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(Charles Dharapak/AP) LONDONβ€”For the second day in a row, Mitt Romney's visit to London was marred by controversy, as the British media seized on comments the GOP candidate made suggesting he found London's preparations for the 2012 Summer Olympics "disconcerting." In an interview with NBC News on Wednesday, Romney, who has campaigned on his experience running the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, was asked if he thought London was "ready" for the games. "You know, it's hard to know just how well it will turn out," Romney told NBC. "There are a few things that were disconcerting. The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials … that obviously is not something which is encouraging." Romney's comments were immediately big news in London, splashed across the websites of major newspapers. In a press conference Thursday just hours before he was set to meet with Romney, Prime Minister David Cameron issued a snippy rejection of Romney's comments. "We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it's easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere," Cameron said, a comment that was widely interpreted as a reference to Salt Lake City, where Romney headed up the organizing committee.

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I don't believe a presidential candidate like Mitt Romney meant to do injury by his statement on the Olympics. This is election season, and anything will get blown out of proportion. I trust Romney will make it right with an explanation. This cat and mouse game will be played out throughout the election season for the incumbent president and his contender.


BTW, bouble post...DG beat you to it.



London mayor mocks Romney at Olympic rally

Boris Johnson (Joel Ryan/AP)LONDONβ€”Mitt Romney tried to downplay his suggestion that he found preparations for London's Summer Olympics "disconcerting," which he said in an in an interview with NBC News. But the GOP candidate's comment continues to haunt him here.

At a pre-Olympics rally in Hyde Park Thursday, London Mayor Boris Johnson openly mocked Romney's commentsβ€”calling him out by name to the crowd.

"There are some people who are coming from around the world who don't yet know about all the preparations we've done to get London ready in the last seven years," Johnson said. "I hear there's a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know whether we're ready. He wants to know whether we're ready. Are we ready?! Are we ready?! Yes, we are?!"


In London, Romney faces an Olympic marathon of errors


U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks to the press after his meetings with Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne in London on Thursday.
(JASON REED/Reuters)


A brief foreign tour is usually supposed to help U.S. presidential candidates bolster their foreign-policy credentials and show off their diplomatic skills.


But then there's Mitt Romney.


The presumed Republican candidate arrived in London Wednesday on the first stop of a three-country tour. His plan was simple: Make a round of high-profile visits, including meeting British Prime Minister David Cameron, raise some money at a fundraising dinner, and attend Friday’s opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympic Games.


But instead of some glad-handing photo ops and pleasantries with politicians, Mr. Romney spent his first full day in London backtracking.


It started with an interview on NBC television Wednesday night in which Mr. Romney questioned the city’s preparedness for the Games. β€œIt's hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting,” he said. β€œThe stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials – that obviously is not something which is encouraging.”


Mr. Romney should have been on safe ground. After all, he led the organization of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, something he has touted repeatedly in his campaign, and London has admittedly had plenty of problems organizing the Games, including the inability of security firm G4S to provide enough guards. But Mr. Romney’s comments were seen as insensitive by Londoners and by Thursday morning, Mr. Cameron was firing back.


During a visit to the Olympic Park, Mr. Cameron made a point of standing near some of the venues and telling reporters, β€œThis is a time of economic difficulty for the U.K. but look at what we are capable of achieving as a nation. Even at a difficult economic time, look at this park that has been built from scratch in seven years.” Then he added, pointedly: β€œWe are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere.”


By the time the two men met later in the afternoon, Mr. Romney had changed his tune. He remarked at length about the challenges of organizing the Games and said even he made mistakes in 2002.


β€œI’m very delighted with the prospects of a highly successful Olympic Games,” he added. β€œWhat I’ve seen shows imagination and forethought and a lot of organization and I expect the Games will be highly successful.”


The about-face wasn’t Mr. Romney’s only mishap during the day. While visiting Labour Leader Ed Miliband, Mr. Romney referred to him as β€œMr. Leader” at one point, provoking snickers from British journalists and drawing more attention to the already problem-plagued day.


And his fundraising dinner at a pricey London hotel Thursday night didn’t escape embarrassment either. The event was supposed to be co-hosted by Robert Diamond, but he bowed out after abruptly resigning recently as chief executive of Barclays over allegations the British bank played a role in manipulating a key global interest rate in order to boost profits. Tickets for the fundraiser, at the five-star Mandarin Oriental hotel, cost up to $75,000.


At least Mr. Romney has something to cheer for at the Olympics. His wife, Ann, is part-owner of a horse that is competing for the United States in dressage on Aug. 2. The horse, Rafalca, is ridden by Jan Ebeling, whose wife, Amy, is also a co-owner.


β€œIt is an amazing year already with my husband headed to the Olympics,” Ms. Eleling recently told Dressage Daily. β€œAnd if my dear friend Ann Romney makes it to the White House, I will be the happiest person on the planet.”


The Romneys took time out Thursday to visit the site of the equestrian competition in Greenwich. Ms. Romney is also slated to visit the home of her grandfather in Wales.


While President Barack Obama won’t be in London, his wife, Michelle, will be here to attend the opening ceremonies. Both will holding photo ops with American athletes, Ms. Obama in the morning and Mr. Romney in the afternoon. Mr. Romney then leaves for Israel and Poland.


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