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Originally Posted by alena06:

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by alena06:
'Granger said his government will refashion society so that women, old folk and young people can have better lives'

This ass can't even speak, what the hell does refashion mean...No wonder he declined to debate.
"Refashion" means to alter, change or modify. What exactly is wrong with the Brigadier's statement?
No one on the international scene uses an outdated term like refashion.  Gotta be an old, dunce Guyanese.

Alena06 the President of Guyana is a very educated man


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  • Screenshot_2015-05-16-15-40-34-1: alena06 the President of Guyana is a very educated man.
Last edited by Pointblank
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by alena06:
'Granger said his government will refashion society so that women, old folk and young people can have better lives'

This ass can't even speak, what the hell does refashion mean...No wonder he declined to debate.
"Refashion" means to alter, change or modify. What exactly is wrong with the Brigadier's statement?
No one on the international scene uses an outdated term like refashion.  Gotta be an old, dunce Guyanese.

Alena06 the President of Guyana is a very educated man

She will argue that Ramotar and Jagdeo, with their semi creolese speaking style, are quite adept at globally accepted forms of the English language.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by alena06:
'Granger said his government will refashion society so that women, old folk and young people can have better lives'

This ass can't even speak, what the hell does refashion mean...No wonder he declined to debate.
"Refashion" means to alter, change or modify. What exactly is wrong with the Brigadier's statement?
No one on the international scene uses an outdated term like refashion.  Gotta be an old, dunce Guyanese.

Alena06 the President of Guyana is a very educated man

She will argue that Ramotar and Jagdeo, with their semi creolese speaking style, are quite adept at globally accepted forms of the English language.

She may even wear a teenage style stringy bikini to the beach.


“I shall be a good President for all the people of Guyana”; Granger sworn in as President

May 16, 2015 3:48 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

President David Granger taking the oath of office. [iNews' Photo]

President David Granger taking the oath of office. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – In a moment of history where thousands of persons flocked the streets of Georgetown, some in tears and some with the brightest smiles on their faces, retired Brigadier of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) David Arthur Granger was sworn in as Guyana’s eight Executive President by Acting Chancellor of the Judiciary, Carl Singh.


For many, Granger’s swearing in signaled the dawn of a new era as it is the first time in 23 years that Guyana will see a change from a People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration.

A number of diplomats, international observers and members of the private sector attended the swearing in ceremony. The only member of the PPP/C present was former Minister of Labour, Dr Nanda Gopaul.

President David Granger and Prime Minister-elect Moses Nagamootoo. [iNews' Photo]

President David Granger and Prime Minister-elect Moses Nagamootoo. [iNews’ Photo]

President Granger in his inauguration speech said that with the election of a new President, Guyanese have “fortified” their right to democracy.


“I shall be a good President for all the people of Guyana,” said the President to screams from thousands of persons.

The new President also extended a hand of friendship to Former President Donald Ramotar and other members of the PPP/C for inclusionary democracy.

“Inclusionary democracy is the best way to overcome our divisions,” said the retired Brigadier.

As his first act as President, Granger has appointed Joseph Harmon to act in the capacity of Head of the Presidential Secretariat – a post commandeered by Roger Luncheon for the past 23 years.

A section of the thousands of persons outside Parliament Building. [iNews' Photo]

A section of the thousands of persons outside Parliament Building. [iNews’ Photo]

It was also pointed that the PPP/C and the new APNU+AFC government has agreed to formulate a transition team what will see the smooth transference of government.


Granger attended Queen’s College, where he was a member of the Queen’s College Cadet Corps. He then joined the GDF as an officer cadet in 1965 and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1966. He received his professional military training at the Army Command and Staff College in Nigeria; the Jungle Warfare Instruction Centre in Brazil; and the School of Infantry and the Mons Officer Cadet School, respectively, in the United Kingdom.

Granger – a University of Guyana Valedictorian – founded the Guyana Review news magazine in 1992, and served as its Managing Editor. He has researched and published on military, historical and media themes, and is also the author of Guyana’s state media: the quest for control, and A Preliminary Study of Women Soldiers in the Anglophone Caribbean.

