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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Two parties....100% of seats at play....doesn't that mean that someone will definitely get at least 51% of Parliament along with the Presidency?


You all have to win everything, Presidency and Parliament, under this scenario.


There is no allowance for any other result.

Oh Great shittain you are the only political guru here that I know of. 


No one has pedigree like you in politics in GY. You are de master you tell us oh great one.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Two parties....100% of seats at play....doesn't that mean that someone will definitely get at least 51% of Parliament along with the Presidency?


You all have to win everything, Presidency and Parliament, under this scenario.


There is no allowance for any other result.

if they tie your vote will decide the winner

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Two parties....100% of seats at play....doesn't that mean that someone will definitely get at least 51% of Parliament along with the Presidency?


You all have to win everything, Presidency and Parliament, under this scenario.


There is no allowance for any other result.

if they tie your vote will decide the winner


actually, if they tie they draw lots at GECOM.


In theory if Mark taps those disaffected people who don't vote then he expands the turnout and reduces the percentage of PPP and Alliance. Mark is connected to some grassroots. I wish him well. I hope he can get 2 seats. I don't see him pulling from Alliance or PPP. He has the ability to bring out people who never voted before.

Originally Posted by TK:

In theory if Mark taps those disaffected people who don't vote then he expands the turnout and reduces the percentage of PPP and Alliance. Mark is connected to some grassroots. I wish him well. I hope he can get 2 seats. I don't see him pulling from Alliance or PPP. He has the ability to bring out people who never voted before.


So the Coalition's best hope of averting a Battle of Waterloo type disaster is Mark Benschop?


I figured someone might say that. It's not impossible at all.

Originally Posted by TK:

In theory if Mark taps those disaffected people who don't vote then he expands the turnout and reduces the percentage of PPP and Alliance. Mark is connected to some grassroots. I wish him well. I hope he can get 2 seats. I don't see him pulling from Alliance or PPP. He has the ability to bring out people who never voted before.

With due respect to you, given that at this time it is unknown how the rural Indian will view the coalition, maybe seeing Nagamootoo like a little deer who thinks that he can live in a lion's den and still survive, I will suggest to you that the APNU/AFC coalitions needs these very alienated voters that you think it doesn't need.


Suppose a combination of race terrorism, vote buying and voter suppressions  gives the PPP the 5k votes that they need to get the majority?


It will be a huge error for the AFC to think that Nagamootoo's 10k voters from 2011 will be guaranteed to him in 2015.  After all in 2011 the AFC lost thousands of the votes that they won in PNC strongholds in 2006.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TK:

In theory if Mark taps those disaffected people who don't vote then he expands the turnout and reduces the percentage of PPP and Alliance. Mark is connected to some grassroots. I wish him well. I hope he can get 2 seats. I don't see him pulling from Alliance or PPP. He has the ability to bring out people who never voted before.


So the Coalition's best hope of averting a Battle of Waterloo type disaster is Mark Benschop?


I figured someone might say that. It's not impossible at all.

How many potential PPP voters will support Mark. NONE.


How many of these would vote APNU/AFC if that coalition made its case to them. MOST!


Mark Benschop will be the PPPs best friend if he runs his party in the national elections.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TK:

In theory if Mark taps those disaffected people who don't vote then he expands the turnout and reduces the percentage of PPP and Alliance. Mark is connected to some grassroots. I wish him well. I hope he can get 2 seats. I don't see him pulling from Alliance or PPP. He has the ability to bring out people who never voted before.


So the Coalition's best hope of averting a Battle of Waterloo type disaster is Mark Benschop?


I figured someone might say that. It's not impossible at all.

How many potential PPP voters will support Mark. NONE.


How many of these would vote APNU/AFC if that coalition made its case to them. MOST!


Mark Benschop will be the PPPs best friend if he runs his party in the national elections.

It is amazing the certainty with which you make that positivists statement that ONLY Indians vote on racial terms. History and the data show otherwise. I doubt he will get many APNU-AFC African/mixed supporters.

Originally Posted by TK:

It is amazing the certainty with which you make that positivists statement that ONLY Indians vote on racial terms. History and the data show otherwise. I doubt he will get many APNU-AFC African/mixed supporters.

Can you show me at what point that Indians voted for a party headed by an African presidential candidate?


I rest my case.


Your thinking is worrying as you think that those 10k PPP Nagamootoo votes are still guaranteed to the AFC.  All the PPP needs to do is scare 50% of them back, or find ways to buy another 5k and they get 50.1%.


