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Former Member

..... taken away the Congressional Republicans' opportunity to moan and groan that the Congressional Democrats rammed an impeachment vote down their throats in the eleventh hour.

But I am wondering if there would have been some benefit in Nadler asking Collins how he feels about postponing the vote for today rather than having it last night. That could have placed the ball in Collins' court and taken away any opportunity for him to moan and groan about an eleventh hour impeachment vote. Seems like Collins was disappointed that his scheme was thwarted. Maybe Nadler was afraid that seeking consent from Collins would have opened the door to more time having to be dedicated to discussing that sought consent or maybe it was pure ego on Nadler's part. After all, like sports players, politicians also have huge egos.

That said, that vote to impeach Trump is coming early today and will be ratified by the full house next Wednesday. Long live law and order.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

The Democrats pulling a Granger on the people!  Delaying and trickery will not stop the inevitable!  Take note what happened in Britain!  Defy the people, you will get boomerang!

63 Millon β€œDeplorables” will be heard come November 2020!!

Trump 63M represented 46% of the 2016 votes casted. He has since wallowed in the 36 something to low 40 something percent since then. He is not getting 40% of the votes in 2020 especially with that prestigious 'Impeached' asterisk attached to his name. No doubt Hillary deplorable comment encouraged many to vote against her but she will not be on the 2020 ballot. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

The Democrats pulling a Granger on the people!  Delaying and trickery will not stop the inevitable!  Take note what happened in Britain!  Defy the people, you will get boomerang!

63 Millon β€œDeplorables” will be heard come November 2020!!

Trump 63M represented 46% of the 2016 votes casted. He has since wallowed in the 36 something to low 40 something percent since then. He is not getting 40% of the votes in 2020 especially with that prestigious 'Impeached' asterisk attached to his name. No doubt Hillary deplorable comment encouraged many to vote against her but she will not be on the 2020 ballot. 

It will be opposite!  Take note the UK!

Is weh the Peruvian lady Gina Miller deh?


I see this impeachment like this:

1. Democrats with all their drum-beating do not want Trump to be removed from office. If he is removed from office, Pence will take over. He will then pardon the piece of a shit rapist and he will be free to walk.

2. Trump wants an announcement of an investigation of Joe Biden so he can do what he did to Hillary. His campaign slogan will be "Lock him up". He just failed in his scheme.

3. The Republicans in their theatrical costumes dancing and saying that Trump did not commit an actual crime. Maybe that is true. If that is the case, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and all the Guantanamo Bay prisoners should be set free. They did not commit a physical act of criminal activity. All the terrorists who committed the crimes died in the planes. So why prosecute them?

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Democrat is making the identical mistake that they made during Crooked Hillary’s loss.

Their bias polls sampling a majority of Democrats has Hillary winning by a landslide !

Bai Kaz, don’t go with CNN fake poll number s ! 

Lock her up will not work this time. If your only news source is FUXK news, you must follow Fat Boy Rush Limbaugh too.

skeldon_man posted:

I see this impeachment like this:

1. Democrats with all their drum-beating do not want Trump to be removed from office. If he is removed from office, Pence will take over. He will then pardon the piece of a shit rapist and he will be free to walk.

2. Trump wants an announcement of an investigation of Joe Biden so he can do what he did to Hillary. His campaign slogan will be "Lock him up". He just failed in his scheme.

3. The Republicans in their theatrical costumes dancing and saying that Trump did not commit an actual crime. Maybe that is true. If that is the case, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and all the Guantanamo Bay prisoners should be set free. They did not commit a physical act of criminal activity. All the terrorists who committed the crimes died in the planes. So why prosecute them? 

Did he advised Hillary to call Americans Deplorables?

Did he tell her not to go and campaign where Sanders had won?

Explain why Trump won where Obama had won twice!

Bai, ayuh mekkin up ayuh own Nancy story!  But ayuh only fooling ayuh self!!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I see this impeachment like this:

1. Democrats with all their drum-beating do not want Trump to be removed from office. If he is removed from office, Pence will take over. He will then pardon the piece of a shit rapist and he will be free to walk.

