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Suicides soar among US middle-aged people

Man despairing at a desk People aged 35-64 accounted for nearly two thirds of of US suicides

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The suicide rate among middle-aged Americans rose 28% in a decade, a new report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has found.

Among adults 35-64, white people and American Indians saw the sharpest increases from 1999 to 2010.

The CDC did not investigate causes behind the trend, but noted many suicide prevention programmes were geared towards youths and the elderly.

The report found no significant change among other age groups.

Since 2009, suicide has claimed more Americans than motor vehicle crashes.

There were 38,350 suicides in 2010, making it the nation's 10th leading cause of death, the CDC said.

People aged 35-64 accounted for some 57% of suicides in the US, according to the data.

Overall, the suicide rate among Americans in this age group increased from nearly 14 per 100,000 people in 1999 to almost 18 in 2010, the CDC reported.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

We can make money from the American suicide mission by introducing rope to them. What you that, Nehru?

Some Guyanese quick to talk trash about Guyana but are too ignorant and illiterate to know what is happening in their own backyard!!!! Guyana, suicides have been high forever, while in US, it became more dramatic recently...use yuh nuggets!


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