It appears as if APNU/AFC think that they can operate as they did in prior elections, when they lack the resources available to the PPP, and think that victory is assured.


Stop arguing with me and start with the premise that APNU/AFC are the under dogs and they need to find votes where ever they can, because they do not know how many of those 10K PPP Nagamootoo votes they still have.


If I were you I would examine the fact that voter turn out in PNC strongholds is much lower than it is in PPP strongholds.  So the APNU/AFC will need to work hard to boost voter turn out as an insurance just in case racial panic played by the PPP scares back 5k Indians to the PPP.


So I really don't know how you can look at 2011, when Nagamootoo obtained votes under different circumstances, and then think "oh we have it in the bag, so Benschop isn't a potential threat". 


Also focus on the fact that Benschop isn't going to run around PPP strongholds looking for votes.  He will focus his energies on that same grass roots black Georgetown vote who don't quite trust Granger.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

In theory if Mark taps those disaffected people who don't vote then he expands the turnout and reduces the percentage of PPP and Alliance. Mark is connected to some grassroots. I wish him well. I hope he can get 2 seats. I don't see him pulling from Alliance or PPP. He has the ability to bring out people who never voted before.

With due respect to you, given that at this time it is unknown how the rural Indian will view the coalition, maybe seeing Nagamootoo like a little deer who thinks that he can live in a lion's den and still survive, I will suggest to you that the APNU/AFC coalitions needs these very alienated voters that you think it doesn't need.


Suppose a combination of race terrorism, vote buying and voter suppressions  gives the PPP the 5k votes that they need to get the majority?


It will be a huge error for the AFC to think that Nagamootoo's 10k voters from 2011 will be guaranteed to him in 2015.  After all in 2011 the AFC lost thousands of the votes that they won in PNC strongholds in 2006.

Let us inspect our good friends "J's" warped Logic ....or Black Magic.


"J" feels everyone can lose vote & Support except PNC..... Black Magic.


 "J" claim he is not a Black Racist.....

and "J" Loves Hoyte.....

and only PNC will hold their full Black Support.


So if "J" is he would like us to believe.

this is a massive landslide for the alliance....


Hoyte got 86% Votes for the PNC

 after Burnham dead in 1985....


The Alliance can easily walk away with 90%

even if Moses Lose all the Votes

he got in the last Election.



is a genius

Lets make him a

Next Vice President


if he is not like Kwame

talking pure $kunt.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

In theory if Mark taps those disaffected people who don't vote then he expands the turnout and reduces the percentage of PPP and Alliance. Mark is connected to some grassroots. I wish him well. I hope he can get 2 seats. I don't see him pulling from Alliance or PPP. He has the ability to bring out people who never voted before.

With due respect to you, given that at this time it is unknown how the rural Indian will view the coalition, maybe seeing Nagamootoo like a little deer who thinks that he can live in a lion's den and still survive, I will suggest to you that the APNU/AFC coalitions needs these very alienated voters that you think it doesn't need.


Suppose a combination of race terrorism, vote buying and voter suppressions  gives the PPP the 5k votes that they need to get the majority?


It will be a huge error for the AFC to think that Nagamootoo's 10k voters from 2011 will be guaranteed to him in 2015.  After all in 2011 the AFC lost thousands of the votes that they won in PNC strongholds in 2006.

Let us inspect our good friends "J's" warped Logic ....or Black Magic.


"J" feels everyone can lose vote & Support except PNC..... Black Magic.


 "J" claim he is not a Black Racist.....

and "J" Loves Hoyte.....

and only PNC will hold their full Black Support.


So if "J" is he would like us to believe.

this is a massive landslide for the alliance....


Hoyte got 86% Votes for the PNC

 after Burnham dead in 1985....


The Alliance can easily walk away with 90%

even if Moses Lose all the Votes

he got in the last Election.



is a genius

Lets make him a

Next Vice President


if he is not like Kwame

talking pure $kunt.

Funny thing that your own racism makes you miss my point.


I am telling you that APNU/AFC have to dig up every vote, operating with the notion that many blacks will opt out of voting as they have since 2001.


Now can you furnish me the title on those 10k Nagamootoo votes which will suggest that they can be used as collateral.


I made forecasts about the AFC last time and I was even more correct than I thought that I would be, when the AFC struggled to get 11% of the votes.


