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Canada's Trudeau welcomes refugees, airline rejects U.S.-bound passenger

By David Ljunggren and Anna Mehler Paperny

OTTAWA/TORONTO, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed those fleeing war and persecution on Saturday even as Canadian airlines said they would turn back U.S.-bound passengers to comply with an immigration ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries.

A day after U.S. President Donald Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from the seven countries, Trudeau said in a tweet: "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada."


A second pointed tweet, also timed to coincide with outrage over Trump's immigration policy, included an archive photo of Trudeau welcoming a Syrian refugee at a Canadian airport in 2015.

See more on the reaction to Trump's refugee ban:


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Trudeau should thread carefully with such liberal ideals. What he is not telling is the burden on the Canadian tax payers to pay for the taking in these refugees. The tax payers have to provide housing, food and other social services to get these people resettled. There is an undercurrent in Canada especially among the blue collar workers, similar to the US, where the seed of discontent is sewing. People are looking at the TV and seeing how well these refugees are being taken care of while many Canadians have to struggle to make ends meet. 


Canada is not immune to decisions made in the USA. There is an umbilical attachment. The Prime Minister must be wise and do not try to upmanship Trump's decisions. His currrent statement could have detrimental effects on his administration. Trump is crazy enough to say Canada is filling up with terrorists. Goods and Services crossing the border could end up in a bottleneck. Even though there are limited manufacturing jobs in the USA, Ontario, still does get a great portion of it. Trudeau, if he doan SHUT UP as Bannon suggested, will be treated by Washington as part of the Opposition. And Ontario will hurt. Doan surprise me if the business community does not rebuke Trudeau, because hundreds of thousands jobs depends on the favor of American businesses. Trump can stop them.

I believe Prime Minister. Tru-         deau is just as reckless as Tru-   ump. It must be the common letters TRU in their last names. Both are reckless men, they won't be TRU until their countries bleed.

Trudeau is no match for Trump.


Bigup to Justin Trudeau he is a decent human being. Trump can do whatever the rass he wants by banning or placing tariffs etc on goods, we decent Canadians just stop buying from the US ...Canada can get goods from other parts of the world. That Moron Trump doesnt realize when you screw with a trading partner you suffer. Perhaps Trump can start trading with Russia. Unfortunately as it stands now the US is losing credibility because of a stupid person at the helm.


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