A section of the thousands of persons outside Parliament Building. [iNews' Photo]

A section of the thousands of persons outside Parliament Building. [iNews’ Photo]

Sixty-nine-year-old Granger was the Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC – a coalition of six of Guyana’s major political players – the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), National Front Alliance, the Guyana Action Party, Justice For All Party and the Alliance For Change (AFC).


Accompanied by Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo, Granger led a campaign that called for national unity with the hopes of bridging Guyana’s racial divide in this his second Presidential bid.

Another fundamental tenet of the APNU+AFC’s “It Is Time” campaign was the call to end corruption and end race-based voting which has characterized elections in Guyana, since the Country gained independence from Britain in 1966.

He was unsuccessful in 2011 after losing the elections to the People’s Progressive Party/Civic’ (PPP/C) – Donald Ramotar.

APNU+AFC won the 2015 election after it managed to acquire 207, 200 votes while the PPP/C acquired 202,694 votes – a clear indication that the majority of Guyanese wanted change.

Out of Guyana’s past seven Executive Presidents, the PPP/C bred five – Dr Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan, Sam Hinds, Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar.

The APNU+AFC victory at the Monday May 11 General and Regional Elections ended the 23 year reign of the PPP/C – which is by and large a Party that has mainly indo-Guyanese supporters.

For many this is the first time that they will be able to experience a different administration and there are hopes that the change will yield good results.

The coalition has produced a 100 day plan that entails the review of taxes, increase of salaries and old age pension, an anti-corruption fight, liberalization of the Telecommunication and ICT sectors, several task forces on crime and security, and benefits for Guyana’s small miners.

Originally Posted by alena06:

'Granger said his government will refashion society so that women, old folk and young people can have better lives'


This ass can't even speak, what the hell does refashion mean...No wonder he declined to debate.

Your bitterness will continue to destroy, what Guyana is trying to build.

What school of higher education did Ramotar and Jagdeo attend ?


FYI.. re-fashioning is, conforming your .....for all in Guyana to benefit equally. Can you handle it ?

Decline to debate !!  Ramotar and Harper failed dunsee and were too chicken shit to participate.


Take some time to meditate and come back with suggestion that is good  all equally, because your animosity might  have personal consequences. 


Bottom line...CARRY YOU RASS...unless  you want to help build Guyana for all equally.  

Alena, get over yourself gyal.

No one likes a sore loser. You look ridiculous. The fact is that the PPP got buggered royally because their batty was exposed. Everyone buggered them. The army. The police. The civil service. The Indians. The Blacks. The Amerindians. The diplomats. Everyone! The PPP were stupid. And got buggered badly.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by alena06:
'Granger said his government will refashion society so that women, old folk and young people can have better lives'

This ass can't even speak, what the hell does refashion mean...No wonder he declined to debate.
"Refashion" means to alter, change or modify. What exactly is wrong with the Brigadier's statement?
No one on the international scene uses an outdated term like refashion.  Gotta be an old, dunce Guyanese.

Alena06 the President of Guyana is a very educated man

She will argue that Ramotar and Jagdeo, with their semi creolese speaking style, are quite adept at globally accepted forms of the English language.

Sweet talk and good English did us real well form 1964 to 1992.  Let us see Granger keep the commitments he made regarding running an inclusive Govt.  Let us see when the AFC begin to muscle in for their negotiated piece of the pie.  I take it one skeptical day at a time.  The fact of the matter, the "PNC" has all the sharp steel, hard boots on their side.


Why be so sceptical !! 

Black rule and Indian rule alone did not work.

If National Unity don't work, we go back to the drawing board.

Maybe the corrupt PPP will get another chance to show themselves and we already got a taste of that result.

When we don't contribute to build equally, we might all suffer in the same shit hole.    

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Alena, get over yourself gyal.

No one likes a sore loser. You look ridiculous. The fact is that the PPP got buggered royally because their batty was exposed. Everyone buggered them. The army. The police. The civil service. The Indians. The Blacks. The Amerindians. The diplomats. Everyone! The PPP were stupid. And got buggered badly.

if you was around you might get bugger too

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Alena, get over yourself gyal.