Do you suggest that the APNU/AFC proceeds with due arrogance to assume that they will keep all of the 10k votes, ensure that the PPP doesn't find 5k votes, and that substantial numbers of blacks can simply not bother to vote, and yet all will be well.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
caribj and shittains views ain't that far off

I find it interesting that you wsih to drive moderate Indians like Shaitaan to the PPP and keep anti PPP blacks like me at home rather than voting, and you still think that APNU/AFC victory is assured.


You know what.  The folks in Guyana aren't stupid like you.


1.  Nagamootoo immediately made comments DIRECTED TO THE RURAL INDIAN vote warning them not to be used by those who will play on their racial fears.


2.  A campaign seems to have already begun using twitter aimed at young voters who might not have registered or bothered to vote in 2011.


So the AFC vulgarians on GNI can continue to babble.  The folks in Guyana seem aware of the challenges that they will face.  Hopefully the mount an aggressive campaign to capture these voters.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
I think many of you doomsday crystal ball keepers will be in for a surprise may 11th.

More ppl might turn out than many of you can imagine.

Here is the rub. While we raise issues to motivate folks to be aggressive, you have already counted the votes.


In 2011 you all screamed that AFC would beat APNU,  APNU stomped you into the dust snatching back most of the voters that they lost, getting 4X the AFC vote.


Its about time AFC supporters like you learn humility and understand that in a country like Guyana, where no one knows who will or will not bother to vote, that EVERY VOTE COUNTS! 


If that is dooms day thinking in your books, you don't even begin to understand modern day politics.  Long gone are the days when  any party can assume that they have a lock on any voting base.


Understand that while you all babble the PPP is looking to get 5k more votes and they will press the racial panic button, try to buy 5k black or Amerindian votes or engage in voter suppression tactics against those who they think are hostile against them. They have the full access to taxpayers' funds and do as they will as parliament is prorogued.  They have given themselves THREE MONTHS to do mischief.



The PPP has seen what happened to their fellow elected dictator in St Kitts Nevis, where he is now panicking about being sent to jail, and they are looking to ensure that scenario doesn't evolve in Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
caribj and shittains views ain't that far off

I find it interesting that you wsih to drive moderate Indians like Shaitaan to the PPP and keep anti PPP blacks like me at home rather than voting, and you still think that APNU/AFC victory is assured.

Yes...the Colation will win on May 11th ....

The 2 Votes or Opinions would not change the results....


You know what.  The folks in Guyana aren't stupid like you.

If they smart like you ....then the PPP will win...OK...FINE

We will see how smart you are?


1.  Nagamootoo immediately made comments DIRECTED TO THE RURAL INDIAN vote warning them not to be used by those who will play on their racial fears.

J if Nagamootoo was a fool.... He would be Ignoring his supporters in Berbice & Essequibo....

Go Figure it out.


2.  A campaign seems to have already begun using twitter aimed at young voters who might not have registered or bothered to vote in 2011.


So the AFC vulgarians on GNI can continue to babble.  The folks in Guyana seem aware of the challenges that they will face.  Hopefully the mount an aggressive campaign to capture these voters.


And the Ole PNC Black Racist (Virgins) who hate Indians and have been Babbling about Indo Centric, Aya Coolie, Apan-pan-jaat, Coolie #1 Party and Coolie #2 Party, We cannot Thief anymore since 1992, Only aya Coolie allowed to Thief Now......

Who is the Black Racist that has been saying these things on GNI.....



My Friend Shaggy made this song about CaribJ

You got Caught Red Handed

 Let us see 

how Carib J will sing

"It wasn't me"



Do not tell us

it is Shaitan

Last edited by Former Member



Caribny and I are not your enemies. We're actually on your side. We're just examining the situation from all angles is all.


This isn't the old days where the Leader makes a decision and the sheep obey and are grateful for the opportunity to obey. This is 2015. This is how politics is. We all agree on the need to remove the PPP. This Coalition is brand new, seems to go against conventional thinking (in every way possible), and needs all the help it can get. I don't know this for a fact but I can guarantee you that some Guyanese voter might read this forum and find something of use in our discussions.


Attempting to shut us up is not the way to advance your cause. And neither is insulting Caribny. He's no John Talbot. And he's not a racist. I think this word racist gets thrown about too often around here. Let's be careful about using such a loaded term for a fellow poster.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
caribj and shittains views ain't that far off

I find it interesting that you wsih to drive moderate Indians like Shaitaan to the PPP and keep anti PPP blacks like me at home rather than voting, and you still think that APNU/AFC victory is assured.

Yes...the Colation will win on May 11th ....

The 2 Votes or Opinions would not change the results....


