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I agree with you guys, he was well read, had quite a flair for words, used them well but what I found disturbing was after all the time he was here rubbing the PPP faces into the dirt and cussing them out, he let everything soak in then just before the election he made the mistake of going over to assist the PPP.


For me, trust went out that day, baby, bath water,tub, every rass out.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

I agree with you guys, he was well read, had quite a flair for words, used them well but what I found disturbing was after all the time he was here rubbing the PPP faces into the dirt and cussing them out, he let everything soak in then just before the election he made the mistake of going over to assist the PPP.


For me, trust went out that day, baby, bath water,tub, every rass out.

At least he owned it.  They have those who cuss the PPP but had secret back-channels seeking favors.  Some cuss the PNC under one handle and praise them under another looking for a job.  Shaitaan was who is was, plain and simple.


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