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Gilbakka posted:

Committed socialist Gilbakka has the honor to send you Season's Greetings. I have class enemies, not ethnic enemies. We have differing opinions, but I respect your right to express them. Overall, I appreciate your participation in this imperfectly important forum.

best of the season to you too

can't be mad for long at a man who reads like you do

Gilbakka posted:

Committed socialist Gilbakka has the honor to send you Season's Greetings. I have class enemies, not ethnic enemies. We have differing opinions, but I respect your right to express them. Overall, I appreciate your participation in this imperfectly important forum.

Thanks Gilbakka. I do not agree with your ideology, but I enjoy our exchanges and appreciate your candor and respect. You know I don't like this term, but I'll make an exception this once. Seasons Greetings to you and your family and all the best for the new year, my "comrade'.


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