You know what.  The folks in Guyana aren't stupid like you.

If they smart like you ....then the PPP will win...OK...FINE

We will see how smart you are?


1.  Nagamootoo immediately made comments DIRECTED TO THE RURAL INDIAN vote warning them not to be used by those who will play on their racial fears.

J if Nagamootoo was a fool.... He would be Ignoring his supporters in Berbice & Essequibo....

Go Figure it out.


2.  A campaign seems to have already begun using twitter aimed at young voters who might not have registered or bothered to vote in 2011.


So the AFC vulgarians on GNI can continue to babble.  The folks in Guyana seem aware of the challenges that they will face.  Hopefully the mount an aggressive campaign to capture these voters.


And the Ole PNC Black Racist (Virgins) who hate Indians and have been Babbling about Indo Centric, Aya Coolie, Apan-pan-jaat, Coolie #1 Party and Coolie #2 Party, We cannot Thief anymore since 1992, Only aya Coolie allowed to Thief Now......

Who is the Black Racist that has been saying these things on GNI.....



My Friend Shaggy made this song about CaribJ

You got Caught Red Handed

 Let us see 

how Carib J will sing

"It wasn't me"



Do not tell us

it is Shaitan

Neither Shaitaan nor caribj will be voting so you don't need to worry about us.


Worry about the fact that, as a former PPP supporter, you seem to display the same arrogance about the PPP vote which supported Nagamootoo last time, that the PPP has towards the remainder who voted for Ramotar instead. 


Indeed it was just a mere few weeks ago you were describing the PNC using the most foul language, and using "PNC supporter" as if it is a cuss word.  And now you feel 100% sure that the 10k PPP Nagamootoo votes will cross over to Granger.

Last edited by Former Member

The irony here is that I'm being attacked by lifelong PNC-haters when I have not really made a PNC post or reference in years. This week is just about the first time I've ever even said anything harsh about the PNC. I usually defend the PNC and put their behavior in context. And certainly advocate for their absolution of all things 1964 to 1992.


If anything, I've been consistent.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



Caribny and I are not your enemies. We're actually on your side. We're just examining the situation from all angles is all.


This isn't the old days where the Leader makes a decision and the sheep obey and are grateful for the opportunity to obey. This is 2015. This is how politics is. We all agree on the need to remove the PPP. This Coalition is brand new, seems to go against conventional thinking (in every way possible), and needs all the help it can get. I don't know this for a fact but I can guarantee you that some Guyanese voter might read this forum and find something of use in our discussions.


Attempting to shut us up is not the way to advance your cause. And neither is insulting Caribny. He's no John Talbot. And he's not a racist. I think this word racist gets thrown about too often around here. Let's be careful about using such a loaded term for a fellow poster.

  Let me show you the difference between these NYC based AFC clowns and those who live in NYC.


In 2011 I argued that the AFC was placing too much energy on Regions 5 and 6 and were ignoring the black vote.  And that this would hurt them at the elections. 


Gerhard and eye got into a debate and eventually he explained that the AFC lacked the resources to mount a nationwide debate so decided to focus on the regions where Nagamootoo would be most effective. They hoped that APNU would focus on getting the black vote out, so didn't want to waste their scarce resources fighting them.  Gerhard saw my point of view, and hoped that I wasn't right.


The 2011 results came in and as expected, the AFC lost votes almost every where except Regions 5 and 6.  They lost significant traction in the PNC strongholds.  Gerhard conceded that I was right, but explained again that it couldn't be helped, its a risk that they took, and that fortunately APNU was more successful in 2011 with their base than they were in 2006.  The result being the higher APNU turn out, combined with AFC inroads into Berbice PPP strongholds deprived the PPP of the majority vote.


Reasonable responses which suggested that while there was merit in my argument it wasn't realistic given the AFCs lack of resources.



Jalil, Mitwah, and HM_redux seem determined to make me their enemy.  In the interim my alert box is packed with comments agreeing with me. Almost 100 at this point.  They seem intent to paint me as a black obsessed "racist", failing to understand that the PNC is packed with people whose views are similar to mine, some even more hardline.


I wonder what will happen to these cretins when an APNU government sets out to address the imbalance in Indo vs. Afro involvement in top slots.  If Nagamootoo thinks that he will pack his appointments with his Indo friends, then he is in for a shock.



I know CaribJ.....

and unlike you he is not my friend.


Tell me if he did not say all the things I listed?


I know CaribJ....more than you think you know him....

