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Former Member
Carberry says Joe Hamilton’s switch will not hinder PNC

October 4, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

The decision of former People’s National Congress (PNC) Parliamentarian Joseph Hamilton to switch to the incumbent PPP will not hinder the party in any way, executive Lance Carberry, said yesterday.

“As Guyanese, we are all free to join or not to join whichever party of our choice. And therefore, if Mr. Joe Hamilton has exercised the choice to join the PPP, I think he is exercising his fundamental constitutional right,” said Carberry, who was speaking at a press conference of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

APNU is an opposition coalition of which the PNC is the major partner.

Carberry was responding to questions at the party’s weekly press briefing.

Hamilton on Sunday announced that he was committing himself to the election of Donald Ramotar as the next President of Guyana under the People’s Progressive Party.

Carberry told reporters that Hamilton has not been an active member of the party for several months now.

He added that Mr. Hamilton’s absence will not even be noticed by the party.

With regards to Region Ten Chairman Mortimer Mingo who denied that he received a plot of land at “Pradoville 2”, Carberry says that the party has its own way to deal with such matters.

Pradoville 2 is the exclusive housing development at Sparendaam where President Bharrat Jagdeo, and other elites of the ruling party are building sprawling mansions.

Carberry said Mingo’s matter would be dealt normally, confidentially and internally. He said that said he wanted to make it clear that Mingo like any member of society has a constitutional right to decide where he will, in fact purchase land.

Last Thursday Regional Ten Chairman Mortimer denied ever receiving any plot of land in the exclusive housing area popularly referred to as Pradoville 2.

However on Friday the Ministry of Housing produced a cheque showing that Mingo had tried to make payments for the land. According the ministry the cheque, though, was not valid.

Mingo has since stated that he had attempted to make payments for the land, but after consulting with a few persons he rescinded his decision.

Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon, on Wednesday, during the ongoing libel case in the High Court, had stated that Mingo was among several Afro-Guyanese who received land in the area.

The issue of the land arose during the cross examination of Dr Luncheon by attorney at law Chris Ram in the libel case brought by President Jagdeo against newspaper columnist Freddie Kissoon, Kaieteur News and its Editor Adam Harris

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