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Kamla Persad-Bissessar - JYOTI's person of the year

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar
JYOTI has concluded that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar was the principal news maker in Trinidad and Tobago for 2013 and has named her our 'Person of the Year'. Persad-Bissessar's most significant achievements for the year include:
  • Her determination to protect the country's democracy by holding four elections when they were constitutionally due. It earned her international acclaim and the The International Association of Political Consultants (IAPC) Democracy Medal
  • Call Elections when Due & Sign Bills approved by Parliament
  • Swift response to the crisis in the Caricom states of St Lucia and St Vincent demonstrating compassion and leadership
  • Quick and effective response to Diego martin floods and other local disasters including the oil spills in South Trinidad in December
  • Showing regional leadership by inviting Caricom leaders to travel with her to South Africa
  • Demonstration of nationalism in inviting Opposition Leader Keith Rowley to accompany her to South Africa for Nelson Mandela's memorial.Work with the Opposition Leader...the Opposition is the Majority in Parliament....Forget what PNC constitution says
  • Standing up against the Domincan Republic's move to deny citizenship to thousands who were born in the country
  • Highly successfully overseas visits, firmly establishing Trinidad & Tobago's presence as a key player in global affairs
  • Hosting the 40th anniversary of the Treaty of Chaguaramas and reaffirming T&T's commitment to the regional integration movement
  • Hosting of the Vice President of the United States and the President of China
  • Acting swiftly to deal with child abuse with the establishment of a special task force that has already prepared a report for cabinet.Do not sweep these issues under the Carpet
  • Demonstrating a willingness to reconnect with the people through continuous dialogue...Kick out Black House of Isreal Thugs and those who practice Buggery.....
  • Keeping a strong legislative agenda and having timely responses to questions raised in Parliament
  • Keeping a pledge for constitutional reform through passing of a bill to elect local government Aldermen through a system of Proportional Representation
  • Keeping a commitment to hold national public consultations on constitutional reform 
  • Taking firm action to recall a MP who had changed political allegiance
  • Providing security forces with all the resources they need to fight crime; re-establishing a Highway Patrol
  • Showing empathy with families of victims of crime
  • Keeping the People's Partnership together in a coalition that allows open discussions among members of the political family that represents ALL of Trinidad and Tobago....Work with APNU & AFC to move the country forward
  • Working with the opposition on key legislative and other national issues, such as consultation on the appointment of President Anthony Carmona
  • Presiding over a government that has effectively managed the economy, winning international acclaim for economic stability and growth....Weed out Corruption, Thiefing, Nepotism, Drug Running, Gun Smuggling, Money Laundering & Mismanagement.
  • Focus on redeveloping energy sector; creating investor-friendly conditions to open up the economy to foreign investment
  • Commitment to poverty eradication, health, education and national security
  • Focus on growing more food and cutting food import bill
  • Focus on rural development; completion of major infrastructure projects including imporvements to the highway network and opening of one section of the highway to Point Fortin
  • Helping citizens deal with food inflation by cutting VAT on thousands of food items and also giving a 20% discount on some food items as a Christmas gift to the nation
Read related: Trinidad Express Editorial:

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