2. Trump wants an announcement of an investigation of Joe Biden so he can do what he did to Hillary. His campaign slogan will be "Lock him up". He just failed in his scheme.

3. The Republicans in their theatrical costumes dancing and saying that Trump did not commit an actual crime. Maybe that is true. If that is the case, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and all the Guantanamo Bay prisoners should be set free. They did not commit a physical act of criminal activity. All the terrorists who committed the crimes died in the planes. So why prosecute them? 

Did he advised Hillary to call Americans Deplorables?

Did he tell her not to go and campaign where Sanders had won?

Explain why Trump won where Obama had won twice!

Bai, ayuh mekkin up ayuh own Nancy story!  But ayuh only fooling ayuh self!!

Why the Lock Her Up? He should be the one in jail. Trump won where Obama won twice because of Russia, Trump's best friend Putin threw a lot of money into Trump's campaign. How do you think he was able to win with such a token effort and budget? He got help once from Russia, now he's shaking down a vulnerable nation to help him. Publicly he asked China and Ukraine to help. What a scum bag!!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I see this impeachment like this:

1. Democrats with all their drum-beating do not want Trump to be removed from office. If he is removed from office, Pence will take over. He will then pardon the piece of a shit rapist and he will be free to walk.

2. Trump wants an announcement of an investigation of Joe Biden so he can do what he did to Hillary. His campaign slogan will be "Lock him up". He just failed in his scheme.

3. The Republicans in their theatrical costumes dancing and saying that Trump did not commit an actual crime. Maybe that is true. If that is the case, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and all the Guantanamo Bay prisoners should be set free. They did not commit a physical act of criminal activity. All the terrorists who committed the crimes died in the planes. So why prosecute them? 

Did he advised Hillary to call Americans Deplorables?

Did he tell her not to go and campaign where Sanders had won?

Explain why Trump won where Obama had won twice!

Bai, ayuh mekkin up ayuh own Nancy story!  But ayuh only fooling ayuh self!!

Bai, Trump won in 2016 the same way the Coalition won in 2015. Voters mistakenly thought both had something positive to offer. But since their elections win, both have proven to be lacking what people thought they had. So both getting kicked out next year. Unless the wicked PNC rig the elections in Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I see this impeachment like this:

1. Democrats with all their drum-beating do not want Trump to be removed from office. If he is removed from office, Pence will take over. He will then pardon the piece of a shit rapist and he will be free to walk.

2. Trump wants an announcement of an investigation of Joe Biden so he can do what he did to Hillary. His campaign slogan will be "Lock him up". He just failed in his scheme.

3. The Republicans in their theatrical costumes dancing and saying that Trump did not commit an actual crime. Maybe that is true. If that is the case, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and all the Guantanamo Bay prisoners should be set free. They did not commit a physical act of criminal activity. All the terrorists who committed the crimes died in the planes. So why prosecute them? 

Did he advised Hillary to call Americans Deplorables?

Did he tell her not to go and campaign where Sanders had won?

Explain why Trump won where Obama had won twice!

Bai, ayuh mekkin up ayuh own Nancy story!  But ayuh only fooling ayuh self!!

Why the Lock Her Up? He should be the one in jail. Trump won where Obama won twice because of Russia, Trump's best friend Putin threw a lot of money into Trump's campaign. How do you think he was able to win with such a token effort and budget? He got help once from Russia, now he's shaking down a vulnerable nation to help him. Publicly he asked China and Ukraine to help. What a scum bag!!

BS!!  Trump won where Obama won and where Sanders won because of Hillary!

Sheer excuse!

And he will do it again!!

Sean posted:

All you nack Tinin cup and drink likka. Republicans going to crak all you walnuts in the senate. Today for you tomorrow for me. 
Hey Hey Hey

They all on the same tune!  They are scared shitless of a head to head poll!

