather than subterfuge, deceit, propaganda, distortions and untruths? Last year President Ramotar promised the residents of East Bank Berbice that the road will be built by the time he returns in May 2013 to celebrate the Indian Arrival Day. One year later not even a pebble has been laid. But as Dem Boys seh, “Donald ain’t no fool. He avoid dem people [from East Bank Berbice] and go to Albion instead.” Now he is talking all this froth but the people want the substance. His statement that  an AFC/APNU government would ban peas, potato and dhal; mostly East Indian dishes is nothing but hogwash. Do the people think that with a political leadership in Guyana like a President Moses Nagamootoo and a Senior Vice President and Prime Minister like Nigel Hughes, we will have “food shortages” again in Guyana?  Never! What nonsense is coming out this man’s mouth?  Hughes who is down in the Rupununi savannah  fighting for the rights of our Amerindian brothers and sisters will not support any type of food shortages? Nagamootoo is the champion in Parliament fighting for the people especially the poor and the working class against the unconscionable and uncaring PPP Ministers and he will bring food shortages to the people?  If horses can fly; then it is time to listen to President Ramotar. Why is the President so cowardly to only flounce on stage like a “bundarie” with empty sound bites and not getting down to the real business of calling the elections?  If he is so certain of the East Indians support then he should not hesitate and call the elections immediately?  But he knows that the East Indians are not going to support his corrupt regime and despite what he and the PPP cabal think, East Indians are not stupid or docile people who will willingly listen to anyone especially one who has done very little for them in the sugar and rice industries. Actually the President is one of the principle architects who “bruk-up” the sugar industry and who wasted US $200 million of the taxpayers’ money on that white elephant sugar factory at Skeldon.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is exactly what the afc/pnc want, the opportunity to shake down business people and enhance their fund raising via the 99.9% membership in the customs/police. Similar techniques were used back in the Burnham years when Indians were shaken down for being in possession of any quantity of foreign exchange, police could seize your money without just cause. 

PNC lacks funds, they are officially starting their fundraising campaign.

Shake that body tonight!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Guyana is still a cash based economy, APNU's recommendation on the AML bill is outrageous.



That is why so much graft and corruption exist to trace for the transactions.


Money wash hand under the PPP


Corrupt bastards.


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