No one likes a sore loser. You look ridiculous. The fact is that the PPP got buggered royally because their batty was exposed. Everyone buggered them. The army. The police. The civil service. The Indians. The Blacks. The Amerindians. The diplomats. Everyone! The PPP were stupid. And got buggered badly.

if you was around you might get bugger too

There might be less of this happened, now that Jagdeo lost his control.


President Granger in his inauguration speech said that with the election of a new President, Guyanese have “fortified” their right to democracy.

“I shall be a good President for all the people of Guyana,” said the President to screams from thousands of persons. ... Sixty-nine-year-old Granger was the Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC – a coalition of six of Guyana’s major political players – the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), the Working People’s Alliance (WPA...), National Front Alliance, the Guyana Action Party, Justice For All Party and the Alliance For Change (AFC). ... The coalition has produced a 100 day plan that entails the review of taxes, increase of salaries and old age pension, an anti-corruption fight, liberalization of the Telecommunication and ICT sectors, several task forces on crime and security, and benefits for Guyana’s small miners.


“I shall be a good President

for all the people of Guyana”;

Granger sworn in as President

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There is no irony. You are trying to create an artificial difference where there is none. So I can safely assume that you are a PPP supporter attempting to manufacture a racial hate campaign.

I am a supporter of neither. I find both repugnant for spoiling what could have been a beautiful progressive country. But I couldn't help noticing the shadow, no pun intended, that Granger casts over his running mate. And I couldn't help wondering if it was a sign (yes, I am reaching there) of things to come. I hope not, as the consequences could spell disaster for the country.  

Originally Posted by Franky:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There is no irony. You are trying to create an artificial difference where there is none. So I can safely assume that you are a PPP supporter attempting to manufacture a racial hate campaign.

I am a supporter of neither. I find both repugnant for spoiling what could have been a beautiful progressive country. But I couldn't help noticing the shadow, no pun intended, that Granger casts over his running mate. And I couldn't help wondering if it was a sign (yes, I am reaching there) of things to come. I hope not, as the consequences could spell disaster for the country.  

you sound like a snake we all ready have a cobra what are you

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There is no irony. You are trying to create an artificial difference where there is none. So I can safely assume that you are a PPP supporter attempting to manufacture a racial hate campaign.

It's day 1, lets see what happens when the AFC begins to take control of what was promised and start to push through the changes the seek.  Let see how the "PNC" deal with it.

Originally Posted by Franky:

See how Granger already overshadows Nagamootoo ? Hope it is not a sign of things to come.

They haven't been in office one day and already you have decided what the remaining 5 years will be.


Nagamootoo will have quite a bit of power as if he takes his 12 seats the PPP will be back.  OF course they will want revenge, so maybe its the PPP who will bind the AFC to APNU, and not the APNU itself.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Franky:

See how Granger already overshadows Nagamootoo ? Hope it is not a sign of things to come.

They haven't been in office one day and already you have decided what the remaining 5 years will be.


Nagamootoo will have quite a bit of power as if he takes his 12 seats the PPP will be back.  OF course they will want revenge, so maybe its the PPP who will bind the AFC to APNU, and not the APNU itself.

You just provided the answer yourself. Do you not think the PPP will want to bind the AFC to APNU if it wants to regain power? They will if they are stupid, and yes, given their recent performance, it is not beyond the realm of possibilities.

Originally Posted by Franky:

You just provided the answer yourself. Do you not think the PPP will want to bind the AFC to APNU if it wants to regain power? They will if they are stupid, and yes, given their recent performance, it is not beyond the realm of possibilities.

We all hope that the PPP continues to whine like a brat.  They will be the cause of their own demise.

Originally Posted by Franky:

See how Granger already overshadows Nagamootoo ? Hope it is not a sign of things to come.

Franky, the emotive content of your statement betrays the metaphorical dog-whistle of a Granger putsch that will sideline Moses and the AFC. Where does this skepticism come from? Historical antecedent?


What sets America part from other countries is that failure is not a harbinger of future failures in all endeavors. America rewards failures by giving an opportunity for future success, like a parent would not condemn a child at failure in kindergarten. "Fear of the blackman" is one failure that is unlikely to be repeated; hence I think your skepticism is rather misplaced.



