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Dem boys seh…Ali Baba blinding Donald



Every day is one thing. If is not that is another. Donald sit down and he complaining how people chasing way investors. But wha he fail to realize is that dem boys got a problem wid de crookishness that people got to put up wid.
Tek de Marriott. De fat crook, Brazzy, mek a big announcement how de hotel gun get money from Republic Bank. Is not de bank money and dem boys did know this from de beginning. De bank was to get some people who woulda invest in de hotel. De bank didn’t seh nutten because it smell a rat, and was de Rat that come up wid de idea fuh de hotel.
Then de fat crook announce how dem getting a private investor, but he keeping it confidential. Wha he didn’t tell dem boys was that de private investor was Ali Baba and he forty chores who thief so much that dem got more than dem can spend. Is dem putting de money in de hotel project. But dem keeping it secret, suh de fat crook can’t call dem name.
Poor Donald don’t realize that is de taxpayers’ money that doing de project. Donald visit de Marriott and he see a room wha dem build as a showpiece, but he ain’t asking dem wheh de money coming from. De man only seeing wha dem showing and when dem want to mek he smile dem does set up karaoke at de bar wha de fat crook open.
He, Donald, don’t understand that dem had plans fuh grab money from de Amaila project. When that project fail dem get vex.
Dem boys watching Ali Baba all de time. Dem watching he so much that he complaining. He had a party at he mansion, and all he can talk ‘bout is dem boys.
Some people begging fuh give he a break, but dem boys seh that he can only get a break if he disband de thiefing gang and put back some of de money that dem already tek.
Talk half and keep all dem eyes pun Ali Baba and he chores.

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In short it says the pack of thieves headed by Alibaba and his lieutenants( Jagdeo and his little fat sweaty penguin Brazzington) has pulled the wool over Donald's eyes. Being a bit slow in the head he failed to recognize that there are no legitimate investors in the Marriott because none came forward with cash for the scheme. Instead t hey looted the treasury ( selling productive ATN stocks) and poured the money here claiming investors will come when we know who the investors are; themselves! Donald is befuddled by the glitz and the flash and prances about as a good puppet while his strings are pulled with hardly a wink and and a nod from him.


I suggest the article is wrong and he is not befuddled but is an adroit crook fully engaged in the scam as a willing co conspirator with all the rest of the clan and doing what they do best, steal.



Originally Posted by Danyael:

In short it says the pack of thieves headed by Alibaba and his lieutenants( Jagdeo and his little fat sweaty penguin Brazzington) has pulled the wool over Donald's eyes. Being a bit slow in the head he failed to recognize that there are no legitimate investors in the Marriott because none came forward with cash for the scheme. Instead t hey looted the treasury ( selling productive ATN stocks) and poured the money here claiming investors will come when we know who the investors are; themselves! Donald is befuddled by the glitz and the flash and prances about as a good puppet while his strings are pulled with hardly a wink and and a nod from him.


I suggest the article is wrong and he is not befuddled but is an adroit crook fully engaged in the scam as a willing co conspirator with all the rest of the clan and doing what they do best, steal.



you right on track my brother


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