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Canadian Govt. sees need to fight corruption in Guyana

September 19, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


The Canadian Government hopes for a reduction in the levels of corruption in Guyana and is looking for a more active public debate on issues of corruption resulting from increased awareness.

Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana

Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana

The Canadian Government feels that there is a broad consensus in Guyana on the need to fight corruption. This is according to Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, who said, “One of the best ways to fight corruption is to shed light upon it…by shedding light on the issue of corruption, and the role that everyone can play in fighting it”. High Commissioner Giles was at the time responding to queries of the High Commission’s involvement with Transparency International Guyana Inc (TIGI) in the erection of two billboards advising “You can Stop Corruption”. One of the billboards is installed at the Demerara Harbour Bridge and the other at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) on Camp Road. She said that the Canadian Government is hoping to encourage a more proactive attitude as well as a sense of civic responsibility. “The message ‘You can stop Corruption’ reminds people that their actions have an impact on the rest of society and, hopefully, serves as a reminder that corruption is neither inevitable nor insurmountable”, she said. According to the High Commissioner, this initiative was funded by Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), which provides resources to support local needs and interests.  The CFLI is intended to address a broad range of issues, including the advancement of democratic principles, she added. Giles said that CFLI projects are made by the Canadian High Commission or Embassy in each country where Canada is making funds available. The Canadian Government supports Transparency International, which is active in over 100 countries and is the parent body of TIGI. Transparency International works to increase awareness and reduce corruption, to improve standards of governance, and to strengthen transparency. “Transparency International and its affiliates work to improve public awareness and pressure for action through publications and media and public affairs campaigns, including through billboards campaigns such as the current campaign in Guyana,” she said. President of TIGI, Anand Goolsarran, recently said that with the Guyana Government showing no tangible evidence of wanting to fight corruption, Guyana is likely to be rated very low once again on the Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). He suspects that Guyana would not improve from its current rating of second from bottom in the Western Hemisphere or Americas. And, if Guyana makes any improvements it would be marginal because the country continues to lack anti-corruption mechanisms such as the Public Procurement Commission, the Integrity Commission, and an Ombudsman. According to the High Commissioner, “The World Economic forum reports that corruption is widely recognized as a major obstacle to the stability, growth and competitiveness of economies. As such, the fight against corruption is strategically crucial for the success of businesses and promoting prosperity. The Government of Canada supports these findings”. The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, though it did not list corruption as one of the 20 barriers to competitiveness in Guyana, highlighted the need for the urgent establishment of the Public Procurement Commission, which the TIGI and Opposition Parties have been calling for. According to Giles, in June, at the G8 Summit, Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, emphasized that “Corruption is wrong. It starves the poor, it poisons the system, it saps the faith of people in progress. it wrecks the case for aid. When we see it we should condemn it utterly.” She noted that Canada is proud of its role as a global partner in fighting corruption both at home and abroad. Giles stressed, “Corruption is a threat to everyone’s well being – from the people who participate in it, to the people who see it happening around them.  The perception of corruption puts a strain on public confidence and breeds cynicism and civic discontent. No society can afford not to safeguard against the threat of corruption.” According to Giles, transparency and the fight against corruption are pertinent to economic growth for all countries. “A transparent and open business environment enables open economies and open societies. This environment in turn promotes security and stability both of which are critical components in encouraging investment,” she said.

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The Canadian Government feels that there is a broad consensus in Guyana on the need to fight corruption. This is according to Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, who said, “One of the best ways to fight corruption is to shed light upon it…by shedding light on the issue of corruption, and the role that everyone can play in fighting it”.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The Canadian Government feels that there is a broad consensus in Guyana on the need to fight corruption. This is according to Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, who said, “One of the best ways to fight corruption is to shed light upon it…by shedding light on the issue of corruption, and the role that everyone can play in fighting it”.

the canadian government can help by start revoking visa to some of these ppp low life thieves 


