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Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Not sure where you see the humour. We are obliged to ensure the historical wrongs are made right. I take this stuff serious as I live here. I don't take kindly to hearing oppressed and angry Afros wanting to feed us "coolies" to the dogs, etc. I think if we feed them enough they will not "feed us to the dogs", please understand that. We Indians must learn to operate within the confines of Guyana. We cannot just carry on working and working and getting rich while others cannot figure out how to throw a cast net or juk and plant a biagan plant. No wonder they have had "enough of us coolies".

I don't blame them cuz even I have had enough of myself. Unfortunately, if I cannot work and work here, then I will also join you guys in the diaspora, but I love Guyana. My wife and my girlfriend make this a beautiful life, so I will work and work.

Another GNI gem kari. Big Grin
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Not sure where you see the humour.

Sledge, your sincerity lacks the conviction of what is clearly satire about Blacks living with an entitlement belief, and Indians entertaining thoughts about having wrongs Blacks; and even the historical inaccuracy of the British having helped Indians.

Try again.

His satire is dangerous given our ethnic insecurities and the dangerous stereotypes that both groups have of the other.

The "lazy" confine them to low level jobs. And the "rich" scape goat them all for having damaged blacks.

Sledge this joke is really not funny, especially just after an election when tensions are high.

I know you have bodyguards to protect you but most Indians arent so fortunate.

Listen sledge the British played a game on us. He allowed the African, and even moreso the mulatto, to have access to education and so they gained access to the urban middle class. They dominated the low/mid level slots in the civil and armed services and the teaching professions, the trades, and health care from the late 19th century.

He allowed the Indian to maintain his culture but then told him he was too "collie" to be allowed access to certain occupations which were the steps to upward mobility for the poor.

He was greatly amused when the African and mixed middle classes, upon dealing with these "collies". sniffed the air as if some thing was foul, allowed these "unwashed" primitives to cut their grass for their cows, and (with the exception of a few like the Luckhoos) felt that the Indian could be ignored.

Yes some Indos benefitted and became successful business people, not dependent on the status quo for their livelihood, even as the African and mulatto became trapped in this and became dependent on others to create their employment opportunities. Some were able to enter the professions based upon their fathers' ability to educate them.

Sledge many Indians remained....and to day still remain in poverty. As confined and trapped by their history as are many impoverished Africans and Amerindians.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I agree with the sledge but I would go one step further. Why don't the PPP set up a matrix style operation where they run milk tubes to each afro home and hang it above his bed so he just suck the tube and get his milk. He doesn't even have to get up, just cut a hole in the bed to take a dump. ahhahahahahhahah

Good wan.........dis place getting funeeee Big Grin
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Sledge ... with your mentality the country will never move forward.

You sound like a sore loser based on the result of the recent election.

Good luck bro.

You failed to see his sarcasm.

I would interpret what he is saying as Blacks are lazy.
I have seen right through his racism not sarcasm. When a man comes out and says he's indo but he agrees blacks are lazy and need entitlements .... I remove myself from his midst. Some people there is no reason to have a dialogue with.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Sledge ... with your mentality the country will never move forward.

You sound like a sore loser based on the result of the recent election.

Good luck bro.

You failed to see his sarcasm.

I would interpret what he is saying as Blacks are lazy.
I have seen right through his racism not sarcasm. When a man comes out and says he's indo but he agrees blacks are lazy and need entitlements .... I remove myself from his midst. Some people there is no reason to have a dialogue with.

Then why are you?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Then why are you?
Where did I have a dialogue with him? I told him in exctly one post what I thought of his mindset. The conversation stopped after that.

OK! my mistake!

Bhai, you have been slipping up a lot recently. Lay off the bottle.. Wink
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Not sure where you see the humour.

Sledge, your sincerity lacks the conviction of what is clearly satire about Blacks living with an entitlement belief, and Indians entertaining thoughts about having wrongs Blacks; and even the historical inaccuracy of the British having helped Indians.

Try again.

His satire is dangerous given our ethnic insecurities and the dangerous stereotypes that both groups have of the other.

The "lazy" confine them to low level jobs. And the "rich" scape goat them all for having damaged blacks.

Sledge this joke is really not funny, especially just after an election when tensions are high.

I know you have bodyguards to protect you but most Indians arent so fortunate.

Listen sledge the British played a game on us. He allowed the African, and even moreso the mulatto, to have access to education and so they gained access to the urban middle class. They dominated the low/mid level slots in the civil and armed services and the teaching professions, the trades, and health care from the late 19th century.

He allowed the Indian to maintain his culture but then told him he was too "collie" to be allowed access to certain occupations which were the steps to upward mobility for the poor.

