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Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

Irfan should go on hunger strike 


to lose weight or for elections to be held?

either one gon be very long

That’s all you’re seeing. Look at the diversity of the crowd.. 

I did recognize the diversity in the crowd too. It is my conviction that if there are no shenanigans during elections in Guyana, the PPP will prevail. People unadvisedly took a chance on the Coalition but quickly realized that they were too incompetent and not up to the task of properly governing Guyana. This was demonstrated by the two recent LGEs especially the most recent one.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
cain posted:
ksazma posted:

Irfaan is probably thinking, should I eat this candle? 

I feel like you right,banna.

nah...i think Priya look like she hungry

Why is it always necessary for you to denigrate a woman?

I feel fully at fault because I first made light of the vigil through my comment on Ali.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
cain posted:
ksazma posted:

Irfaan is probably thinking, should I eat this candle? 

I feel like you right,banna.

nah...i think Priya look like she hungry

Why is it always necessary for you to denigrate a woman?

I feel fully at fault because I first made light of the vigil through my comment on Ali.

I read it last night but decided to sleep in it. You provided an on ramp for closet haters like Vish and Cain to denigrate the protestors.  

I watched it and thought, we were fighting the same shyte in the 80s.  So don’t make light of their struggles from the safety of the White man’s country!

Me done wid you fuh now!

ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

Irfan should go on hunger strike 


to lose weight or for elections to be held?

either one gon be very long

That’s all you’re seeing. Look at the diversity of the crowd.. 

I did recognize the diversity in the crowd too. It is my conviction that if there are no shenanigans during elections in Guyana, the PPP will prevail. People unadvisedly took a chance on the Coalition but quickly realized that they were too incompetent and not up to the task of properly governing Guyana. This was demonstrated by the two recent LGEs especially the most recent one.

I think they have a chance.  It’s a great pity BJ did not chose a better candidate.  Now they have to rely on the PNC turning off the swing voters.  

The key, on both sides, who will be the running mate.  


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