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Amral posted:
Mars posted:
Amral posted:

I just suspended Warrior for his last post

Warrior's post for which he's being suspended, is timid in comparison to what passes here on a daily basis. Meanwhile, there are others here who are allowed to carry on like Gaumont hos with nary a warning. I guess it pays to be friends with the Admin.

You have not got a clue what you are talking about. You want the Admin job for a week if yes you got it. If no then shut up and let the Admins do their job.

I know exactly what I'm talking about because I read the board more than you do. I don't want the Admin job since I don't have the time to devote to it. All I'm asking is for the Admins to perform a fair job. Is that too much to ask?

How can one person make 115,000 posts like this and none of the Admins ever notice or issue a warning?


"You are so DUMB you will never get your head out of your stinking ASS!!!  I cannot think of anyone more stupid, ignorant and illiterate than you."

This is all this poster ever contributes to GNI. Unwarranted attacks on other posters day after day, yet you have the audacity to ask me to shut up when I complain about the crass behavior being displayed on this forum.

How do vile racists like yuji (and many others) start thread after thread with their sick views and the Admins just let it go? How do you applaud Rev for being a standout GNI poster when the man was running around here with a rope in his hand looking to lynch the first black man he laid eyes on? And now suddenly you're suspending a poster for racist views. Surely you jest.

Why are you telling me to shut up? Are you operating this site like a dictatorship and no one should question what goes on around here? I thought this was a forum for us to air our views within the confines of the rules.

Last edited by Mars
ian posted:
Amral posted:

Many of guys have left Guyana decades ago but you still carry the racism mentality in your mind. Unless you ditch that poison you are still clutching you cannot expect changes.  Your racism influences people and causes confusion among the younger generation.  Time to get it out of your system folks   otherwise you will continue to live your life in bitterness 

Amral, you need to review the roll of Riff has admin on this forum. I just can't understand how he can share his views and condemn other. He suppose to be natural on this site. Because of his one sided views, we see right here again he has issues with other members. Great if he wants to comment, but he should one will think he is bias. I support Yuji22 call for him to resign.

I appreciate how professional you handled issues, and no one can point fingers at you .




what issues yuh talkin bout pardna? Everybody pretty much speak their mind here...some go beyond the boundry and get suspended. 

I got issues with others when they break the rules....I am also free to voice my opinions...there is no rule that I can't have an opinion

Now, if you spout racist or nasty stuff, most likely you will get banned like a couple others who are cooling off

RiffRaff posted:
ian posted:
Amral posted:

Many of guys have left Guyana decades ago but you still carry the racism mentality in your mind. Unless you ditch that poison you are still clutching you cannot expect changes.  Your racism influences people and causes confusion among the younger generation.  Time to get it out of your system folks   otherwise you will continue to live your life in bitterness 

Amral, you need to review the roll of Riff has admin on this forum. I just can't understand how he can share his views and condemn other. He suppose to be natural on this site. Because of his one sided views, we see right here again he has issues with other members. Great if he wants to comment, but he should one will think he is bias. I support Yuji22 call for him to resign.

I appreciate how professional you handled issues, and no one can point fingers at you .




what issues yuh talkin bout pardna? Everybody pretty much speak their mind here...some go beyond the boundry and get suspended. 

I got issues with others when they break the rules....I am also free to voice my opinions...there is no rule that I can't have an opinion

Now, if you spout racist or nasty stuff, most likely you will get banned like a couple others who are cooling off

Really, now you threatening me Banna, and you want to BANNED me. We seeing dictator right here . And it's my opinion you cannot share your opinions and condemned others for their beliefs. So who suspended/ banned you when you sprout racist or nasty stuff. Ok I gonna watch you rass now. You better be a good child. 

yuji22 posted:

OK Folks,

It may appear that those who defend the rights of Indos and speak out on harassment of Indos in Guyana are being unjustly branded as racists. This is from weak posters who are left in utter disgrace by attempting to defend the shameful attacks on Indos by the current administration.

Here is an example of a quote by Carib who spews his anti agenda Indo and racism at GNI:

"Blacks don't trust Indians because they think them clannish, and seeing how socalled moderate Indians ignore the rampant Indo supremacist bigotry on GNI, can you blame them?

The fact that so many Indo men seem to feel sexually inadequate when they compare themselves to black men isn't something that we spend time worrying about."

Carib, redux, TK and others must be held accountable for their racist attitude and posts.


