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Leonora posted:

Forbes charmed the foreign female leaders. I was a lil gal but devoured our weekly newspaper, and was intrigued by country names and their leaders. I asked my grandma to explain the meaning of her name.

Burnham couldn't charm anyone but his dumb-ass hoodlum supporters ! The S-O-B was way too ugly and far too dunce to do anything like that !!

Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:

Forbes charmed the foreign female leaders. I was a lil gal but devoured our weekly newspaper, and was intrigued by country names and their leaders. I asked my grandma to explain the meaning of her name.

Burnham couldn't charm anyone but his dumb-ass hoodlum supporters ! The S-O-B was way too ugly and far too dunce to do anything like that !!

Hey, opposites attract!


Burnham was not a racist towards East Indians like a common redneck or Neo Nazi. He was much more sophisticated than that. Nevertheless he. may have seen Afros Guyanese as superior to some East Indian Guyanese. Prashad heard an interview with Burnham on the radio where he described himself as Johnny Walker Black and Dr Jagan as Johnny Walker red. Then he proceeded to tell the interviewer that Johnny Walker black is a vastly superior drink to Johnny Walker Red.

Last edited by Prashad
antabanta posted:
Keffer posted:

Burnham couldn't charm anyone but his dumb-ass hoodlum supporters ! The S-O-B was way too ugly and far too dunce to do anything like that !!

Burnham was dunce?? He was a dictator. He was racist. He was far from dunce.

Oh Sorry ! You are so right; Burnham was absolutely brilliant ! During his tenure and under his great, wise and noble guidance:

all elections were fully free, fair & transparent,

- no goons went around beating & killing opposition elements,

- the Holiest of the Holy, Rabbi Washington and his gangs went around Georgetown hugging, kissing and blessing everyone; particularly those who opposed the wise, honorable & most lovable Burnham,

- Hamilton Green was not a sheet piling thief; he was merely trying to  prevent soil erosion (around his residence) at the expense of the people,  

- every man, woman and child was encouraged by the great Burnham to acquire as much foreign currency as possible and he generously blessed anyone who was able to acquire such currency notes .... with jail terms, 

- food was in such abundance, there were absolutely no shortages,

- it was never, ever necessary for anyone to stand in loooooong lines to purchase food or any essential items, Guyana had it aaaall at their disposal; 24/7 !   

- it was not a crime for anyone to be in possession of foreign currency; to the contrary, they were encouraged on a daily basis to obtain such funds,

- the BIG KAKA Burnham was on a strict diet; he had such strong empathy for the people that he had only a few morsels of food each day ! He stopped smoking foreign cigarettes and resorted to the local brands; Lighthouse and Broadway !

Last edited by Keffer
Prashad posted:

Burnham was not a racist towards East Indians like a common redneck or Neo Nazi. He was much more sophisticated than that. Nevertheless he. may have seen Afros Guyanese as superior to some East Indian Guyanese. Prashad heard an interview with Burnham on the radio where he described himself as Johnny Walker Black and Dr Jagan as Johnny Walker red. Then he proceeded to tell the interviewer that Johnny Walker black is a vastly superior drink to Johnny Walker Red.

Burnham was nothing but a devout racist and a monumental dunce !!

Keffer posted:
antabanta posted:
Keffer posted:

Burnham couldn't charm anyone but his dumb-ass hoodlum supporters ! The S-O-B was way too ugly and far too dunce to do anything like that !!

Burnham was dunce?? He was a dictator. He was racist. He was far from dunce.

Oh Sorry ! You are so right; Burnham was absolutely brilliant ! During his tenure and under his great, wise and noble guidance:

all elections were fully free, fair & transparent,

- no goons went around beating & killing opposition elements,

- the Holiest of the Holy, Rabbi Washington and his gangs went around Georgetown hugging, kissing and blessing everyone; particularly those who opposed the wise, honorable & most lovable Burnham,

- Hamilton Green was not a sheet piling thief; he was merely trying to  prevent soil erosion (around his residence) at the expense of the people,  

- every man, woman and child was encouraged by the great Burnham to acquire as much foreign currency as possible and he generously blessed anyone who was able to acquire such currency notes .... with jail terms, 

- food was in such abundance, there were absolutely no shortages,

- it was never, ever necessary for anyone to stand in loooooong lines to purchase food or any essential items, Guyana had it aaaall at their disposal; 24/7 !   

