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ronan posted:

we have a List system

let the purge begin

I am vehemently against any attempts to curb the rights of Guyanese because they have dual citizenship. Nations extend that prerogative to being citizens  the of springs of three generations of their people  because they see worth in conserving  identity and protecting their people . Most European states and India extend that offer but these crass, greedy nasty fellows want to deny living natural born Guyanese that right! 

 In the first place they cannot take those rights away and in the second place we are and will continue to be the primary source of brain power to run that place. We were also its primary source for funding given most businesses there were bootstrapped by expats and also that we contribute one quarter of its cash via remission annually for these past 4 decades. 

That the APNU find its behind in a pickle for being  stupid should not mean they use us as the tool to save their asses.  One is beginning to believe that these incompetent nincompoops are the bane of our existence. 

Look at the crazy schemes they have come up since finding themselves bushwhacked. They claim 33 is not greater than 32; someone was bribed and did not vote their conscience, some Guyanese are not truly Guyanese all of this to save their asses. Note as much as one can hate the proroguing of parliament by Ramotar he did not appeal to esoteric maths, or said the AFC were bribed or that sitting members of parliament were their illegally because they were not Guyanese. These are the bumbling idiots who for incapacity to prevent being the idiocy that has befallen them are looking to external actors to blame and as usual it means being the ones who truncate the natural rights of citizens.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:


I disagree with your stance it's ok for MP in Guyana, to have allegiance to a foreign country. Take a cue from the Australians.

The NCV got you giddy bai. If the NC motion was against the PPP, and the PNC was the opposition, would be hiring 10,000 people to dance on the rooftops in Guyana. What an independent genius thinker!

Django posted:


I disagree with your stance it's ok for MP in Guyana, to have allegiance to a foreign country. Take a cue from the Australians.

Then you have to provide proof that ones love for country is diminished by allegiance of another that is in one's sphere of cultural thinking and a close ally. No such proof exist except in esoterica.

As I said previously, the state cannot prevent a person returning home and re establishing residency so they ought to determine the length of time that returning citizen can re engage in political life.

The PPP made an attempt to do it and the PNC were vocal in their condemnation of it yet the same hypocrites are appealing to a long and mutually ignored precept in the constitution to salvage a loss in parliament. That is where the obscenity is.

From Hoyte and Burnham before him this practice existed. It is now custom having exceeded a generation of accepted practice. Our laws are not about constitutional edicts also but customs. It is our commonwealth legacy.

Austrialians did not ignore the practice for a generation.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


I disagree with your stance it's ok for MP in Guyana, to have allegiance to a foreign country. Take a cue from the Australians.

The NCV got you giddy bai. If the NC motion was against the PPP, and the PNC was the opposition, would be hiring 10,000 people to dance on the rooftops in Guyana. What an independent genius thinker!

Nothing to do with NCM, clean house, plain and simple.


The coalition was holding office with a 33 to 32 vote count, OK. the 33rd person is Charrandas Persaud, all his votes and addresses in parliament are now INVALID, so from the start the coalition sitting in office is ILLEGAL. On both sides you have persons with duel citizenship, let dismantle the government. This is stupid, irresponsible and fearmongering behavior by the PNC. The 33 was used to seek office, Right.

kp posted:

The coalition was holding office with a 33 to 32 vote count, OK. the 33rd person is Charrandas Persaud, all his votes and addresses in parliament are now INVALID, so from the start the coalition sitting in office is ILLEGAL. On both sides you have persons with duel citizenship, let dismantle the government. This is stupid, irresponsible and fearmongering behavior by the PNC. The 33 was used to seek office, Right.

Seeking office and Legislative voting in parliament are different. What's so difficult to understand.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


I disagree with your stance it's ok for MP in Guyana, to have allegiance to a foreign country. Take a cue from the Australians.

The NCV got you giddy bai. If the NC motion was against the PPP, and the PNC was the opposition, would be hiring 10,000 people to dance on the rooftops in Guyana. What an independent genius thinker!

Nothing to do with NCM, clean house, plain and simple.

Would you recommend cleaning out Vulga, Granger, and all the PNC dual citizenship member of the PNC? Guyana does not have enought brain power to handle all the issues confronting the nation. It's a society that sees rice and plantain and that's what they think. How about someone who learned a different culture and is allowed to share that culture and education with the Guyanese population? No? Let them stay ignorant? Let the brain drain continue?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


I disagree with your stance it's ok for MP in Guyana, to have allegiance to a foreign country. Take a cue from the Australians.

The NCV got you giddy bai. If the NC motion was against the PPP, and the PNC was the opposition, would be hiring 10,000 people to dance on the rooftops in Guyana. What an independent genius thinker!

Nothing to do with NCM, clean house, plain and simple.

Would you recommend cleaning out Vulga, Granger, and all the PNC dual citizenship member of the PNC? Guyana does not have enought brain power to handle all the issues confronting the nation. It's a society that sees rice and plantain and that's what they think. How about someone who learned a different culture and is allowed to share that culture and education with the Guyanese population? No? Let them stay ignorant? Let the brain drain continue?

Read my statement, are there any pick and choose.

Foreign citizenship  MP'S  are squatters they are there to full their pockets. No one stopping Dual Citizens or Foreign Citizens from being hired as technocrats. Legislative body should be citizens of Guyana.

Last edited by Django
D2 posted:
ronan posted:

we have a List system

let the purge begin

I am vehemently against any attempts to curb the rights of Guyanese because they have dual citizenship. Nations extend that prerogative to being citizens  the of springs of three generations of their people  because they see worth in conserving  identity and protecting their people . Most European states and India extend that offer but these crass, greedy nasty fellows want to deny living natural born Guyanese that right! 

