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March 14, 2017 Source

(Trinidad Guardian) Caribbean Airlines Ltd is saddled with a US$270,000 monthly bill for breaking its lease on two 767 jets that are now flying for Air Canada.

The issue was brought to the fore as company officials appeared before yesterday’s Joint Select Committee meeting in Parliament.

“We are still incurring payments on the 767s and that goes until August 2017. The leases were due to expire in 2017. We returned the aircraft but given that we were returning, we had to renegotiate with lessors (a person who leases property),” CAL chief executive officer Captain Jagmohan Singh said, as he noted US$135, 000 was due for each carrier.

The 767s, which once served the retired London route for CAL, are now used by Air Canada.

The committee also heard that CAL experiences some US$40,000 in credit card fraud per month. This activity occurred on some of the most popular routes, including Port-of-Spain to New York, Guyana to North America, Kingston to New York and out of Caracas, where fraudsters used other people’s information to make bookings on CAL’s website.

However, Senior Manager Financial and Revenue Accounting, Adrian Agarrat, said systems were being put in place to deal with this, as it was of serious concern to the industry. He said in 2013 it was discovered there was a US$20 million accounting error which was since rectified by external auditors.

Regarding the submission of documents, CAL was warned by Senator David Small that it must comply with the committee’s request.

At the previous hearing, the committee requested a document which was not publicly specified, but had still not received it up to yesterday. In giving an explanation, however, CAL vice chairman Michael Quamina expressed concern in submitting the document, saying it was confidential.

But Small said it was not up to the management to determine what documents ought to submitted, saying full compliance was expected by the committee.

Quamina then assured that they would submit the document within 48 hours

On the request for documents regarding management of the tender process and evaluation documents for purchasing aircraft, Small said this was also not done.

Tender and evaluation documents for the 2011 purchase of five ATR aircraft were still outstanding. The ATRs belong to a $200 million fleet from which regional aviation bodies reported five engine fire warnings from December 2015 to December 2016. However, the Civil Aviation Authority of T&T does not publish these incidents.

Colville Carrington, VP Maintenance and Engineering, also assured this would be done.

It was also revealed that according to a recent survey conducted by the company, some 66 per cent of employees were dissatisfied with management and in particular the direction in which the company was heading.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Apparently some Jamaicans and Trinis who live in, or who travel to NYC are crooks.  Those who live in FL or Canada, or who travel there don't seem to be.

Noteworthy is that crookishness can be found among Guyanese on the whole. Not only those in NYC. 60 years of the PPP and the PNC.

caribny posted:

Apparently some Jamaicans and Trinis who live in, or who travel to NYC are crooks.  Those who live in FL or Canada, or who travel there don't seem to be.

Noteworthy is that crookishness can be found among Guyanese on the whole. Not only those in NYC. 60 years of the PPP and the PNC.

Looks like you played a part in the CAL demise.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

Apparently some Jamaicans and Trinis who live in, or who travel to NYC are crooks.  Those who live in FL or Canada, or who travel there don't seem to be.

Noteworthy is that crookishness can be found among Guyanese on the whole. Not only those in NYC. 60 years of the PPP and the PNC.

Looks like you played a part in the CAL demise.

Hey man why you gaffa stir up like the taste an smell nuh?

I hope GTAngler checks out this post and see the reason carib gets riled up. Note after the hilite in your post you seem to have missed.

Not only those in NYC. 60 years of the PPP and the PNC.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

Apparently some Jamaicans and Trinis who live in, or who travel to NYC are crooks.  Those who live in FL or Canada, or who travel there don't seem to be.

Noteworthy is that crookishness can be found among Guyanese on the whole. Not only those in NYC. 60 years of the PPP and the PNC.

Looks like you played a part in the CAL demise.

Hey man why you gaffa stir up like the taste an smell nuh?

I hope GTAngler checks out this post and see the reason carib gets riled up. Note after the hilite in your post you seem to have missed.

Not only those in NYC. 60 years of the PPP and the PNC.

Lemme ask you a question... How does Carib know this? He got some inside info?

skeldon_man posted:

Lemme ask you a question... How does Carib know this? He got some inside info?

Know what.  That the behavior of the PPP and the PNC, the two most corrupt political parties in the English speaking Caribbean have given rise to the most corrupt population in the English Caribbean.

CAL revealed that they have problems between KIN and NYC, POS and NYC and from GEO they have an ALL of their North American routes! Clearly then Guyanese who live in, or who fly to Toronto and FL are more corrupt than are Trinis and Jamaicans who fly those routes!

GTAngler posted:

Bana, go give your brain a flush......

No worries. You are well endorsed by the Indo KKK element here, and you seem to love them as well.

Last edited by Former Member

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