- it was not a crime for anyone to be in possession of foreign currency; to the contrary, they were encouraged on a daily basis to obtain such funds,

- the BIG KAKA Burnham was on a strict diet; he had such strong empathy for the people that he had only a few morsels of food each day ! He stopped smoking foreign cigarettes and resorted to the local brands; Lighthouse and Broadway !

So why was he a dunce? If Burnham was a dunce how incredibly, unbelievably, ridiculously, inept and idiotic must be the leaders of the opposition, supposedly representing the majority of Guyana, to allow him to wrest and keep power for 21 years.

Your sarcastic remarks represents the stupidity of the people under Burnham, not his.

Prashad posted:
Leonora posted:

Forbes charmed the foreign female leaders. I was a lil gal but devoured our weekly newspaper, and was intrigued by country names and their leaders. I asked my grandma to explain the meaning of her name.

That is a Buddhist woman so I don't think that your grandmother would have known what her name means.

If you're Indian and don't know the meaning of her last name, then shame on you. 

Last edited by Former Member
Keffer posted:

Oh Sorry ! You are so right; Burnham was absolutely brilliant ! During his tenure and under his great, wise and noble guidance:

all elections were fully free, fair & transparent,

- no goons went around beating & killing opposition elements,

- the Holiest of the Holy, Rabbi Washington and his gangs went around Georgetown hugging, kissing and blessing everyone; particularly those who opposed the wise, honorable & most lovable Burnham,

- Hamilton Green was not a sheet piling thief; he was merely trying to  prevent soil erosion (around his residence) at the expense of the people,  

- every man, woman and child was encouraged by the great Burnham to acquire as much foreign currency as possible and he generously blessed anyone who was able to acquire such currency notes .... with jail terms, 

- food was in such abundance, there were absolutely no shortages,

- it was never, ever necessary for anyone to stand in loooooong lines to purchase food or any essential items, Guyana had it aaaall at their disposal; 24/7 !   

- it was not a crime for anyone to be in possession of foreign currency; to the contrary, they were encouraged on a daily basis to obtain such funds,

- the BIG KAKA Burnham was on a strict diet; he had such strong empathy for the people that he had only a few morsels of food each day ! He stopped smoking foreign cigarettes and resorted to the local brands; Lighthouse and Broadway !

I would have given you a perfect score if you didn't write BIG KAKA. Excellent composition. 95/100 marks. 🌜


Burnham was evil, not dunce, else he wouldn't have been able to put his boot on the head of Guyanese for so many years. If anyone was dunce, it would  have to be Cheddie as Burnham  beat him at the political game for 21 years. But it looks like some connoisseurs of obergine noir had the hots for Bannum, even in their old age now the admire him.

antabanta posted:
Keffer posted:
antabanta posted:
Keffer posted:

Burnham couldn't charm anyone but his dumb-ass hoodlum supporters ! The S-O-B was way too ugly and far too dunce to do anything like that !!

Burnham was dunce?? He was a dictator. He was racist. He was far from dunce.

Oh Sorry ! You are so right; Burnham was absolutely brilliant ! During his tenure and under his great, wise and noble guidance:

all elections were fully free, fair & transparent,

- no goons went around beating & killing opposition elements,

- the Holiest of the Holy, Rabbi Washington and his gangs went around Georgetown hugging, kissing and blessing everyone; particularly those who opposed the wise, honorable & most lovable Burnham,

- Hamilton Green was not a sheet piling thief; he was merely trying to  prevent soil erosion (around his residence) at the expense of the people,  

- every man, woman and child was encouraged by the great Burnham to acquire as much foreign currency as possible and he generously blessed anyone who was able to acquire such currency notes .... with jail terms, 

- food was in such abundance, there were absolutely no shortages,

- it was never, ever necessary for anyone to stand in loooooong lines to purchase food or any essential items, Guyana had it aaaall at their disposal; 24/7 !   

