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Cabinet discusses Mayor Green’s actions over the Easter Weekend

– to respond appropriately

By Telesha Ramnarine, April 24, 2014, Source


THE “offensive and ill-advised antics” of Georgetown Mayor Hamilton Green over the Easter Weekend were noted and will be followed up, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, said yesterday.


Luncheon, also Cabinet Secretary, was speaking at his usual post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President in Georgetown. He said that at its last meeting on Tuesday, Cabinet examined a number of current issues involving the City Council, but high on that list was the action of Mayor Green and his subordinates at the Easter activity on the seawall.


“Cabinet reviewed accounts by documented sources,” he said.


Mayor Green and Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green reportedly turned up at the seawalls and admonished vendors not to pay revenues which Town Clerk Carol Sooba said were obligatory.


Sooba told this newspaper that one Julian Orgista was responsible for collecting the revenue, but Mayor Green instead admonished vendors not to pay any money to Orgista.

Sooba added that she was made aware that the Mayor used his armed bodyguard, who is appointed to him by the City Council, as a “man-weapon” to cause confusion between vendors and councillors who were executing their duties.

She noted that all the actions of the mayor, his deputy and his bodyguard were monitored by Assistant Superintendent of Police Gordon Langevine and other officers of the City Constabulary, who then took action and called for back-up. However, when the City Constabulary sprang into action, the mayor took “a comfortable seat on the seawalls” after having committed his acts of “bullyism”.


Langevine, who is the officer in charge of security detail at the City Constabulary, denounced the actions of the mayor and deputy mayor, and noted that their actions “constitute a criminal offence”.


According to Sooba, the act of collecting revenue for vending is one that has been in existence for over twenty years. She said that power was previously vested in Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, who manipulated staff collecting revenues, and as such, monies always “appeared short”.

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“Illegal” Easter spot sales prompt sanctions against Sooba, officers

- Council invites citizens to claim refunds


By Zena Henry, April 25, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source


The Mayor and City Council (M&CC) is setting to move a motion to sanction Town Clerk (ag) Carol Sooba and all the officers that were involved in the “illegal” collection of funds for Easter spots on the seawall during the holiday on Monday. At a press conference yesterday, media workers were informed that the Council has decided to take serious action against the Town Clerk for selling seawall spots at exorbitant prices, against the authority of the Council.


 Councilor Ranwell Jordan and Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green conducting yesterday’s press conference

Councilor Ranwell Jordan and Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green conducting yesterday’s press conference2


A motion will also be moved against the officers who took part in the exercise, since according to Council executives “they (constabulary officers) are losing their way” amidst the confusion that is taking place as a result of the “blatant disregard” by the Town Clerk for the authority of the Council.

It was pointed out that the constabulary officers are no longer adhering to the Council and are showing blatant disrespect for the Mayor and Councilors.

Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green clarified that against what is being said in certain sections of the media, the Mayor, along with persons who accompanied him to the seawall last Monday, in no way “played bullies”, or intervened in the fund-collecting exercise with armed guards.

She explained that on meeting to the location, it was observed that a Council vehicle (van) was parked on the seawall with persons relaxing and eating in its tray. In the passenger seats, more persons were observed eating and drinking and conversing. When it was asked who was in charge, the officers completely ignored the Mayor, and no answer was given, she explained.

The Deputy Mayor described this as a state of concern; when employees are disregarding the authority of their employers.

Former Mayor Ranwell Jordon said that the activity conducted by Sooba was illegal. He said that it is obvious that the de facto Town Clerk was not taking her orders from the Council.

“She is not carrying out the instructions of the Council.” “I don’t know where she is taking her orders from, but I know it is not the Council,” he charged.

Jordan pointed out that the constabulary officers must be aware that, “their orders do not come from the Minister nor the Town Clerk, but from the Mayor and Councilors.” He was adamant that the Local Government Ministry, in supporting Sooba, is supporting her illegal activities, “and the M&CC will not tolerate this kind of behaviour.”

The Councilors have indicated that the next statutory meeting, which will convene next Monday, will see the motion being passed and voted upon. The Council’s Personnel and Training Committee is expected to put their foot down on the Constabulary officers.

As the Council related its embarrassment at families having to pay some $15,000 and $20,000 to enjoy the religious holiday, they are inviting persons who would have been charged on the seawall to come into the agency with their receipts and identification cards to be refunded.

They said that while the Council indeed, would charge fees to offset clean up and other charges, it is usually in the area of $1,500 and $2,000.

The Councilors said too that while the Minister of Local Government Norman Whittaker stated last week that should it be found that Sooba’s actions are illegal, he would have her “reverse” it, nothing was done.

It was emphasised that he never contacted the Mayor or Councilors to ascertain the situation and in turn, the Council does not see it fit to make contact with the Minister over the issue since legally, he has no say. They charged that the matter is a Council issue, “which will be dealt with by the Council in the best way we see fit.”

It was also reiterated that to date the Mayor is being restricted to five gallons of gas per week, while the Town Clerk is allegedly using Council vehicle to “visit relatives in New Amsterdam, to go market shopping etc.” The Deputy Mayor slammed the Town Clerk for demanding that the Mayor come to her office and offer her an apology before she restores gas to his vehicle.

This and several other matters are expected to come to the fore at the next statutory meeting.

The Town Clerk (ag) has criticized the Mayor for what she said was disrupting the collection of seawall funds. She pointed out that a report has been lodged at the police station against the action of the Mayor and Councilors.


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