Originally Posted by Franky:

I find both repugnant for spoiling what could have been a beautiful progressive country. 

Franky, you lose me here. So Guyana was a beautiful, progressive country all along that is now entering a phase that has already spoiled the country. WHAT??!! How do you make the leap from a just-concluded election to a fait-accompli?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Franky:

See how Granger already overshadows Nagamootoo ? Hope it is not a sign of things to come.

Franky, the emotive content of your statement betrays the metaphorical dog-whistle of a Granger putsch that will sideline Moses and the AFC. Where does this skepticism come from? Historical antecedent?


What sets America part from other countries is that failure is not a harbinger of future failures in all endeavors. America rewards failures by giving an opportunity for future success, like a parent would not condemn a child at failure in kindergarten. "Fear of the blackman" is one failure that is unlikely to be repeated; hence I think your skepticism is rather misplaced.



Your optimism is pre-mature.  As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience.  Baseman is skeptical and will wait and see before rolling the dice.  It will not take long to begin to see the picture emerging and judge if yesterday's PNC DNA will project itself.

Originally Posted by Franky:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There is no irony. You are trying to create an artificial difference where there is none. So I can safely assume that you are a PPP supporter attempting to manufacture a racial hate campaign.

I am a supporter of neither. I find both repugnant for spoiling what could have been a beautiful progressive country. But I couldn't help noticing the shadow, no pun intended, that Granger casts over his running mate. And I couldn't help wondering if it was a sign (yes, I am reaching there) of things to come. I hope not, as the consequences could spell disaster for the country.  

You are too negative. You sound like Manny. Are you in Real estate too?

Originally Posted by Franky:

See how Granger already overshadows Nagamootoo ? Hope it is not a sign of things to come.

He is the President he is supposed to overshadow Moses.


Do you want him to step aside and have Moses run the show at his swearing in ceremony? This is a retarded observation with no basis in anything.

Originally Posted by baseman:

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience. 

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience.


Where on earth do you get this kind of stuff? Do you even know anything about being an Indian?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience. 

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience.


Where on earth do you get this kind of stuff? Do you even know anything about being an Indian?

Well, what else could you say!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience. 

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience.


Where on earth do you get this kind of stuff? Do you even know anything about being an Indian?

Ah these are grand ideas and words of wisdom cooked up in the basement.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience. 

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience.


Where on earth do you get this kind of stuff? Do you even know anything about being an Indian?

Ah these are grand ideas and words of wisdom cooked up in the basement.

And oh yes, I forgot your partner pigmy-brained Horse Shyte.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience. 

 As Indians we are our own worse enemy.  We are blinded with dislike for each others and fall victim of another's convenience.


Where on earth do you get this kind of stuff? Do you even know anything about being an Indian?

Ah these are grand ideas and words of wisdom cooked up in the basement.

And oh yes, I forgot your partner pigmy-brained Horse Shyte.

awwwww such amazing wit and brilliance you exude here every day. I am shocked Anil never recruited you and took you to great heights in Guyana. hehhehehee

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by alena06:
'Granger said his government will refashion society so that women, old folk and young people can have better lives'

This ass can't even speak, what the hell does refashion mean...No wonder he declined to debate.
"Refashion" means to alter, change or modify. What exactly is wrong with the Brigadier's statement?
No one on the international scene uses an outdated term like refashion.  Gotta be an old, dunce Guyanese.

Alena06 the President of Guyana is a very educated man

She will argue that Ramotar and Jagdeo, with their semi creolese speaking style, are quite adept at globally accepted forms of the English language.

She may even wear a teenage style stringy bikini to the beach.

owwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! owwwwwwwwoooo yessss!!!!

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Alena, get over yourself gyal.

No one likes a sore loser. You look ridiculous. The fact is that the PPP got buggered royally because their batty was exposed. Everyone buggered them. The army. The police. The civil service. The Indians. The Blacks. The Amerindians. The diplomats. Everyone! The PPP were stupid. And got buggered badly.

Dis is a complaint or is it braggin'?


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