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November 7 ,2020


KINGSTON, Jamaica, Nov 7, CMC – Caribbean leaders were over the weekend extending congratulations to the United States President-elect, Joe Biden and his Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, saying that they were looking forward to working with the new Democratic Party leaders in the White House.

Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali, in his message, said, “On behalf of the Government and  people of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana  and on my own behalf, I extend to you our warmest congratulations on your election as the 46th President of the United States of America.

“I look forward to working closely with you to confront critical strategic matters of interest to the International Community including the COVID 19 pandemic. Further, Guyana looks forward to consolidating and strengthening our bilateral ties with the United States of America in the ensuinq years.

“As you prepare to assume the Presidency please accept my best wishes for a successful term in office and for your continued good health and well-being.”

President-elect Joe Biden

Prime Minister Andrew Holness in a message on his Twitter page noted that “America will have its first female Vice president in the person of Kamala Harris and we are proud that she bears Jamaican heritage.

“Her ascension to this role is a monumental accomplishment for women all over the world and I salute her. We look forward to working with the new administration,” Holness added.

Harris is the daughter of a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, also created history by becoming the first woman of colour to become US Vice President.

Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Rowley, in a Facebook post, extended “warmest welcome and congratulations” to Biden and Harris.

“Given the close familial ties of both our countries and our joint economic ans security connections, we look forward to the strengthening of those bonds in the months and years ahead,” Rowley said. He also added a special congratulatory message to Harris, whose father was born in Jamaica. “We as Caribbean people filled with pride… acknowledge her Caribbean roots and wish both office holders a very successful term, not only for the American citizens but for all the people of the world.”

In his letter of congratulations to Biden, Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne said that he recalled working with him when he served as Vice President to President Barak Obama.” to advance the security and well-being of the United States and its neighbours in the Caribbean.

“I especially recall, with appreciation, the work that you had started on building security in energy and my participation with you in conferences to facilitate progress in this vital area.

“Allow me also to note that today, November 7th, 2020, marks 48 years to the day when you were first elected to Congress as a 29-year old.  Your stamina and energy – and most importantly your commitment to public service for the people of the United States has been exemplary and outstanding,” Browne said, extending congratulations on behalf of the people and government of Antigua and Barbuda.

“As you begin to plan for your assumption of office in January 2021, I know that you will be cognizant the Caribbean is the “third border” of the United States and that our governments have a joint responsibility to cooperate in economic and social development that will keep our collective neighbourhood prosperous.

“I greatly look forward to our two governments working closely together to meet the great challenges of our time, including ending the COVID-19 pandemic, restoring our economies to full strength, putting our people into the fullest employment possible, tackling the existential threat posed by climate change, and making our world a safer place for all.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris

I wish you every success as you prepare to take up office and I pray for the success of your administration and for the well-being of all people of the United States,” Browne wrote in his letter to Biden.

St. Lucia’s Prime Minister, Allen Chastanet, said he had been watching “along with you and the rest of the world, the elections in the United States” and that the “results indicate that the American people have decided that Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris will be their leaders.

“On behalf of the Government and People of St. Lucia I congratulate the President-elect and Vice President-elect. The United States has long been a friend to St.Lucia and we very much look forward to that relationship continuing. Initiatives important to our mutual interests include economic prosperity, climate change and security,” he added.

For his part, the Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Mitchell said “given the close familial ties of both our countries and our joint economic and security connections, we look forward to the strengthening of those bonds in the months and years ahead.

“We, as Caribbean people filled with pride, extend a special accolade to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as we acknowledge her Caribbean roots and wish both office holders a very successful term, not only for the American citizens but for all the people of the world,” he added.

Biden, who is due to address the United States people later on Saturday night, has already said Biden said “it’s time for America to unite. And to heal. We are the United States of America. And there’s nothing we can’t do, if we do it together.”

But President Donald Trump was dismissive of Biden’s presidential win, accusing him of falsely claiming victory and condemning the media for projecting the race before all votes were counted.

“The simple fact is this election is far from over,” he said in a statement. “We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed.”

Trump said his campaign on Monday will turn to the courts to “ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated.”55r45qrqfc6626

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