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Calgarian one of two men killed in plane crash in Guyana

Calgarian one of two men killed in plane crash in Guyana

Nick Dmitriev, 54, a system operator with DigitalWorld Mapping Inc. and part of a LiDAR mapping and imaging project in Guyana, was killed Saturday when the twin-engined plane he was a passenger in crashed. -- Photograph by: DigitalWorld Mapping Inc.

A Calgary man and a Florida pilot died Saturday in a plane crash in Guyana after their twin-engined plane lost power during a mapping expedition.


Nick Dmitriev, 54, was a system operator with DigitalWorld Mapping Inc., and part of a LiDAR mapping and imaging project in Guyana. Dmitriev’s role in Guyana was to ride in the aircraft and monitor data to create topographic maps. He had been with the company since its inception in 2004.


The pilot, 71-year-old Pierre Angiel, was also killed.


The enormity of the tragedy has not yet fully sunk in, said Morgan Steeves, the president of DigitalWorld Mapping Inc. At the Calgary office, staff were passing around photos and sharing stories of Dmitriev on Monday, Steeves said.


“It’s been horrific, to say the least, to deal with it,” Steeves said.


“We operate our business more like our family and it’s a great loss that we encountered here. He will certainly be missed.”


Dmitriev leaves behind a wife and two daughters, Steeves said. They have travelled to Guyana to make final arrangements and to have his remains returned to Calgary, he added.


Dmitriev moved to Canada from Russia in 1990, according to a company statement. He was the author of three patents and 10 scientific publications.


On Saturday around 3 p.m. local time, Dmitriev and Angiel were heading out on a mapping project from an airport just outside Georgetown when the twin-engined aircraft lost power in one engine during takeoff, Steeves said.


Steeves said his understanding of what happened next is that Angiel was trying to get the plane back on the ground in an open area when part of the aircraft struck a tree and lost control, crashing into a dwelling in a residential area not far from the airport.


“They had just left the airport with a full load of fuel, so it was essentially a fireball upon impact,” Steeves said, his voice shaking.


It’s too soon to know what exactly went wrong, Steeves said.


Angiel had helped out with several of the company’s projects over the years, Steeves said, and was a veteran pilot with more than 50,000 hours of experience flying twin engines.


Dmitriev was an irreplaceable part of the Calgary-based team who will be greatly missed, the company said in an official statement released Monday. The company’s managing director is currently in Guyana with Dmietrev’s family, according to the statement.


“We would like to express our sincerest condolences to Nick’s wife and daughters, as well as the family of Pierre Angiel, the pilot of the aircraft,” the statement said.


Dmitriev and Angiel loved doing what they did, Steeves said. Dmitriev loved the travel and excitement of his job — meeting new people, trying new food. He was a good man, he said.


“Nick has earned his wings.”


Nick Dmitriev, 54, a system operator with DigitalWorld Mapping Inc. and part of a LiDAR mapping and imaging project in Guyana, was killed Saturday when the twin-engined plane he was a passenger in crashed.

Nick Dmitriev, 54, a system operator with DigitalWorld Mapping Inc. and part of a LiDAR mapping and imaging project in Guyana, was killed Saturday when the twin-engined plane he was a passenger in crashed. -- Photograph by: DigitalWorld Mapping Inc

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Plane crashes on Sparendaam house -- pilot, passenger killed

April 14, 2013, By Staff Writer, Source


A United States-registered aeroplane crashed into a home at the Sparendaam Housing Scheme shortly after takeoff from the Ogle International Airport yesterday killing the American pilot and a Canadian surveyor who was conducting a technical survey for the Amaila Falls access road.

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The crash of the fuel-laden twin-engine N27-FT Piper Aztec plane which exploded on impact at about 3pm yesterday was the worst in several years and initial reports point to engine failure as a probable cause of the crash. “It took off with six hours of fuel from Ogle and it looks like it lost an engine and then crashed,” Minister of Transport, Robeson Benn told reporters on the scene.

The names of the deceased were not released up to news time last night and officials said that relatives and the embassy here would first have to be notified. Stabroek News was told that the deceased are two relatively young men. The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has opened an investigation and Benn said that the plane was an American registered N27-FT Piper Aztec plane that was on a technical survey mission for the Amaila Falls access road. A LIDAR survey was being done to determine the best geometrics and other alignments for the road, the minister said.

