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Justin Trudeau’s ‘unusual’ India visit raises eyebrows, criticised by Canada watchdog

The Canadian prime minister’s schedule includes just half-a-day of official engagements in New Delhi.

world Updated: Feb 19, 2018 20:57 IST
Anirudh Bhattacharyya
Anirudh Bhattacharyya
Hindustan Times, New Delhi
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his family members at the Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar on February 19, 2018.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his family members at the Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar on February 19, 2018.(PTI)


As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues his eight-day visit to India, the fact that his schedule includes just half-a-day of official engagements in New Delhi is being described as “unusual” by veteran diplomats and criticised by a Canadian watchdog.

A veteran Indian diplomat said in his long experience with bilateral visits, he had never experienced a trip of this nature, where the visiting dignitary spent so little time in official engagements with counterparts in the Indian government.

In addition, he said, it was equally surprising that six cabinet ministers accompanying Trudeau had scant official engagements, except for foreign minister Chrystia Freeland, who will confer with external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj ahead of the meeting between the prime ministers in New Delhi on February 23.

The diplomat spoke on condition of anonymity since he did not want to appear “churlish”.

The low-key start to the visit on February 17 also raised eyebrows, with commentators noting that Trudeau was received at the Delhi airport by minister of state Gajendra Shekhawat.

This, they noted, was in marked contrast to the warm welcome an

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Hindustan Times commentator indeed is entitled to his views.

However, while he is entitled to his views, Canadian and Indian officials are the ones who make the plans for Justin Trudeau's visit.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his family members at the Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar on February 19, 2018.

Cobra posted:

Justin Trudeau receives cold shoulders from Modi. He seems like a tourist with his family rather than a head of state to India. Poor Guy. 

75% of his trip is family time, site seeing. Trudeau and Modi had a State dinner on Saturday, see the photos.

Cobra posted:

What is he doing in India? Squandering the Canadian taxpayer's money? He needs to man up like Trump and get outside women. He is too young to be a sissy boy. 

The Man Who re President.


Almost all of the North American sikh politicians have to support Khalistan or else they will be outcasts in their communities. Prashad has some Sikh ancestry so he saw first hand the Anti-india indoctrination of young Sikhs in some North American Sikh communities

 Modi has to come down strong on Sikhs, Kashmiris and East India Hindus/Christians who want to break up India. He has to terminate their Indian citizenships and give them the boot from Indian soil.


Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Almost all of the North American sikh politicians have to support Kalistan or else they will be outcasts in their communities. Modi has to come down strong on Sikhs, Kashmiris and East Hindus/Christians who want to break up India. He has to terminate their Indian citizenship and give them the boot from Indian soil.


Bai, did you had a big cup dal before bed last night?   You farting up early marnin’. 


Trudeau should be cautious, the sikhs are strong in their commiittment to Khalistan. Those fellas assasinated Indira Gandhi, that would tell him how fanatic they are.

Besides, why is he being so damn close to those constituents. Wah happen to the White ppl of Canada and THEIR values. 


Abu Jihad posted:

Justin boasted after his election victory, that there are  more Sikhs in his cabinet that Modi in his 

Modi is probably scared the Sikhs will do to him what they did to Indira and her sons.

Prashad posted:

Sikhs are very conservative people.  They are not like the Chief and Prashad.  Sikhs marry either East Indians or whites who are mostly also Sikhs.

I had a Sikh friend and we worked in a large corporation. They uphold most of the customs our grandparents instilled in us. She keeps her long hair in a hairnet like our parents did. Her hubby, a NASA scientist, has a beard and keeps his long hair hidden under a turban. 



Leonora posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

Justin boasted after his election victory, that there are  more Sikhs in his cabinet that Modi in his 

Modi is probably scared the Sikhs will do to him what they did to Indira and her sons.


Rajiv was killed by the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) not by Sikhs.


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