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Originally Posted by yuji22:

With Obama's approval ratings averaging 48 percent can he still win the next election ?

Blue Collar White Americans will rescue America from Obama in 2012--they will vote White.




The Rev is now 99% confident Obama will be the 4th one term president America has had in the past 36 years---the other failures were Ford, Carter and Bush I.


Listen Yuji, in 2008 Obama was a total fraud, but white blue collar Americans were tired of Bush and the Republicans and so they took a risk and elected a lil pissing tail black boy---a community organizer whose greatest asset was his ability to read prepared speeches from a teleprompter. In 2012 Obama is a total failure and the white blue collar Americans will not be deceived a second time---they will send Obama back to Chicago---the white house will be fumigated---and Romney will assume the Presidency.




In 2008 59% of white blue collar Americans voted for Mccain---Obama received 41% of the white blue collar votes----he lost the white blue collar votes by 18%----but the 41% he received was enough to earn him 52.8% of the overall votes cast.


In 2012 Obama will struggle to receive 35% of the white blue collar votes----remember in 2008 he received 41% of the blue collar white votes---the result is Obama will lose big time in 2012.





Originally Posted by Henry:
If the choices are Obama and Romney, it doesn't matter. On matters of importance, they are identical.


Do you care to expound on the matters of importance that Obama and Romney are identical ?


Listen up! The 2012 election will be a referendum on the incumbent---you already know that---a referendum on the incumbent which means a referendum on stagnation.


If Americans want more economic stagnation--more government---more debt---more unemployment---class warfare---financial decline---then they will re-elect Obama.


Thankfully white blue collar Americans want their country to return to prosperity---with more jobs---less debt---more growth---they are tired of a fraudulent Muslim born kenyan Hussein destroying their country.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Henry:
If the choices are Obama and Romney, it doesn't matter. On matters of importance, they are identical.

Do you care to expound on the matters of importance that Obama and Romney are identical ?

Sure. Economic policy and foreign policy (specifically the drive for more and bigger wars.) Those twin crises make all the other issues trivial by comparison.
Originally Posted by Henry:

Sure. Economic policy and foreign policy (specifically the drive for more and bigger wars.) Those twin crises make all the other issues trivial by comparison.




You can't possibly be serious about Obama and Romney having the same economic policy ?




Listen up! Obama wants the stagnant status quo--more government, more debt, more economic stagnation. Romney, on the other hand, offers to return to sensible American values and economic policies. If the American people want to return the country to prosperity---more jobs--less debt--economic growth---they'll vote for Romney in November. If they are pleased with the $hit America finds herself in---vote Obama.




Obama is running our debt to a record high while we're paying record prices at the pump..Costs me $75 to fill up my darn tank!  He just announced that we are keeping our troops in Afghanistan, what the heck for?


On the other hand Romney will not have the interest of immigrants at hand.  He has no idea how the average person survives in America, he's too darn stinking wealthy!


Tough call!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
America needs change urgently. I pick Romney.

People also thought they were voting for "change" in 2008.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:   

         Listen up! Obama wants the stagnant status quo--more government, more debt, more economic stagnation. Romney, on the other hand, offers to return to sensible American values and economic policies.

Rev, you are simply reciting campaign slogans here. Neither Romney nor Obama has endorsed the restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act, which would provide the financial system with a much-needed enema, stop the bailouts, and make capital available for investment in the real economy. Romney is personally a hedge fund vulture capitalist, whereas Obama has surrounded himself with similar figures. They will do what their European counterparts are doing: slash all spending on infrastructure, science, and job creation, while continuing to pour trillions down the sewer of the bank bailout.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Rev, you are simply reciting campaign slogans here.



You are right! I am reciting campaign slogans.


But you said Obama and Romney share the same economic policies---I just recited some slogans to show you are dead wrong.




Americans want more jobs---but American businesses are tied up in knots---too many regulations----jobs creation is being stifled---Romney will be a more business friendly President---there will be less regulations---more jobs.




Romney will turn America around; Obama hasn't, won't, and can't.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
You are right! I am reciting campaign slogans.

But you said Obama and Romney share the same economic policies---I just recited some slogans to show you are dead wrong.


Americans want more jobs---but American businesses are tied up in knots---too many regulations----jobs creation is being stifled---Romney will be a more business friendly President---there will be less regulations---more jobs.

Rev, you need to put on your thinking cap. First of, some areas of the economy -- especially finance -- need a hell of a lot more regulation. Otherwise, they will simply continue to act as voracious vampires, sucking the life out of the global economy. As far as manufacturing and agriculture are concerned, they may be over-regulated, but it means nothing if they have zero access to investment, and because Romney is committed to continuing the bailout, there will not be a penny for job creation.


So quit with the slogans -- for every stupid slogan Romney puts on the airwaves, Obama has an equally bombastic and meaningless slogan (such as "forward.")


Originally Posted by Henry:
Rev, you need to put on your thinking cap. First of, some areas of the economy -- especially finance -- need a hell of a lot more regulation. 

The Rev agrees with you that the Glass-Steagall act ought to be restored---I believe Romney's argument is that the crisis of 2008 was not caused by the repeal of that act---so no need to restore it. He is wrong---Glass Steagall ought to be restored.


But Romney is pledging to repeal Dodd Frank---that would be good.




If Americans want to get their country back on track---Romney is the man they ought to look to---Obama is a waste of oxygen---the man has no idea of how to address the problems facing this country---actually he does---spend, spend, spend---more debt, more debt, more debt.



Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Can Obama still win the next election ?


If the choices are Obama and Romney, it doesn't matter. On matters of importance, they are identical.

Unless there are changes by November, the election will be between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
The national debt keeps rising. Who is going to stop spending waste ? Should the AFC run for congress in the USA ?
American politicians, like the AFC, or perhaps I should say, including the AFC, seem not to realize that there are two different ways to get out of debt. One is to cut spending, but of course, if you aren't earning anything, you can just cut and cut and things don't improve, until you become like a man trying to eat his own leg in order to reduce his food bill.

The second approach, the one that actually works, is to increase income. That means reviving real, productive economic activity in manufacturing and farming, the production of tangible wealth. To do this, we would have to stop the bailouts and halt the financial speculation that is draining all the capital out of the real economy. Neither Obama nor Romney has any intention of doing that.
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
The national debt keeps rising. Who is going to stop spending waste ? Should the AFC run for congress in the USA ?
American politicians, like the AFC, or perhaps I should say, including the AFC, seem not to realize that there are two different ways to get out of debt. One is to cut spending, but of course, if you aren't earning anything, you can just cut and cut and things don't improve, until you become like a man trying to eat his own leg in order to reduce his food bill.

The second approach, the one that actually works, is to increase income. That means reviving real, productive economic activity in manufacturing and farming, the production of tangible wealth. To do this, we would have to stop the bailouts and halt the financial speculation that is draining all the capital out of the real economy. Neither Obama nor Romney has any intention of doing that.

I like your second approach but disagree that Romney will throw more money away. He is a businessman and understands finance a lot better than Obama.


The American people will decide at the next election.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Obama will win and so will the PPP. 


PPP will win but Obama will be voted out. Time for America to become a strong nation once again. Our Canadian dollar is as strong as the US dollar thanks to Obama.


A strong dollar hurts our exports to the USA. Time for America to recover financially and time for a new president.


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