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A Jefferson County, Mo., waitress is out of a job after she was filmed in a horrific racist video that went viral.

The video shows Tabitha “Tabbie” Duncan, 20, riding on top of a pickup truck down a dark country road.

“So we’re going ****** hunting today or what?” a man off camera asks.

“We’re going ****** hunting,” another man answers.

“We’re ***king ****** hunting right now,” the off-camera man replies.

“You get them ******s,” Duncan is seen encouraging the men with a smile as the narrator tells her how “pretty” she is.

If that wasn’t the most racist, redneck thing I have ever seen.

Of course, because internet detectives are the best to ever be, it wasn’t long before Duncan was clocked, identified and out of a job, the Riverfront Times notes.

Social media quickly identified her as a waitress at local breastaurant Social Bar and Grill, and the messages demanding comeuppance readily rolled in.

Social, based in south St. Louis County, speedily complied, saying that Duncan was “immediately terminated.”

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