The smoking ruins of Florence Dyer-Tyndall’s house after yesterday’s plane crash [Photo by Arian Browne)

The smoking ruins of Florence Dyer-Tyndall’s house after yesterday’s plane crash (Photo by Arian Browne)

An internet search revealed that the aircraft was registered to Angiel EnviroSafe Inc which is based in Miami, Florida. Calls to the number listed for the company were directed to a voicemail system.

Director General of the GCAA, Zulfikar Mohammed told reporters that the plane was in Guyana for about a week and had flown prior to the crash. It had already surveyed one stretch of the road earlier yesterday and was returning to assess another stretch when tragedy struck.

Veteran pilot, Gerry Gouveia suggested that engine failure might have played a role in the crash. “My own staff said they heard the change of engine sound which kind of signify that there might have been an engine failure, but we don’t know,” he said. Gouveia the owner of Roraima Airways – said that a crash like this is rare. “This is a twin engine aircraft and it’s meant to fly with one engine. It’s meant to, if one engine fails, the other one, it should fly,” he said.

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Cpt. Gerry Gouveia on the Scene

The plane crashed into the Lot 78 Graham Street, Sparendaam Housing Scheme home owned by 69-year-old Florence Dyer-Tyndall.  The visibly shocked woman told reporters that she was in her three bedroom wooden home preparing for church when she heard a loud boom. She said that she did not think it was anything serious since she is accustomed to hearing planes pass by her home. However, she said that she then felt her house move and this caused her to run outside. As she scampered out, she saw her house on fire. Dyer-Tyndall and three other persons occupied the home.

Eyewitness Stephon Barry said that he was working in another yard when he heard a “funny sound” which was that of the plane’s engine. He recalled that when he looked up, he saw the plane coming down and as it did; its engines were “backfiring” and eventually cut out. The aircraft first hit a coconut tree, snapping it in half, before crashing into the home. Barry said that it appeared as though the pilot was attempting to land on the playfield nearby but could not make it and crashed into the house.

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Eyewitness Stephon Barry

The man said that soon after the plane crashed, several explosions were heard followed by fire. The house then collapsed and became engulfed in flames. Barry said that they managed to save a gas stove, a washing machine and fridge from the house. They also began to soak the houses nearby with water to prevent them from burning.

Another wooden building nearby, owned by Michelle Bell, was badly damaged by the flames. Her brother, Joseph Stewart said that he was dropping off some relatives at the home when he heard the loud roar of the plane’s engine. Bell’s house is a few feet away from Dyer-Tyndall’s home.

Stewart was in his car and said that he saw a shadow over him. “I wanted to know if the day had turned to night,” the distressed man who said that he had yet to come to grips with the situation related. He said that that aircraft was so low that had he not moved, the wheels of the plane would have caught on the top of his car. He said that the aircraft exploded immediately after it crashed. “It was very quick,” Stewart related.

Bell and the children who were in the home, quickly fled. She suffered an injury to her foot and although she could walk, was taken in an ambulance for treatment. Relatives reported that in the melee that ensued following the crash, two laptop computers as well as some other items were stolen.

Meantime, when asked whether the plane was hired by the government or subcontracted, Benn stated that it was subcontracted but declined to reveal the name of the company.

Mohammed said that they will be going through the crash site, look at what is available and take first hand information from observers for the investigation. He also said that they have to retrieve the engine, which will have to be properly examined, to determine if it was part of the cause of the accident.

A huge crowd of curious onlookers gathered near the house of Florence Dyer-Tyndall to get a glimpse of the plane that crashed and the damage caused [Photo by Arian Browne)

A huge crowd of curious onlookers gathered near the house of Florence Dyer-Tyndall to get a glimpse of the plane that crashed and the damage caused (Photo by Arian Browne)

Firemen from the Guyana Fire Service responded promptly and managed to contain the blaze. When Stabroek News arrived at the scene a large crowd had already gathered at the site. Up to late yesterday afternoon, investigators had not retrieved the bodies of the two men.

Gouveia told reporters that “the pilot seems to have lost control of the aircraft…” He said that such crashes are rare and as it was a twin engine aircraft, it should have been able to fly with one engine had the other failed. “So what we need to find is why didn’t it fly, why the pilots were not able to take it back to Ogle,” he said.