Imagine even after the Mueller fiasco, they still trumpeting Russian involvement!

And so what, the US is involved in many elections!  How come Trump got so many women votes running against Hillarious!  Was it the Russians?

Basically, they telling Americans they are stupid!  Watch it backfires!

They are in denial!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

All you nack Tinin cup and drink likka. Republicans going to crak all you walnuts in the senate. Today for you tomorrow for me. 
Hey Hey Hey

They all on the same tune!  They are scared shitless of a head to head poll!

Imagine even after the Mueller fiasco, they still trumpeting Russian involvement!

And so what, the US is involved in many elections!  How come Trump got so many women votes running against Hillarious!  Was it the Russians?

Basically, they telling Americans they are stupid!  Watch it backfires!

They are in denial!


This will be the biggest backfire against the Democrats who don’t have the walnuts to face Trump at the ballot. They tried this hoax and hope that it will stick on Trump.

I will live to see the day when a Democrat president is impeached AND removed from office in my lifetime. Karma is a bytch. 

The Democrats need to look at the election results in England. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

All you nack Tinin cup and drink likka.

Republicans going to crak all you walnuts in the senate.

Today for you tomorrow for me.

Hey Hey Hey

Assumption that the RePOOPlicans will vote blindly as a block.

However, there could be at least 4 dissenting Republicans who will either refrain from voting or vote with the Democrats.

Interesting times ahead in the Senate.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Sean posted:

All you nack Tinin cup and drink likka.

Republicans going to crak all you walnuts in the senate.

Today for you tomorrow for me.

Hey Hey Hey

Assumption that the RePOOPlicans will vote blindly as a block.

However, there could be at least 4 dissenting Republicans who will either refrain from voting or vote with the Democrats.

Interesting times ahead in the Senate.

Bai DG, you sounding like the Democrats. β€œCould, should, I think, I assume” etc etc.

The Republicans will buss the Democrat walnuts in the senate and put it in their hands all roasted up. 
He He He. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Obama was impeached?? Yuh Rass on crack?


Clinton was impeached cause he put his Dip Stick in a mouth!!!!!!! A man cant get a blow job when he wants???

I can never figure the fuss!  People like spile spoat!!

Republicans are generally uptight individuals mostly obsessed other people having sex. Look how Jim Jordon seems like he is having orgasms when he thinks about Peter Strzok and Lisa Page fvcking. He yells out those names more than people yell o god, o god. πŸ˜€


Mitch has one and only one objective and Trump is his ideal man to help him carry it out.

Mitch through Trump will stack the Supreme Court with justices that are Conservatives. Mitch knows the judges who will enforce his agenda and at all cost Trump will have to win 2020. Mitch will make sure of it.

All dem old laws the Democrats are quoting to impeach Trump will all be overturned by the Supreme Court. Immigrations laws, gay rights, same sex marriages will all be illegal.

America's words of God Bless America will be real, not lip service or mumblings.

Ayuh Brace Alyuhselvies. 

seignet posted:

Mitch has one and only one objective and Trump is his ideal man to help him carry it out.

Mitch through Trump will stack the Supreme Court with justices that are Conservatives. Mitch knows the judges who will enforce his agenda and at all cost Trump will have to win 2020. Mitch will make sure of it.

All dem old laws the Democrats are quoting to impeach Trump will all be overturned by the Supreme Court. Immigrations laws, gay rights, same sex marriages will all be illegal.

America's words of God Bless America will be real, not lip service or mumblings.

Ayuh Brace Alyuhselvies. 

The Righteous must prevail or America is doomed to become shithole!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

I have an important question. I keep reading that McConnell is Moscow Mitch. Is he really Moscow Mitch or is he Moscow’s bitch? πŸ˜€

Ok. Let's rename him Trump's Bitch Moscow Mitch.

You carry around a lot of hatred for White people and for Black people.  Not good!

How can I do that? I have a few good black friends here and my wife is white. Not very logical, is it?


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