The Jagdeo-run administration now has proved itself as an ‘indulger’ to massive corruption.
Some would argue that some of the scams may not have been committed under his direct leadership. The fact is that he has done LITTLE to ensure that prosecution was in the name of the day when others occurred. What he did do was launch into market-woman-type-'busing’ of local critics and international organizations who spent considerable time in assessing our still very corrupt government.
For instance, as we well know, Transparency International continued to rank Guyana as among one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Jagdeo was quick to they were coming to the country and making “blanket statements”.
But a number of scams and frauds committed has left one asking where are the serious investigations and prosecutions.
Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:
STONE-SCAM: This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.
MILK: Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.
CANE GROVE BREACH: After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea. BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.
CHARITY WHARF FRAUD: Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)
LAW BOOK: Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc. Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!
RE-MIGRANT VEHICLES: This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.
WILD LIFE: Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?
EXPORT OF DOLPHINS: Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005 More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.
POLAR BEER: $300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).
These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The Jagdeo-run administration now has proved itself as an ‘indulger’ to massive corruption.
Some would argue that some of the scams may not have been committed under his direct leadership. The fact is that he has done LITTLE to ensure that prosecution was in the name of the day when others occurred. What he did do was launch into market-woman-type-'busing’ of local critics and international organizations who spent considerable time in assessing our still very corrupt government.
For instance, as we well know, Transparency International continued to rank Guyana as among one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Jagdeo was quick to they were coming to the country and making “blanket statements”.
But a number of scams and frauds committed has left one asking where are the serious investigations and prosecutions.
Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:
STONE-SCAM: This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.
MILK: Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.
CANE GROVE BREACH: After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea. BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.
CHARITY WHARF FRAUD: Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)
LAW BOOK: Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc. Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!
RE-MIGRANT VEHICLES: This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.
WILD LIFE: Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?
EXPORT OF DOLPHINS: Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005 More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.
POLAR BEER: $300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).
These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!



I agree there are too many scams and yes no one seems to be accountable. That MUST STOP unless we want a unruly Society.  There seems to be more enforcements since Pres Ramotar took over but there is much more to be done in this regard.

The Canadian Government hopes for a reduction in the levels of corruption in Guyana and is looking for a more active public debate on issues of corruption resulting from increased awareness.


Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana

Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana


The Canadian Government feels that there is a broad consensus in Guyana on the need to fight corruption. This is according to Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, who said, “One of the best ways to fight corruption is to shed light upon it…by shedding light on the issue of corruption, and the role that everyone can play in fighting it”. High Commissioner Giles was at the time responding to queries of the High Commission’s involvement with Transparency International Guyana Inc (TIGI) in the erection of two billboards advising “You can Stop Corruption”.


Canadian Govt. sees need to fight corruption in Guyana

September 19, 2013, By Filed Under News

Nichole Giles seems to forget her function, yet again, to engage with issues  outside of her role as the Canadian Ambassador.


This is very shameful that our Canadian friends had to point out that Guyana is drenched in corruption. D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

I know the lady's appointment and task is not to intervene in these areas, but they notice the corruption and speak out about it. Whether she is right or wrong, it still remains a matter of great concern that Guyana's corruption is being noticeable by every foreign embassy in our country. There is no need to be hypothetical about corruption, it is as simple as a thief.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

I know the lady's appointment and task is not to intervenein these areas, but they notice the corruption and speak out about it. Whether she is right or wrong, it still remains a matter of great concern that Guyana's corruption is being noticeable by every foreign embassy in our country. There is no need to be hypothetical about corruption, it is as simple as a thief.

Nonetheless, as Ambassadors, they absolutely have no right to make any statement and/or be involved with the matter. =Period=



The Powerful Countries Ambassadors want to do as they like but try doing the same as Third World Ambassador, all hell will break loose. Look at what happen with the Indian Diplomat, a simple matter that could have been resolved easily. The Ambassadors and their Staff from these Countries do 10 times worst around the World.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Powerful Countries Ambassadors want to do as they like but try doing the same as Third World Ambassador, all hell will break loose. Look at what happen with the Indian Diplomat, a simple matter that could have been resolved easily. The Ambassadors and their Staff from these Countries do 10 times worst around the World.

You rass need some licks. Mr. D_G is getting mad at me. He has been roughing me too much recently. Me nah no wah wrang me duh.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Powerful Countries Ambassadors want to do as they like but try doing the same as Third World Ambassador, all hell will break loose. Look at what happen with the Indian Diplomat, a simple matter that could have been resolved easily. The Ambassadors and their Staff from these Countries do 10 times worst around the World.

You rass need some licks. Mr. D_G is getting mad at me. He has been roughing me too much recently. Me nah no wah wrang me duh.