 In the first place they cannot take those rights away and in the second place we are and will continue to be the primary source of brain power to run that place. We were also its primary source for funding given most businesses there were bootstrapped by expats and also that we contribute one quarter of its cash via remission annually for these past 4 decades. 

That the APNU find its behind in a pickle for being  stupid should not mean they use us as the tool to save their asses.  One is beginning to believe that these incompetent nincompoops are the bane of our existence. 

Look at the crazy schemes they have come up since finding themselves bushwhacked. They claim 33 is not greater than 32; someone was bribed and did not vote their conscience, some Guyanese are not truly Guyanese all of this to save their asses. Note as much as one can hate the proroguing of parliament by Ramotar he did not appeal to esoteric maths, or said the AFC were bribed or that sitting members of parliament were their illegally because they were not Guyanese. These are the bumbling idiots who for incapacity to prevent being the idiocy that has befallen them are looking to external actors to blame and as usual it means being the ones who truncate the natural rights of citizens.

It is more clutching at straws as they run around helter skelter. The Coalition are making up all kinds of rules/allegations hoping to remain in office beyond the dictates of the constitution. The truly believed that Scotland would have sided with them. They were unprepared for the motion. I don't understand why they are surprised that lower ranks of the AFC would have a different sentiment of the PNC domination than the upper ranks like Naga and Prak. I really thought that Sharma would defect. My guess is that he is now regretful that he didn't given the 33 34 straw clutching. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


I disagree with your stance it's ok for MP in Guyana, to have allegiance to a foreign country. Take a cue from the Australians.

The NCV got you giddy bai. If the NC motion was against the PPP, and the PNC was the opposition, would be hiring 10,000 people to dance on the rooftops in Guyana. What an independent genius thinker!

Nothing to do with NCM, clean house, plain and simple.

Would you recommend cleaning out Vulga, Granger, and all the PNC dual citizenship member of the PNC? Guyana does not have enought brain power to handle all the issues confronting the nation. It's a society that sees rice and plantain and that's what they think. How about someone who learned a different culture and is allowed to share that culture and education with the Guyanese population? No? Let them stay ignorant? Let the brain drain continue?

Read my statement, are there any pick and choose.

Foreign citizenship  MP'S  are squatters they are there to full their pockets. No one stopping Dual Citizens or Foreign Citizens from being hired as technocrats. Legislative body should be citizens of Guyana.

How do you know the strength of allegiance of dual citizens in Guyana? The man could have become a citizen of Canada or the US because he thinks he and his children have a better future in one of these countries. For all he cares NA is an opportunity. Guyana is his home.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Foreign citizenship  MP'S  are squatters they are there to full their pockets. No one stopping Dual Citizens or Foreign Citizens from being hired as technocrats. Legislative body should be citizens of Guyana.

How do you know the strength of allegiance of dual citizens in Guyana? The man could have become a citizen of Canada or the US because he thinks he and his children have a better future in one of these countries. For all he cares NA is an opportunity. Guyana is his home.

Banna are you for real ? if such is the truth, give up the Foreign Citizenship.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Foreign citizenship  MP'S  are squatters they are there to full their pockets. No one stopping Dual Citizens or Foreign Citizens from being hired as technocrats. Legislative body should be citizens of Guyana.

How do you know the strength of allegiance of dual citizens in Guyana? The man could have become a citizen of Canada or the US because he thinks he and his children have a better future in one of these countries. For all he cares NA is an opportunity. Guyana is his home.

Banna are you for real ? if such is the truth, give up the Foreign Citizenship.

I am for real. I do not have any attachment in Guyana. When I became a citizen, my first priority was to get all my brothers, mother and father to join me. I will never return to Guyana to live. America is my home. I have lived twice as long or longer in America than I did in Guyana.

Django posted:
kp posted:

The coalition was holding office with a 33 to 32 vote count, OK. the 33rd person is Charrandas Persaud, all his votes and addresses in parliament are now INVALID, so from the start the coalition sitting in office is ILLEGAL. On both sides you have persons with duel citizenship, let dismantle the government. This is stupid, irresponsible and fearmongering behavior by the PNC. The 33 was used to seek office, Right.

Seeking office and Legislative voting in parliament are different. What's so difficult to understand. sure talk nonsense

Ray posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

The coalition was holding office with a 33 to 32 vote count, OK. the 33rd person is Charrandas Persaud, all his votes and addresses in parliament are now INVALID, so from the start the coalition sitting in office is ILLEGAL. On both sides you have persons with duel citizenship, let dismantle the government. This is stupid, irresponsible and fearmongering behavior by the PNC. The 33 was used to seek office, Right.

Seeking office and Legislative voting in parliament are different. What's so difficult to understand. sure talk nonsense

Django doesn't understand Arithmetic as yet. I wonder if he gets shortchanged at his business. Like paying with cash is not the same as paying with a credit card.

skeldon_man posted:
Ray posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

The coalition was holding office with a 33 to 32 vote count, OK. the 33rd person is Charrandas Persaud, all his votes and addresses in parliament are now INVALID, so from the start the coalition sitting in office is ILLEGAL. On both sides you have persons with duel citizenship, let dismantle the government. This is stupid, irresponsible and fearmongering behavior by the PNC. The 33 was used to seek office, Right.

Seeking office and Legislative voting in parliament are different. What's so difficult to understand. sure talk nonsense

Django doesn't understand Arithmetic as yet. I wonder if he gets shortchanged at his business. Like paying with cash is not the same as paying with a credit card.

Short circuited and shocked. At this time we have to call in help, he can only get worst.


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