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 Date: Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:25 PM Subject: Justin Trudeau had pledged to legalize marijuana if elected - Canada Marijuana Stocks Higher as Liberals Vow Legalization




Wow! Cash Crop! Is it true Ford is one of  the major share holder and the growers funded the Liberal Party???  


Canada Marijuana Stocks Higher as Liberals Vow Legalization

October 20, 2015 — 9:45 AM EDT Updated on October 20, 2015 — 10:55 AM EDT

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  • ·         Justin Trudeau had pledged to legalize marijuana if elected
  • ·         Canopy Growth, Aphria, Mettrum among stocks seen benefiting

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Canadian marijuana stocks jumped after Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party clinched a decisive victory in the country’s election Monday, with a pledge to legalize the substance among his policy promises.

Canopy Growth Corp. increased 11 percent to C$2.43 at 10:38 a.m. in Toronto after climbing as much as 21 percent. Aphria Inc. rose 5.3 percent to C$1 and Mettrum Health Corp. gained 7.6 percent to C$1.98 after jumping 18 percent. The companies already produce marijuana for medical use, which is legal in Canada.

“Trudeau’s vow to legalize and regulate marijuana the ‘right way’ has set in motion the single most important catalyst for the marijuana space,” Dundee Capital Markets analyst Aaron Salz said in a Tuesday note to clients.

Trudeau’s Liberals swept districts in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario to win a majority government, ousting Stephen Harper’s Conservatives after more than nine years of government. The Conservatives had upheld restrictions on recreational cannabis use during their reign.

Trudeau’s platform calls for removing marijuana offenses from the criminal code and drawing up new rules for selling and taxing the drug.

“That makes a big difference because that means they have to get it from a known and controlled supply chain,” said Bruce Linton, chief executive officer of Ontario-based Canopy Growth. His company is already positioned to take advantage of new rules, he said by phone.

Not Imminent

“We have been the most aggressive capital raiser and creator of an asset which is now 500,000 square feet of facilities,” Linton said. “We’ve got the engine running nicely now.”

Legalization is unlikely to be an imminent priority for the government, Andrew Pyle, a fund manager at ScotiaMcLeod Inc. in Peterborough, Ontario, said by phone. His team manages about C$300 million ($230 million).

“You’ll see an initial move higher,” Pyle said. “Not sure how sustainable that will be, it will come down to when these policies come into place.




 Don't jump up and down  too much for 'Joy', you might hurt yourself.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Oh Rass Dope Head gun turn Dopey Dopey

We gun see who is a dope head when American $$$ crawl across the border for a stash, led by Obama.

BC economy will multiply. BC bud is the bes in the world.

And you rass gun left behind.  Knackin glass on Liberty.   


Don't know about Ford backing Trudeau, he's Conservative.


This is what I've said about Guyana for so dam long. Remove the criminal element by legalizing it and work it as it's done with alcohol.


Guyana can then start filling those empty hotels as they build more, while boasting some of the world's best holiday resorts.

While there, visitors will realize that Guyana has lots to offer them. even after they have returned to their homes.

They will learn of Guyana's foods, ahem...their rice, coconuts,etc and this could be a whole new ball game for that small South American country.



Originally Posted by cain:

Don't know about Ford backing Trudeau, he's Conservative.


This is what I've said about Guyana for so dam long. Remove the criminal element by legalizing it and work it as it's done with alcohol.


Guyana can then start filling those empty hotels as they build more, while boasting some of the world's best holiday resorts.

While there, visitors will realize that Guyana has lots to offer them. even after they have returned to their homes.

They will learn of Guyana's foods, ahem...their rice, coconuts,etc and this could be a whole new ball game for that small South American country.



you know they say once you go for ganja, people move on to harder, more dangerous drugs (like cocaine)


Like most things in life, its a personal choice in a democratic society.


In the old days at the crisis centre, we can have a call traced and send the police to kick down the door, to save the person.  I experienced many of these scenarios.


Years later, we are not allowed to have  call-display or to traced a call. The reason, its a personal choice to kill your self.

This does not mean, there are no services available to assist the person.


What ever we decide to ingest in our bodies, its our choice and it should not be regulated, prescribed or not. 


Abortion is a good example. You want to tell a woman, she can't control what happens to her own body ?

You try doing dat wid belna in she hand.      

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:

Don't know about Ford backing Trudeau, he's Conservative.


This is what I've said about Guyana for so dam long. Remove the criminal element by legalizing it and work it as it's done with alcohol.


Guyana can then start filling those empty hotels as they build more, while boasting some of the world's best holiday resorts.

While there, visitors will realize that Guyana has lots to offer them. even after they have returned to their homes.

They will learn of Guyana's foods, ahem...their rice, coconuts,etc and this could be a whole new ball game for that small South American country.



you know they say once you go for ganja, people move on to harder, more dangerous drugs (like cocaine)

You know they also say, That's HorseThit!



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:

Don't know about Ford backing Trudeau, he's Conservative.


This is what I've said about Guyana for so dam long. Remove the criminal element by legalizing it and work it as it's done with alcohol.


Guyana can then start filling those empty hotels as they build more, while boasting some of the world's best holiday resorts.

While there, visitors will realize that Guyana has lots to offer them. even after they have returned to their homes.

They will learn of Guyana's foods, ahem...their rice, coconuts,etc and this could be a whole new ball game for that small South American country.



you know they say once you go for ganja, people move on to harder, more dangerous drugs (like cocaine)

You know they also say, That's HorseThit!



You lost me hea Banna.

Is HorseThit something dat hangs unda de horse, or on de rear end wid Vish hanging-on ?


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