The veteran pilot said that Ogle is one of the safest airports and has all the navigation aids “so there is no reason this airplane should not have make it back into Ogle.” He said that the engines will have to be examined during the investigation.

There have been several incidents with aircraft over the years, but crashes involving fatalities are infrequent.  A similar incident occurred on November 8, 2003 when a Trans Guyana Airways Skyvan crashed shortly after takeoff from Ogle. The right engine failed to perform even after takeoff and two persons were killed in this accident while one crew member received injuries.

A more recent incident in November 2008 involved the disappearance of a plane with two Americans and a Canadian on board. The plane has never been found.  Americans James Wesley Barker, 28, and Chris Paris, 23, the Captain and First Officer, respectively, along with Canadian Patrick Murphy, a geophysics technician were on board the plane.

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More scenes from the aftermath

The aircraft was chartered from Dynamic Aviation Inc by Terraquest Ltd to conduct geophysical surveys on behalf of Prometheus Resources (Guyana) Inc, a subsidiary of the Toronto-based U3O8 Corporation. The aircraft was scheduled to operate in the Chi Chi – Imbaimadai area located in Cuyuni and following four hours, thirty minutes in the area it was expected to return to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. It never did and a search operation involving several local aircraft as well as British army helicopters failed to find any sign of the missing plane and the government later said that the trio was presumed dead.

Flattened: The remains of what used to be the home of Florence Dyer-Tyndall [Photo by Arian Browne)

Flattened: The remains of what used to be the home of Florence Dyer-Tyndall (Photo by Arian Browne)


Sparendaam plane crash … Pilot ignored engine trouble warnings - relatives pay emotional visit to crash site

April 16, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


Reports have emerged that indicate that Pierre Angiel, the American pilot of the ill-fated twin-engine Piper Aztec which crashed down on a Sparendaam house last Saturday, had ignored warnings that the aircraft was unfit to undergo further flying.

The pilot, 71-year-old Angiel, and Canadian technician Nick Dmitriev perished as a result of the mishap which also saw the three-bedroom house of 69 year old Florence Tyndall go up in flames.

The aircraft with crew was contracted to carry out aerial surveys of the proposed Amaila Falls road.

Kaieteur News was reliably informed that the aircraft engines had showed signs of malfunction two days before Saturday’s tragedy.


Guyana Civil Aviation Authority investigators at the crash site.


This confirms to reports that the aircraft which was in Guyana a week ago, had carried out prior missions along the Amaila Falls road.

“We heard how the engine was behaving two days before Saturday, but then the plane carried out successful surveys prior to Saturday’s mishap and some of the fears subsided,” an Ogle Airport source told this newspaper.

The source added that Angiel also ignored verbal warnings from engineers at Ogle, claiming that he was familiar with the aircraft, having flown it on countless missions over a number of years.

On Saturday the aircraft had taken off on its second trip of the day after refueling at the Ogle Airport.

Eyewitnesses recalled hearing what sounded like one of the engines backfiring just before takeoff.

A few minutes later the plane fell out of the sky and landed on a house a few miles from the airport.

“A plane is not like a car that you could stop and check it if there is engine trouble. Once you are up there, (in the air) there is nothing you can do, really, if there is engine trouble.”

Immediately after the crash, Works Minister Robeson Benn was quick to indicate that the aircraft appeared to have suffered engine trouble.

However, it will be a while before investigators ascertain what caused the engines to fail.

“Investigators will have to rely on the engines which will have to go to the manufacturers for checks. The plane does not carry a black box; it was not the size to carry a black box. Only transport category aircraft normally carry black boxes,” the source explained.

Meanwhile, relatives of the dead men paid an emotional visit to the scene yesterday.

According to Elizabeth Belle whose house was scorched as a result of the crash, the relatives were shown the spot where the charred remains of Angiel and Dmitriev were found.

“The girl was standing at the gate crying and I told her to come in and I showed her where her father was lying and she picked up a piece of burnt paper and she hugged it and started to cry,” Belle told Kaieteur News.

She believes that after the plane engines failed, the men were desperately trying to prevent it from landing on any of the houses.

“You could see the plane shifting and waving from side to side as it was coming down, like they trying to steer it away from the house. That is how it ended up landing between the two houses,” Belle stated.

“My daughter was sitting in a car and the plane passed right over it and when it land is then when you hear the screaming start,” she added.


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