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Can the people trust the PPP anymore?

September 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


We were disappointed after reading in the KN on September 3rd, 2013, that “President non-assent to bills, Rohee advises APNU to go to court.”  The President’s refusal to assent to the Local Government Bills is most unfortunate and reveals the deceptive nature of the PPP cabal who supported the Bills unanimously in Parliament but is now saying the Bills are unconstitutional.
The PPP does not want to have local Government elections. It will expose their poor political support, hence their unpopularity with the people.  Granger and APNU did not fall for the PPP ploy, but Ramjattan and the AFC did. And even though the AFC MPs voted to support the Amalia project, the PPP has criticized them for their late support.
We want to make it very clear to the opposition, especially the AFC, that the PPP’s Stalinist style of dictatorship does not allow it to bargain, compromise or give anything to the opposition. Simply put, it is all or nothing for the PPP.
Having seen Rohee’s statement, will the people now hear from the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and the US Ambassador?
The PPP has asked for equal representation on the Local Government Commission and the Opposition handed them their wish with the intent of giving the people a chance to renew the local Government system.  All and sundry are fully aware of the risk of the Opposition move, since such a situation can result in deadlock on the Local Government Commission, but the people’s right to have local government elections was more important than whether the Commission has 7 or 8 persons.
But knowing the deceit and lack of morality of the PPP and its poor track record, the opposition should have demanded in writing from Ramotar that he would assent to the local government Bills after their passage in Parliament. But they did not and the country is now heading for a constitutional crisis.
Now the “wolves in sheep clothing” in the PPP have gotten all their way on the Commission.  They have no political appetite to hold local Government elections since they are aware that they cannot win another majority. This PPP Government is unrighteous and continues to con the unsuspecting opposition on all the political moves. We call on the opposition to demand that the PPP set a date for local government elections. After all, it has been almost 20 years since such elections were held.
When will some of our politicians learn that the PPP will cede no political ground? The majority opposition must stop making the Parliament into a rubber stamp for the PPP.  Those in the opposition who think that this has nothing to do with politics should get out of politics rather than compromise the people’s rights and political well-being with their fuzzy ideas on what is in Guyana’s long term national interest and what is in their short-term political interest.
Those who are drinking soup cannot ignore the fact that the bellies of thousands are burning every day in Guyana and they do not need a dysfunctional opposition that cannot do the basics to ease that daily burning.
The future is simple – local Government election before April 2014 or mass protest countrywide.  Linden is in a mess, Leguan is in chaos, LBI/Better Hope is in disarray, Whim/Bloomfield is in disorder, Corriverton is in turmoil, Kwakwani is in uproar and Georgetown is in a very confused state. The people cannot continue with such unstable situations any longer.  They do not trust the PPP anymore. The time for fancy speeches and promises is over.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sometimes ppl doan c de road they are on. It is obvious the PPP is going mad or they are mad. As the seying goes, "whom the gods wish to destroy, they first made them paglee." Dem kuli razz, doan know anything about goverance.


local Government election before April 2014 or mass protest countrywide.  Linden is in a mess, Leguan is in chaos, LBI/Better Hope is in disarray, Whim/Bloomfield is in disorder, Corriverton is in turmoil, Kwakwani is in uproar and Georgetown is in a very confused state. The people cannot continue with such unstable situations any longer.  They do not trust the PPP anymore.


Don't let the pedophile crew led by mjuanita detract your focus from the truth. He still trying to wash off the stench from his mouth after engaging in unholy acts.  The pnc/afc are the ones holding up the local elections as they keep holding up bills in parliament:

The Fiscal Transfer Bill, the Local Government Commission Act, and the Electoral Act are on lockdown (held in abeyance) by the Opposition in the Select Committee; and unless they are released, there will be no local government elections.
This situation was explained by Mr. Clinton Collymore, who said that the three constitutionally-mandated pieces of legislation are guided by strict legal rules and regulations.
“Unless these things are in place, there’s going to be no local government elections; because, if we only go forward and certain things are lacking, somebody will file the matter in the High Court to say these things are unconstitutional because the constitutional powers or mandates have not been met.” Collymore explained.
According to Collymore, the Neighbourhood, Municipal, and Regional councils are the three basic stages of local government functioning at present.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't let the pedophile crew led by mjuanita detract your focus from the truth. He still trying to wash off the stench from his mouth after engaging in unholy acts.  The pnc/afc are the ones holding up the local elections as they keep holding up bills in parliament:

The Fiscal Transfer Bill, the Local Government Commission Act, and the Electoral Act are on lockdown (held in abeyance) by the Opposition in the Select Committee; and unless they are released, there will be no local government elections.
This situation was explained by Mr. Clinton Collymore, who said that the three constitutionally-mandated pieces of legislation are guided by strict legal rules and regulations.
“Unless these things are in place, there’s going to be no local government elections; because, if we only go forward and certain things are lacking, somebody will file the matter in the High Court to say these things are unconstitutional because the constitutional powers or mandates have not been met.” Collymore explained.
According to Collymore, the Neighbourhood, Municipal, and Regional councils are the three basic stages of local government functioning at present.


Your mother told you this? She never complained.




The AFC's best days are behind them. They will perform dismally at the next elections. The PNC will rake in the votes of their traditional supporters while the PPP will re-capture votes lost from the last elections. It's going to be a long good bye for many in the AFC, especially that boy named TK.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



The AFC's best days are behind them. They will perform dismally at the next elections. The PNC will rake in the votes of their traditional supporters while the PPP will re-capture votes lost from the last elections. It's going to be a long good bye for many in the AFC, especially that boy named TK.


East Indians are barely 40%. APNU is running neck to neck with PPP. Don't be so confident. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



The AFC's best days are behind them. They will perform dismally at the next elections. The PNC will rake in the votes of their traditional supporters while the PPP will re-capture votes lost from the last elections. It's going to be a long good bye for many in the AFC, especially that boy named TK.

The people in Berbice will remember the White Elephant aka Skeldon Sugar Factory and the Berbice Bridge high tolls.

The PPP is very unpopular. The PPP does not want to have local Government elections. It will expose their poor political support, hence their unpopularity with the people.


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