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By not naming MPs, PPP/C can force new elections because of GECOM’s rigging

Dear Editor,

It’s Guyana’s new PNC coalition crisis. Right now there are no PPP/C MPs, none have been named, and none officially gazetted within the legal time frame required for all to be included simultaneously with all other parties’ MPs.

GECOM’s half baked pie is without the entire lot of 420 blackbirds. It does not set up who is the king.

Moreover, that Kaieteur News article of June which erroneously reported that the Clerk of the National Assembly Mr Sherlock Isaacs said “that should PPP/C MPs miss the first six consecutive sittings in two calendar months, they would essentially lose their (32) seats, which would be declared vacant”, currently has no jurisdictional authority on any MP.

Only sworn in MPs come under the Standing Orders and Speaker. No legal violation occurred, no sanction is necessary..

Legally, only GECOM has responsibility to procure the list of MPs from the PPP/C. Should the PPPC play hard to get and refuse to provide the list – they are not legally compelled to do so by law – the Speaker cannot legally fill any seats which he may declare vacant.

The PPP/C can, by non cooperation with a perceived evil as a sacred duty (Gandhian non-violence), force a new snap elections all over again just by doing nothing.

With Venezuela in its aggressive sabre rattling mode, all is not hunky dory should those Guyanese citizens in Venezuela were to be all expelled, their property seized and they had to return home with a Guyana government in crisis.

GECOM is required by law to fulfill this most critical function to include and conclude its official duties by official gazetting the complete 2015 election results. It has failed to do so. The May 26 deadline came and passed with no one minding the store.

Why is violating the law a GECOM birthright and equally true for some others? No one is above the law, including GECOM or its staff. Face it. GECOM is damned if it does and damned if it does not.

They compound their illegalities by public conformation of official negligence in not simultaneously including all the legally required information at the same time when and if they proceed to print the Gazette.

First, by its negligence, then by omission, they make matters worse. Leaving out the names of the PPP/C MPs officially disenfranchises and invalidates the entire 2015 elections.

Is GECOM prepared to send the country down the sewer? Which court will uphold breaking the law or breaking part?

Either the reporter or the Clerk should quote which National Assembly Standing Order allows the democratic will of the people to be overturned in their absence by declaring their seats vacant.

The onus was certainly on the reporter and editor to do what is right. Such lack of professional oversight needs more vigilant oversight and rectification.

But there is no crisis as ominous as this may appear. The ball is both in GECOM’s and the PNC coalition’s court to become humble to the PPP/C. Time ticks on.


Sultan Mohamed

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Sultan is living in a fool's paradise. PPP cannot force new elections.

PPP boycotted parliament after the 1973 rigged elections. Burnham didn't call new elections. PPP crawled back to parliament in 1975 after promising "critical support" to the PNC and Burnham called new elections in 1980, seven years after 1973.

Another thing. Recently declassified official documents reveal the US Administration acknowledged that the 1973 election was rigged.

This time, the State Department and the Carter Center say the May 11 election was "free, fair and credible."

Like in 1975, PPP will crawl back to parliament. Already, ex-PPP parliamentarian Dr Vindhya Persaud says the party should take up their seats in the House. She is not alone.



Makes absolutely no sense.


Seriously - let them try.  Ramphall and Shahabudeen who wrote the constitution are advising the APNUAFC.


Who advising the PPP - ANIL, the man who never became the SC?

Holy cow! What a bunch of delusional nonsense!

The practice of abstentionisn by elected Parliamentarians has never ever impacted any legislative body.

The analogous case is that of Irish Republicans elected to the House of Commons who never take their seats.

This letter is the most delusional interpretation of the law not unlike the Tea Party renderings of the Constitution.

The Official Gazetting of the results is a "ministerial" function which is not fatal to anything.

Technically speaking the current situation can go on forever with zero impact on Parliament and the Government.

I hope this is just propaganda because it's atrocious legal advice in the territory of malpractice.
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramotar and Jagdeo are out of the race. Who will run as the Presidential candidate?

Before the 2011 elections, I thought it would have been Robert Persaud. Now, there is Manickchand, Nandlall and Rohee. I do not know if they will/can make fundamental changes in the PPP to return them to power. I do not know about the younger PPP leaders, but hope for someone who is strong enough to articulate a new vision and move forward. Saying this, it is their problem and I await developments.


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