- it was not a crime for anyone to be in possession of foreign currency; to the contrary, they were encouraged on a daily basis to obtain such funds,

- the BIG KAKA Burnham was on a strict diet; he had such strong empathy for the people that he had only a few morsels of food each day ! He stopped smoking foreign cigarettes and resorted to the local brands; Lighthouse and Broadway !

So why was he a dunce? If Burnham was a dunce how incredibly, unbelievably, ridiculously, inept and idiotic must be the leaders of the opposition, supposedly representing the majority of Guyana, to allow him to wrest and keep power for 21 years.

Your sarcastic remarks represents the stupidity of the people under Burnham, not his.

Drugb posted:

Burnham was evil, not dunce, else he wouldn't have been able to put his boot on the head of Guyanese for so many years. If anyone was dunce, it would  have to be Cheddie as Burnham  beat him at the political game for 21 years. But it looks like some connoisseurs of obergine noir had the hots for Bannum, even in their old age now the admire him.

There is absolutely nothing positive that should ever be said about Burnham; he was nothing but a barefaced thief and a despot ! Propriety prevents me from posting what I really would like to say about this evil and incredibly dumb jackass who transformed Guyana from a beautiful and prosperous country into a nation of beggars.... while he himself enjoyed every imaginable commodity !! Your attempt to classify him as smart is truly laughable because he destroyed just about everything he touched ! This ugly-ass demented ape, was single-handedly responsible for hundreds of thousands of Guyanese permanently departing to other places where basic human rights and privileges can be enjoyed without prejudice, favor or political affiliation ! This dirty and vindictive despot and his henchmen rigged each and every national election that his PNC participated in and transformed a truly beautiful place into the laughing stock of the entire Caribbean and western hemisphere. He had and enjoyed every commodity that he wanted while the people starved and desperately struggled to stay alive. If you classify Burnham as 'smart', you must be in urgent need of a brain transplant !!  l

cain posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey, opposites attract!

Dah is why BJ doan have a woman..he's de same?

- BJ has a brain; you do not !

- BJ did not change Guyana into a nation of beggars & shortages; ugly-   ass Burnham did that,

- BJ never rigged any election; ugly-ass Burnham did at  every election !


Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:

Drugb posted:

Burnham was evil, not dunce, else he wouldn't have been able to put his boot on the head of Guyanese for so many years. If anyone was dunce, it would  have to be Cheddie as Burnham  beat him at the political game for 21 years. But it looks like some connoisseurs of obergine noir had the hots for Bannum, even in their old age now the admire him.

There is absolutely nothing positive that should ever be said about Burnham; he was nothing but a barefaced thief and a despot ! Propriety prevents me from posting what I really would like to say about this evil and incredibly dumb jackass who transformed Guyana from a beautiful and prosperous country into a nation of beggars.... while he himself enjoyed every imaginable commodity !! Your attempt to classify him as smart is truly laughable because he destroyed just about everything he touched ! This ugly-ass demented ape, was single-handedly responsible for hundreds of thousands of Guyanese permanently departing to other places where basic human rights and privileges can be enjoyed without prejudice, favor or political affiliation ! This dirty and vindictive despot and his henchmen rigged each and every national election that his PNC participated in and transformed a truly beautiful place into the laughing stock of the entire Caribbean and western hemisphere. He had and enjoyed every commodity that he wanted while the people starved and desperately struggled to stay alive. If you classify Burnham as 'smart', you must be in urgent need of a brain transplant !!  l

Let's say he had the smarts to stay in power and punish the people while maintaining the support of the majority Afro.

Drugb posted:
Keffer posted:

Drugb posted:

Burnham was evil, not dunce, else he wouldn't have been able to put his boot on the head of Guyanese for so many years. If anyone was dunce, it would  have to be Cheddie as Burnham  beat him at the political game for 21 years. But it looks like some connoisseurs of obergine noir had the hots for Bannum, even in their old age now the admire him.