He does not speak for PNC, Granger or APNU.

CaribJ does not speak for WPA either....


He speaks for the PNC that won 86% Votes ...


and Land slide after landslide.


The PNC that Kill Water Rodney,


The PNC that Charge Arnold Rampersaud,


The PNC that deny Gregory Smith exist or

 did not know who Gregory Smith was.


The PNC that refused to allow Indian Girls to go to University

unless they chill out at National service in the Interior.


The PNC that would Jail anyone

if the caught them with Aloo Curry & Roti.


The PNC whose Thugs were allowed to Rigged Elections

& Kick Down Collie Doors under Burnham.


If our Friend Sanko was alive

he would have told you more... 


The things I listed...

is not things CaribJ did not say....

a spade is a spade

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The irony here is that I'm being attacked by lifelong PNC-haters

Just last week Mitwah was calling the PNC a bunch of violent racists.  HM_redux and jalil called me a PNC racist a few months ago.


Quitely as it is kept, these cretins themselves are now trying to process how their whole frame of reference will have to change now that they are embedded among people who will have loads to say about the racism of a certain segment of the Indian population towards them.


There is now a campaign aimed at the youth which describes among other things, racism that certain youths have known since 1992.  Racism from who?

Originally Posted by Jalil:


I know CaribJ.....

and unlike you he is not my friend.


Tell me if he did not say all the things I listed?


I know CaribJ....more than you think you know him....

He does not speak for PNC, Granger or APNU.

CaribJ does not speak for WPA either....


He speaks for the PNC that won 86% Votes ...


and Land slide after landslide.


The PNC that Kill Water Rodney,


The PNC that Charge Arnold Rampersaud,


The PNC that deny Gregory Smith exist or

 did not know who Gregory Smith was.


The PNC that refused to allow Indian Girls to go to University

unless they chill out at National service in the Interior.


The PNC that would Jail anyone

if the caught them with Aloo Curry & Roti.


The PNC whose Thugs were allowed to Rigged Elections

& Kick Down Collie Doors under Burnham.


If our Friend Sanko was alive

he would have told you more... 


The things I listed...

is not things CaribJ did not say....

a spade is a spade

Jalil you can peddle your rant, but you really don't know the PNC.


Why do you think that the PNC gets 90% of the black vote?  Because 90% of the blacks think that they are an excellent party?  No because they feel a need for defense against Indian racists.



And from your rant about me, its obvious that you don't know me because I am an extremely anti Burnham person, and I have made those views quite well known on GNI.


Granger on the other hand celebrates Burnham!  You bet that Nagamootoo is sure not to make any negative comments about Burnham, now that he is embedded within the PNC.  You think that people like Oscar Clarke hate Burnham!  Joe Harmon. Greenidge!  They all played roles during the Burnham regime.  I fled from it.


So Jalil you can engage in your closet racism, and think that you are fooling people.  They all know that you are a closet PPP who had a falling out with Jagdeo.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



Caribny and I are not your enemies. We're actually on your side. We're just examining the situation from all angles is all.


This isn't the old days where the Leader makes a decision and the sheep obey and are grateful for the opportunity to obey. This is 2015. This is how politics is. We all agree on the need to remove the PPP. This Coalition is brand new, seems to go against conventional thinking (in every way possible), and needs all the help it can get. I don't know this for a fact but I can guarantee you that some Guyanese voter might read this forum and find something of use in our discussions.


Attempting to shut us up is not the way to advance your cause. And neither is insulting Caribny. He's no John Talbot. And he's not a racist. I think this word racist gets thrown about too often around here. Let's be careful about using such a loaded term for a fellow poster.

  Let me show you the difference between these NYC based AFC clowns and those who live in NYC.


In 2011 I argued that the AFC was placing too much energy on Regions 5 and 6 and were ignoring the black vote.  And that this would hurt them at the elections. 


Gerhard and eye got into a debate and eventually he explained that the AFC lacked the resources to mount a nationwide debate so decided to focus on the regions where Nagamootoo would be most effective. They hoped that APNU would focus on getting the black vote out, so didn't want to waste their scarce resources fighting them.  Gerhard saw my point of view, and hoped that I wasn't right.


The 2011 results came in and as expected, the AFC lost votes almost every where except Regions 5 and 6.  They lost significant traction in the PNC strongholds.  Gerhard conceded that I was right, but explained again that it couldn't be helped, its a risk that they took, and that fortunately APNU was more successful in 2011 with their base than they were in 2006.  The result being the higher APNU turn out, combined with AFC inroads into Berbice PPP strongholds deprived the PPP of the majority vote.