Some Indians ashamed of their own inadequacies and scared to fight back, so they hang out with these thugs and cuss them mattie Indian.  It is how they feel more "adequate".  Baseman accepts no racism, not from Blacks, Indians, or even that lil Putagee, Cain.  However, baseman will push back at racism as I see fit!

ian posted:
RiffRaff posted:
ian posted:
Amral posted:

Many of guys have left Guyana decades ago but you still carry the racism mentality in your mind. Unless you ditch that poison you are still clutching you cannot expect changes.  Your racism influences people and causes confusion among the younger generation.  Time to get it out of your system folks   otherwise you will continue to live your life in bitterness 

Amral, you need to review the roll of Riff has admin on this forum. I just can't understand how he can share his views and condemn other. He suppose to be natural on this site. Because of his one sided views, we see right here again he has issues with other members. Great if he wants to comment, but he should one will think he is bias. I support Yuji22 call for him to resign.

I appreciate how professional you handled issues, and no one can point fingers at you .




what issues yuh talkin bout pardna? Everybody pretty much speak their mind here...some go beyond the boundry and get suspended. 

I got issues with others when they break the rules....I am also free to voice my opinions...there is no rule that I can't have an opinion

Now, if you spout racist or nasty stuff, most likely you will get banned like a couple others who are cooling off

Really, now you threatening me Banna, and you want to BANNED me. We seeing dictator right here . And it's my opinion you cannot share your opinions and condemned others for their beliefs. So who suspended/ banned you when you sprout racist or nasty stuff. Ok I gonna watch you rass now. You better be a good child. 

WHo I condemn for their beliefs? I may disagree, but I don't condemn anyone for their beliefs...well, maybe Nehru, cause he does talk plenty poop

Amral posted:

The members are to be blamed most if the time. The admins cannot police the site 24/7.  To besides we are dealing with "adults"   who nevertheless have some growing up to do and should be ashamed of their behavior. But then again these guys hide behind a screen so they feel free to post their garbage.  

You should hear what  black folks are saying outside of Guyana. Their comments are more racists than the Indos on here. Pretty well the same things spewed by Caribj. One would think, East Indians have no business to be in Guyana. And these are old black people who migrated since the sixties. 

I have always enjoyed a cordial relationship with Afro-Guyanese. Since the election of Granger, they seem to be on fire. Complaints of East Indians dominating GT. They are known for gouging black people. Indo-Guyanese are not friends with Afro-Guyanese. I had to ask me black christian brother, "is wah shite you gweing on wid heh." His reply, "is dah wah a hearing from some black people in NY, Guyana and around Toronto."

Being an Indian, you may not hear the anti-indian rhetoric. I hear it, because as I said, I have a good relationship with a number of Guyanese blacks. Dey juss tell me and ask what I think about it. A Bajan friend enquired as to why Indians dislike Black people in Guyana, the old Guyanese Black woman said to the Bajan, "Dem cooolie people are racial."

I said to the Bajan, "In Guyana everything is a race issue." I continued, "ask the lady if she is from Wismar."

Racism will never depart from Guyana. If all the Indians should immigrate as to the wishes of blacks. I will not be surprised dem beat the shite of the douglas for mixing black blood wid coolie blood.

Before experiencing the vileness of Caribj, Redux, Warria and Mr.T, I would have dismissed all black negativity. Now, I lend my support to the Indo-KKK. 

seignet posted:
Amral posted:

The members are to be blamed most if the time. The admins cannot police the site 24/7.  To besides we are dealing with "adults"   who nevertheless have some growing up to do and should be ashamed of their behavior. But then again these guys hide behind a screen so they feel free to post their garbage.  

You should hear what  black folks are saying outside of Guyana. Their comments are more racists than the Indos on here. Pretty well the same things spewed by Caribj. One would think, East Indians have no business to be in Guyana. And these are old black people who migrated since the sixties. 


Few years back the PNC sent a guy to talk in Swiss and his message was to that effect.  Indians are exploiters of Guyana and we come and go and have no real place in Guyana. He made it sound like we are an expat people who will ne day return to India.

baseman posted:
seignet posted:
Amral posted:

The members are to be blamed most if the time. The admins cannot police the site 24/7.  To besides we are dealing with "adults"   who nevertheless have some growing up to do and should be ashamed of their behavior. But then again these guys hide behind a screen so they feel free to post their garbage.  

You should hear what  black folks are saying outside of Guyana. Their comments are more racists than the Indos on here. Pretty well the same things spewed by Caribj. One would think, East Indians have no business to be in Guyana. And these are old black people who migrated since the sixties. 


Few years back the PNC sent a guy to talk in Swiss and his message was to that effect.  Indians are exploiters of Guyana and we come and go and have no real place in Guyana. He made it sound like we are an expat people who will ne day return to India.