DG should hold yuh and shake yuh behind.  Or he can send Bhai Sheik in his Green Buckta.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

He is in a wheel chair.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

you right i will love to piss on him,he is worse than garbage

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The Jagdeo-run administration now has proved itself as an ‘indulger’ to massive corruption.
Some would argue that some of the scams may not have been committed under his direct leadership. The fact is that he has done LITTLE to ensure that prosecution was in the name of the day when others occurred. What he did do was launch into market-woman-type-'busing’ of local critics and international organizations who spent considerable time in assessing our still very corrupt government.
For instance, as we well know, Transparency International continued to rank Guyana as among one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Jagdeo was quick to they were coming to the country and making “blanket statements”.
But a number of scams and frauds committed has left one asking where are the serious investigations and prosecutions.
Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:
STONE-SCAM: This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.
MILK: Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.
CANE GROVE BREACH: After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea. BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.
CHARITY WHARF FRAUD: Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)
LAW BOOK: Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc. Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!
RE-MIGRANT VEHICLES: This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.
WILD LIFE: Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?
EXPORT OF DOLPHINS: Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005 More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.
POLAR BEER: $300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).
These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!



I agree there are too many scams and yes no one seems to be accountable. That MUST STOP unless we want a unruly Society.  There seems to be more enforcements since Pres Ramotar took over but there is much more to be done in this regard.

Ramotar promised to fight corruption. Actions speak louder than words.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

you right i will love to piss on him,he is worse than garbage

Free white Rum should bot be given to Uneducated Chaps.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The Jagdeo-run administration now has proved itself as an ‘indulger’ to massive corruption.
Some would argue that some of the scams may not have been committed under his direct leadership. The fact is that he has done LITTLE to ensure that prosecution was in the name of the day when others occurred. What he did do was launch into market-woman-type-'busing’ of local critics and international organizations who spent considerable time in assessing our still very corrupt government.
For instance, as we well know, Transparency International continued to rank Guyana as among one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Jagdeo was quick to they were coming to the country and making “blanket statements”.
But a number of scams and frauds committed has left one asking where are the serious investigations and prosecutions.
Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:
STONE-SCAM: This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.
MILK: Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.
CANE GROVE BREACH: After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea. BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.
CHARITY WHARF FRAUD: Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)
LAW BOOK: Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc. Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!
RE-MIGRANT VEHICLES: This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.
WILD LIFE: Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?
EXPORT OF DOLPHINS: Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005 More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.
POLAR BEER: $300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).
These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!



I agree there are too many scams and yes no one seems to be accountable. That MUST STOP unless we want a unruly Society.  There seems to be more enforcements since Pres Ramotar took over but there is much more to be done in this regard.

Ramotar promised to fight corruption. Actions speak louder than words.

my brother ramottar is the biggest thief,do not hold your breath 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

you right i will love to piss on him,he is worse than garbage

Free white Rum should bot be given to Uneducated Chaps.

Them chap this don't know to drink responsibly.Look how them a disrespect our veterans who struggle to build Guyana when we were in short pants.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

you right i will love to piss on him,he is worse than garbage

Free white Rum should bot be given to Uneducated Chaps.

Them chap this don't know to drink responsibly.Look how them a disrespect our veterans who struggle to build Guyana when we were in short pants.

did you say build guyana,the same guyana that is worse that a 4world country cobra get a grip

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

you right i will love to piss on him,he is worse than garbage

Free white Rum should bot be given to Uneducated Chaps.

Them chap this don't know to drink responsibly.Look how them a disrespect our veterans who struggle to build Guyana when we were in short pants.

He was a PNC Engineer.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

you right i will love to piss on him,he is worse than garbage

Free white Rum should bot be given to Uneducated Chaps.

Them chap this don't know to drink responsibly.Look how them a disrespect our veterans who struggle to build Guyana when we were in short pants.

He was a PNC Engineer.

Are you sure? You must be mistaken. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

you right i will love to piss on him,he is worse than garbage

Free white Rum should bot be given to Uneducated Chaps.

Them chap this don't know to drink responsibly.Look how them a disrespect our veterans who struggle to build Guyana when we were in short pants.

He was a PNC Engineer.

Are you sure? You must be mistaken. 

Perhaps! Perhaps not!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

I know the lady's appointment and task is not to intervenein these areas, but they notice the corruption and speak out about it. Whether she is right or wrong, it still remains a matter of great concern that Guyana's corruption is being noticeable by every foreign embassy in our country. There is no need to be hypothetical about corruption, it is as simple as a thief.

