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Georgetown, GINA, January 12, 2015

Caribbean Airlines (CAL) has come on board to support the Government and people of Guyana in commemorating the country’s 50th jubilee anniversary.

 The airline has partnered with the Ministry of Education, Department of Culture, Youth and Sport to brand three of their aircraft with the 50th anniversary logo.

The branded planes will be unveiled at a simple ceremony at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) on Friday, January 15, 2015.

 Addressing a press briefing at the Department of Culture, Youth and Sport on Main Street, today, Minister within the Ministry of Education Nicolette Henry explained that CAL has been the sole airline, thus far, to approach the National Commemorative Commission to partner in support of the 50th Independence anniversary celebrations.

Apart from the logo, which is branding and publicity, the CAL partnership also has a travel component, whereby the airline has agreed to airlift to Guyana, and free of cost, certain items, including memorabilia and souvenirs that the National Commemorative Commission would require to purchase outside of Guyana, for the celebrations, Minister Henry said.

The arrangement also caters for reduction in passenger fare for VIP passengers who would be required to travel to the country or to the Diaspora destination of Toronto and New York as part of the celebrations there.

Minister Henry explained that no way does the partnership make, CAL the official airline, of the jubilee celebration. “This is not a case of sole sourcing,” she said, explaining, that the Government is still open to and would welcome, other airlines coming on board and offering similar packages.

Given the volume of the activities planned and the amount of air traffic expected, “we might very much need other support,” she noted.

For its part, CAL is delighted that the Government and people of Guyana have chosen it as one of the preferred carriers for the 50th celebration in Guyana and its, Diaspora destination of Toronto and New York, CAL’s Guyana Sales Executive, Dion Inniss told the media.

 “Fifty (50) years is quite a momentous occasion, it provides opportunities for reflection, celebration and going forward, great expectations, and we are happy to be associated with this celebration,” Inniss said.

Inniss explained that throughout the year, CAL plans to collaborate with other Ministries as part of the celebration.  The Guyana Trade Fair and Exposition (GuyExpo) is one such event for the celebration, that the airlines is expected to partner in, and with the Ministry of Tourism, Inniss explained.

Questioned about whether the airlines would be offering its customers a reduced cost for flying in for the celebration; Inniss said that this would be based on demand.  He said that whilst this would be a peak period, and CAL would do its best to keep cost at an industry affordable rate, he explained that if customers were to book their tickets too late then the prices may not be what they are looking for. In this regard, he urged everyone to make their arrangements early.

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