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Care for the elderly, early childhood training facilities open in Berbice

– funded through Spotlight Initiative
– to support youth, women empowerment, training
– Minister Persaud

Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Hon. Dr. Vindhya Persaud, today commissioned a centre for the elderly and an early childhood resource and training facility at the St. Francis Community Developers (SFCD) headquarters, Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice.

The two facilities will support training for job creation, youth and women empowerment, remedial education, counselling, psychosocial support and other services.

Minister Persaud also cut the ribbon for the opening of the ‘Dress for success closet,’ another service at the headquarters, which will provide free clothing for women and youth attending interviews, as well as employed persons seeking professional attire.

The programmes were established through the Spotlight Initiative, a multi-year partnership programme between the European Union and the United Nations and is geared at eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls.

“I want to appeal to you here and those of you who would look at us later when this is broadcast, that you have zero tolerance for this. It is unacceptable. Violence and abuse against any age and any gender is unacceptable, and should never be tolerated,” Dr. Persaud said.  

She said a “campaign of name and shame” could be initiated to eradicate the unlawful act. However, for these practices to end, Guyanese must come together.

“It cannot be a Ministry alone. It cannot be a single NGO; it has to be all of us. From the messages that we deliver in our homes to our children, encouraging them to respect each other so that they will grow with those values that will filter down in the adult world.

We must never become impervious to abuse and violence. We must become more passionate as advocates so that we can rid this land of what has become too entrenched across the country,” Dr. Persaud said.

She noted that early childhood development remains the Ministry’s primary focus, and called for more suitable environments that would positively mould the young.

“When you think a child is too small to imbibe, to inculcate and to experience, that child is not. The environment must be such that that child could be moulded into a good teenager and finally a positive contributing adult to our country.

And this is the emphasis that is placed in resource centres, like what was opened here this morning. I pay keen attention because every facet that is required for the child’s development is catered for in the resource centre.”

Dr. Persaud said the Ministry would continue to work with stakeholders, to ensure sufficient materials are available countrywide, “so that before they hit the formal education system, that gap between birth and school is catered for through early childhood development.”

Further, she said, the Ministry would be collaborating with the Labour Ministry and other agencies next month to roll out several certificate training programmes, one of which will focus on early child care and patient care.

The courses will be extended to the SFCD, which has the resources to facilitate the classes.

Meanwhile, SFCD President, Mr. Alex Foster said the contributions by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the early childhood programme and other projects have made life easier for several young people across Berbice.

“Today also, we will be launching the continuation of the project with UNICEF and they will be investing a sum of $2 million and today’s investment will see radio advertisement being done.”

UNICEF’s Representative, Mr. Nicholas Pron said he is pleased with the quality of work done to date by the group, and would continue to make other investments to advance development. Mr. Adler Bynoe, Liaison Officer of the United Nations Population Fund also attended the ceremony.


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