In 1967, I met up with some Jamaicans that came from England to Ontario. Acquainted for a while. After work on Friday nights, we go out for beers. There were about eight Indo Guyanese, a german and five Jamaicans. When dem fellas start repeating wah Black Guyanese tell dem in England about Indians from Guyana. Dey mussa tink we were like white south africans.

yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:

what about yours?

I think you lead the pack in terms of racist posts

I challenge YOU to provide proof.

You should resign since you are accusing members of GNI who defend racism against Indos as being racist.

Shame on you ! You actions as a moderator are unacceptable.


Read your own posts for proof. You just like to stir up racial crap...always did it since inception. Once in a while you will come in with a long winded apology and promise to make meaningful contributions, but it takes only a day or so for you to start the racist stuff


I challenge YOU to provide proof.

You are just like the PNC administration. You make accusation but cannot provide proof.

You should resign for your shameful behaviour.


Riff is correct you are the worse for stirring racial shyte on this board, I've stated this many times.

yuji22 posted:
Zed posted:

Riff, I think that your comment is indicative of the problem. You accept that racist comments are posted on the site by both sides. Vile Racist and sexual comments are made by many posters but no action is taken by the administrators of the site. 

Now, this is a balanced and fair comment.

How is it fair when he let you off practically everyday for your daily stirring of racial shyte here?

baseman posted:
Baseman accepts no racism,

No you merely squeal that blacks are criminals, intent only on robbing, raping and otherwise harassing Indians. 

You blame blacks 100% for our ethnic problems, and you have screamed that Guyanese blacks should be grateful that Indians arrived.

And you really don't see how this makes you racist.

seignet posted:
, the old Guyanese Black woman said to the Bajan, "Dem cooolie people are racial."

. Now, I lend my support to the Indo-KKK. 

OK finally honesty from you.  But we always knew this when you cursed Lindeners, wishing them starvation, and then screamed that blacks should be cursed by God.


But continue to paint your lies that ONLY blacks in Guyana are racist.  Bajans read GNI and they see all the anti black racism that frequently pours forth on this site.  What they also note is that the only time moderate Indians react to this is when they gang up against blacks who comment on this bigotry.

The bigoted remarks on GNI come from the Indo KKK. The fact that the "moderate" Indians ignore this just shows that the old black Guyanese lady is RIGHT.  

Based on what we see on GNI an Indo cannot condemn Indo racism out of fear about how he will be treated by other Indians. 

Racism in Guyana will end when we see Indians with the caliber of a Rodney, David Hinds, Andaiye, Clive Thomas, Eusi, and many others who CONDEMNED THE ANTI INDO racism of the Burnham regime!  Despite this ALL of these people enjoy strong reputations among blacks!

caribny posted:
baseman posted:
Baseman accepts no racism,

No you merely squeal that blacks are criminals, intent only on robbing, raping and otherwise harassing Indians. 

You blame blacks 100% for our ethnic problems, and you have screamed that Guyanese blacks should be grateful that Indians arrived.

And you really don't see how this makes you racist.

Nah bai Caribj, I don't blame Blacks 100% however, based on criminal activity, say 75%.  Fair?


PPP propaganda machinery in high gear.  Only Indian supremacists are welcomed here.  It is laughable how every bit of information is twisted to suit their warped/retarted thinking of portraying Indians as victims and blacks as sub humans.  A topic is started and a feeding frenzy starts.  They all jump in an incestuous love fest.  Beating of chests and high fiving. Yes, yes man the black man is taking over.  Look, we must stop them while hiding behind our keyboards.  A bunch of yellow belly cowards spouting vitriol and bilge on a daily basis.

FC posted:

PPP propaganda machinery in high gear.  Only Indian supremacists are welcomed here.  It is laughable how every bit of information is twisted to suit their warped/retarted thinking of portraying Indians as victims and blacks as sub humans.  A topic is started and a feeding frenzy starts.  They all jump in an incestuous love fest.  Beating of chests and high fiving. Yes, yes man the black man is taking over.  Look, we must stop them while hiding behind our keyboards.  A bunch of yellow belly cowards spouting vitriol and bilge on a daily basis.

I don't care about the bigots.  Its when those who claim NOT to be bigots, folks like Zed, Kari, VishM, etc, repeat the same "bad blackman, good Indo" dogma, that is when I know that Guyana has no where to go.

FC posted:

Carib, why waste your time with these losers.  You are above this lot collective intelligence.

"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level  and then beat you with experience."

Mark Twain

GNI is has been quoted in the Kaieteur News.  Don't underestimate the need to expose the one sided racism of some of the so called moderate Indians here.


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