Nonetheless, as Ambassadors, they absolutely have no right to make any statement and/or be involved with the matter. =Period=


If the women had said something like, "Canada does not see the need to fight corruption in Guyana" you would have said something different correct DG?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

when kwame bugging you the diplomatic way you do not call for protocol then 

Have some respect for D-G, bro! We should pooje where that man walk, regardless if we differ in opinions.

you right i will love to piss on him,he is worse than garbage

Free white Rum should bot be given to Uneducated Chaps.

If that was the case yo bar woulda run low constantly.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

I know the lady's appointment and task is not to intervenein these areas, but they notice the corruption and speak out about it. Whether she is right or wrong, it still remains a matter of great concern that Guyana's corruption is being noticeable by every foreign embassy in our country. There is no need to be hypothetical about corruption, it is as simple as a thief.

Nonetheless, as Ambassadors, they absolutely have no right to make any statement and/or be involved with the matter. =Period=


If the women had said something like, "Canada does not see the need to fight corruption in Guyana" you would have said something different correct DG?

Immaterial, Cain.


As an Ambassador, she should not make the statements.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D-G, I am disappointed at your comment. That's how you encourage the disease of corruption to spread.

When you acquire the knowledge to understand diplomatic protocol and interactions, you might gain a perspective on my statement.

I know the lady's appointment and task is not to intervenein these areas, but they notice the corruption and speak out about it. Whether she is right or wrong, it still remains a matter of great concern that Guyana's corruption is being noticeable by every foreign embassy in our country. There is no need to be hypothetical about corruption, it is as simple as a thief.

Nonetheless, as Ambassadors, they absolutely have no right to make any statement and/or be involved with the matter. =Period=


If the women had said something like, "Canada does not see the need to fight corruption in Guyana" you would have said something different correct DG?

Immaterial, Cain.


As an Ambassador, she should not make the statements.

Demerara_Guy, you are an old fool. What's wrong with a person expressing an opinion? It's pricks like you who want to hide corruption under the rug and not shed light on it. You are morally bankrupt.


The Canadian Government feels that there is a broad consensus in Guyana on the need to fight corruption. This is according to Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, who said, “One of the best ways to fight corruption is to shed light upon it…by shedding light on the issue of corruption, and the role that everyone can play in fighting it”. High Commissioner Giles was at the time responding to queries of the High Commission’s involvement with Transparency International Guyana Inc (TIGI) in the erection of two billboards advising “You can Stop Corruption”.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Canadian Government should donate money to the cause rather than

all talk and no action says Rob forde.

You are drunk or you are smoking crack.

That's what the PNC must be feeding the likes of you and TK.

They raped your women and you said thank you!

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Canadian Government should donate money to the cause rather than

all talk and no action says Rob forde.

You are drunk or you are smoking crack.

That's what the PNC must be feeding the likes of you and TK.

They raped your women and you said thank you!




Dem shameless people are willing to sell out their people. 


PPP until I die. The PNC assisted by the AFC must NEVER rule Guyana again.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Canadian Government should donate money to the cause rather than

all talk and no action says Rob forde.

You are drunk or you are smoking crack.

That's what the PNC must be feeding the likes of you and TK.

They raped your women and you said thank you!

Don't speak of your mother and sisters like that. You have no shame.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


Crabin wants to know what you can do for the PNC..

You and Crabin used to knack bakkle together. When he visited your home, he got you drunk and you fell asleep. I can't write about the other details of what he did when you were asleep. That was not egg white on your BT.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


Crabin wants to know what you can do for the PNC..

You and Crabin used to knack bakkle together. When he visited your home, he got you drunk and you fell asleep. I can't write about the other details of what he did when you were asleep. That was not egg white on your BT.

And you were there! I believe you received the thrust of his big bang theory.


I am waiting for an answer.  Tell us what you can do for the PNC.  You seemed to be defending them in every step of the way.


You have been evading my questions. I can see why you have been called one of the PNC dirty Indians..

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


Crabin wants to know what you can do for the PNC..

You and Crabin used to knack bakkle together. When he visited your home, he got you drunk and you fell asleep. I can't write about the other details of what he did when you were asleep. That was not egg white on your BT.

And you were there! I believe you received the thrust of his big bang theory.


I am waiting for an answer.  Tell us what you can do for the PNC.  You seemed to be defending them in every step of the way.


You have been evading my questions. I can see why you have been called one of the PNC dirty Indians..

Hey drunky, my answer is the SAME that I gave you  3 years ago. You are like a broken LP. Go easy on the menthylated spirits deh Bhaiji.

Last edited by Mitwah

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