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The hypocrisy of some advocacy groups

Dear Editor,
The hypocrisy of some women’s right organization is just inexplicable. There is a certain domestic abuse advocacy group called the Caribbean American Domestic Violence Awareness (CADVA) with members such as Anand Budram, Dianne Madray and Sukree Boodram who all and sundry would want to support since their mission is to provide a safe environment for individuals combat domestic violence. Noble objective indeed!

No human being will have any problem with that since they are supposed to fight a plague called domestic violence in the Caribbean especially Guyana. What really bothers me is how these PPP satellites can choose to press some abusers and cut others much slack.

Unfortunately the issue of domestic violence does not give us the latitude to pick and choose. This is not politics; this is life and death for the victims.
In March 2013, when member of the AFC Charandass Persaud made disparaging remarks about a certain female doctor, Ms. Diane Madray, a CADVA member on her Facebook page claimed that she is “outraged and … certainly hope that the AFC executives apologise… as it is an attack on all women”.

This story came to light after everyone were silence on the Benn Jr. release, even women and women's groups. Go figure!

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When Benn Jr. was released without a fine or imprisonment for his action, the battered woman became twice the victim. One by the abuser, and one by the government. Remember this folks, many of you may still have your mother, sisters or cousins still living in Guyana. You wouldn't like if a Minister's son would pistol whipped them, punch them and cause them to miscarriage and then walk free because of his political status. History do repeat itself and I will be around to ask you about your silence.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

When Benn Jr. was released without a fine or imprisonment for his action, the battered woman became twice the victim. One by the abuser, and one by the government. Remember this folks, many of you may still have your mother, sisters or cousins still living in Guyana. You wouldn't like if a Minister's son would pistol whipped them, punch them and cause them to miscarriage and then walk free because of his political status. History do repeat itself and I will be around to ask you about your silence.

history do repeat itself i wonder oh boy i wonder and they say the blind dont see


Indeed Ramjattan and the rest who are there purporting to law the foundation of a new reality ought to weigh in on this. The same goes for Red Thread Press, ACDA, Jean La Rose of the APA not to mention that PPP lapdog Peter Persaud. 


These people will have to pay attention to what they may consider the small things, neglect of indivitual rights before they can attress our collective rights. When we neglect the least we cannot claim to be able to take care of the most.


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