Reasonable responses which suggested that while there was merit in my argument it wasn't realistic given the AFCs lack of resources.



Jalil, Mitwah, and HM_redux seem determined to make me their enemy.  In the interim my alert box is packed with comments agreeing with me. Almost 100 at this point.  They seem intent to paint me as a black obsessed "racist", failing to understand that the PNC is packed with people whose views are similar to mine, some even more hardline.


I wonder what will happen to these cretins when an APNU government sets out to address the imbalance in Indo vs. Afro involvement in top slots. 

If Nagamootoo thinks that he will pack his appointments with his Indo friends, then he is in for a shock.


"I wonder what will happen to these cretins when an APNU government sets out to address the imbalance in Indo vs. Afro involvement in top slots. 


If Nagamootoo thinks that he will pack his appointments with his Indo friends, then he is in for a shock."


Look at this Dishonest Black Burnhamite Racist

AFC chose 2 Blacks & 1 Indian

to sit and negotiate with an all Black APNU team.



Now them Old Black PNC Racist

Showing their Hands...



look who is casting Doubts

and Injecting Race...

Into a Historic Agreement that

Jagan & Burnham could not get close to. 




Shaitan I do not have a Problem if you Blow J..

it is your mouth...

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is amazing the certainty with which you make that positivists statement that ONLY Indians vote on racial terms. History and the data show otherwise. I doubt he will get many APNU-AFC African/mixed supporters.

Can you show me at what point that Indians voted for a party headed by an African presidential candidate?


I rest my case.


Your thinking is worrying as you think that those 10k PPP Nagamootoo votes are still guaranteed to the AFC.  All the PPP needs to do is scare 50% of them back, or find ways to buy another 5k and they get 50.1%.


It appears as if APNU/AFC think that they can operate as they did in prior elections, when they lack the resources available to the PPP, and think that victory is assured.


Stop arguing with me and start with the premise that APNU/AFC are the under dogs and they need to find votes where ever they can, because they do not know how many of those 10K PPP Nagamootoo votes they still have.


If I were you I would examine the fact that voter turn out in PNC strongholds is much lower than it is in PPP strongholds.  So the APNU/AFC will need to work hard to boost voter turn out as an insurance just in case racial panic played by the PPP scares back 5k Indians to the PPP.


So I really don't know how you can look at 2011, when Nagamootoo obtained votes under different circumstances, and then think "oh we have it in the bag, so Benschop isn't a potential threat". 


Also focus on the fact that Benschop isn't going to run around PPP strongholds looking for votes.  He will focus his energies on that same grass roots black Georgetown vote who don't quite trust Granger.


All the elections since 1957 were dominated by ethnic voting. This fact is well documented by historians. 1953 was the one when the masses of Africans and Indians voted for the newly formed multiracial PPP.I will have to check back the constituencies for the 1947 election when Cheddi won his seat as an independent. But that would have been the monied, the land owners and educated people since the first election under adult suffrage was 1953. I want to believe many educated Africans voted Cheddi in 1947. Indians would have voted Brindley Benn after Balram Singh Rai left PPP. Remember the Benn vs Rai thing? That said, there have always been a minority of people who cross vote. I hope this minority can be 15% and swing this time. I hope you feel same. Please leave that dead horse now since I never said Moses is guaranteed his 10% votes from Indians. But the pictures coming out of Berbice are encouraging. The AFC crowds are of same size as 2011. I was there, remember? Moses did what Rai, Dev and others could not do. The man has serious political capital. I am cautiously optimistic. Key word: cautious. So no need to beat up that poor dead horse.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What many of these chaps like the Great Shitstains is not talking about is the Amerindian vote.


There is no way in hell the PPP is gonna be picking up more votes in those constituencies and that spells trouble for the PPP.


AFC is winning 8 and 9 this time. Or perhaps APNU might get 9.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What many of these chaps like the Great Shitstains is not talking about is the Amerindian vote.


There is no way in hell the PPP is gonna be picking up more votes in those constituencies and that spells trouble for the PPP.


AFC is winning 8 and 9 this time. Or perhaps APNU might get 9.

I think the combination of APNU / AFC they definitely cleaning up 8 and same thing in 9 with the combination.

I think in Region 5 they are also going to create some difficulties there with a a combined AFC/APNU. Same in region 10.

The coalition will also make things interesting in region 2 where Naith Ram has strapped in his bukta for the long haul.



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