There is absolutely nothing positive that should ever be said about Burnham; he was nothing but a barefaced thief and a despot ! Propriety prevents me from posting what I really would like to say about this evil and incredibly dumb jackass who transformed Guyana from a beautiful and prosperous country into a nation of beggars.... while he himself enjoyed every imaginable commodity !! Your attempt to classify him as smart is truly laughable because he destroyed just about everything he touched ! This ugly-ass demented ape, was single-handedly responsible for hundreds of thousands of Guyanese permanently departing to other places where basic human rights and privileges can be enjoyed without prejudice, favor or political affiliation ! This dirty and vindictive despot and his henchmen rigged each and every national election that his PNC participated in and transformed a truly beautiful place into the laughing stock of the entire Caribbean and western hemisphere. He had and enjoyed every commodity that he wanted while the people starved and desperately struggled to stay alive. If you classify Burnham as 'smart', you must be in urgent need of a brain transplant !!  l

Let's say he had the smarts to stay in power and punish the people while maintaining the support of the majority Afro.

There is a world of difference between 'smarts' and 'election rigging'; that difference, however, evidently means nothing to you !

Keffer posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey, opposites attract!

Dah is why BJ doan have a woman..he's de same?

- BJ has a brain; you do not


Your posts show you to be a very miserable person...perhaps you and druggie need some release. I would suggest you both get together and jerk each other off as Christmas present exchange.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:


Your posts show you to be a very miserable person...perhaps you and druggie need some release. I would suggest you both get together and jerk each other off as Christmas present exchange.

Cain, not everyone like your type of antiman business. With this of behavior you would be lucky if you get aubergine noir for Christmas seeing how much you like to chatay it. 

Drugb posted:
Keffer posted:

Drugb posted:

Burnham was evil, not dunce, else he wouldn't have been able to put his boot on the head of Guyanese for so many years. If anyone was dunce, it would  have to be Cheddie as Burnham  beat him at the political game for 21 years. But it looks like some connoisseurs of obergine noir had the hots for Bannum, even in their old age now the admire him.

There is absolutely nothing positive that should ever be said about Burnham; he was nothing but a barefaced thief and a despot ! Propriety prevents me from posting what I really would like to say about this evil and incredibly dumb jackass who transformed Guyana from a beautiful and prosperous country into a nation of beggars.... while he himself enjoyed every imaginable commodity !! Your attempt to classify him as smart is truly laughable because he destroyed just about everything he touched ! This ugly-ass demented ape, was single-handedly responsible for hundreds of thousands of Guyanese permanently departing to other places where basic human rights and privileges can be enjoyed without prejudice, favor or political affiliation ! This dirty and vindictive despot and his henchmen rigged each and every national election that his PNC participated in and transformed a truly beautiful place into the laughing stock of the entire Caribbean and western hemisphere. He had and enjoyed every commodity that he wanted while the people starved and desperately struggled to stay alive. If you classify Burnham as 'smart', you must be in urgent need of a brain transplant !!  l

Let's say he had the smarts to stay in power and punish the people while maintaining the support of the majority Afro.

Your reference to 'his smarts' evidently refer to the following:

Your classification of his blatant electoral rigging, cheating and dishonesty as 'smarts to stay in power' clearly evidence how devoid you are of truth,  morality, justice and decency ! Little wonder it is then that his student Granger and his band of PNC cohorts are following as closely as possible in your idol's pathway to the massive and growing detriment of Guyana !! I strongly suggest you take some time to review the current economic state and prospects of Guyana because the current lot of 'smart idols' appear to be clueless and are hell-bent on taking the country as far back as possible; exactly as your 'smart Burnham' did before cancer consumed his sad and sorry ass !     

Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

To use a phrase from a man in El Salvador, some shitposters on GNI are like a *hore, who would spread their legs to the lowest bidder. 

So why bother posting?

I  got a feeling he was warning you fo close dem legs.

Stupid feeling.  Or is that a stroke of your genius?

I don't know of this "stupid feeling" but as an expert why don't you explain this to us.

You really doan wanna hear what I have to say about the "stroke" part but it got something to do with your hands feeling tired.

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

To use a phrase from a man in El Salvador, some shitposters on GNI are like a *hore, who would spread their legs to the lowest bidder. 

So why bother posting?

I  got a feeling he was warning you fo close dem legs.

Stupid feeling.  Or is that a stroke of your genius?

I don't know of this "stupid feeling" but as an expert why don't you explain this to us.

You really doan wanna hear what I have to say about the "stroke" part but it got something to do with your hands feeling tired.

It could only take an 'expertly experienced sampler' of massive intake cultures to understand this feeling.  

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