He was greatly amused when the African and mixed middle classes, upon dealing with these "collies". sniffed the air as if some thing was foul, allowed these "unwashed" primitives to cut their grass for their cows, and (with the exception of a few like the Luckhoos) felt that the Indian could be ignored.

Yes some Indos benefitted and became successful business people, not dependent on the status quo for their livelihood, even as the African and mulatto became trapped in this and became dependent on others to create their employment opportunities. Some were able to enter the professions based upon their fathers' ability to educate them.

Sledge many Indians remained....and to day still remain in poverty. As confined and trapped by their history as are many impoverished Africans and Amerindians.

Dear Sir (I assume you are a "sir"), I have no issue with some of what you said and I don't want to psyco-analyze the impact of the Brits on Afros or Indos and how this is playing out today. All I can say is Indos need to right this historical wrong regardless "who done it". It don't matter who rich and who poor. The Germans had to pay the jew regardless of rich or poor Germans.

Indians need to get their head around this whole Afro peave in this society. We cannot just pretend that poverty among Afros are due to laziness, lack of family values, lifestyle, lack of commitment to themselves of their wider society. The problem in the Afro community in Guyana lies squarely on the shoulders of the Indians, rich or poor, educated or illiterate. This is why I have gained sympathy for the Boxtonians and the FF's who decided to kill off poor and uneducated Indians. They are equally to blame as we Indians have collectively stolen from Afros causing the malaise and distraught in the Afro community.

As I said before, I have no care or sympathy for poor Indians, the Brits, the PNC and the PPP stacked the odds in their favour, why are they poor? As an Indian I can tell you, poor Indians are plain and simple lazy. This is very different from the Afro youth who has been pyscology and mentally deprived causing them to seek help. We Indians need to provide that help, that need to the Afros. It's really not the fault or the responsibility of the Afros, once again, it lies squarely on the shoulders of Indians.

One again, I seriously think the PPP need to revamp the constitution granting Afros special status so they enjoy tax free status and special social outlets right in the heart of their ancestoral villages so they don't need to travel too far to collect.

You know, I have to say, a group of Afro young men walking thru an Indian village is a cause for concern of the Indians and they look at them threatening causing the Afro guys to shoot their coolie asses. The best solution, rather then these poor deprived young Afros having to come into Indo villages to collect and fight for what's theirs, why not take the reparation to them. This is where the PPP have failed the Afro's, their abysmal record. The PPP building roads, expanding the Govt and providing employment, making nice vendor stalls for huksters, all this is pure shyte. They do all this shyte and never tell the Afros, how the hell should any poor Afro figure this out.

Lastly, I can tell you, I am committed to this country. I have an Indo wife with four kids and a dougla girlfriend(Afro+Indo+Putagee mixture) and enjoying every minute. Unlike you guys in the diaspora, I have real skin in the game. You guys just talk your shyte from 3,000 miles.
Originally posted by caribj:
His satire is dangerous given our ethnic insecurities and the dangerous stereotypes that both groups have of the other.

The "lazy" confine them to low level jobs. And the "rich" scape goat them all for having damaged blacks.

Sledge this joke is really not funny, especially just after an election when tensions are high.

I know you have bodyguards to protect you but most Indians arent so fortunate.

Listen sledge the British played a game on us. He allowed the African, and even moreso the mulatto, to have access to education and so they gained access to the urban middle class. They dominated the low/mid level slots in the civil and armed services and the teaching professions, the trades, and health care from the late 19th century.

He allowed the Indian to maintain his culture but then told him he was too "collie" to be allowed access to certain occupations which were the steps to upward mobility for the poor.

He was greatly amused when the African and mixed middle classes, upon dealing with these "collies". sniffed the air as if some thing was foul, allowed these "unwashed" primitives to cut their grass for their cows, and (with the exception of a few like the Luckhoos) felt that the Indian could be ignored.

Yes some Indos benefitted and became successful business people, not dependent on the status quo for their livelihood, even as the African and mulatto became trapped in this and became dependent on others to create their employment opportunities. Some were able to enter the professions based upon their fathers' ability to educate them.

Sledge many Indians remained....and to day still remain in poverty. As confined and trapped by their history as are many impoverished Africans and Amerindians.

CaribJ, my advice is to just ignore the malodorous droppings of this (not so clever) firestarter . . . do you REALLY think he is interested in having a conversation that addresses anything real?

His nonsense is just the latest 'strategy' to emerge from the rear ends of Misir & Co as the PPP struggles to reinforce the ethnic divide . . . for continued power and profit.

. . . no better than the PPP criminals lobbing channa bombs in GT a couple of weeks ago.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by caribj:
His satire is dangerous given our ethnic insecurities and the dangerous stereotypes that both groups have of the other.

The "lazy" confine them to low level jobs. And the "rich" scape goat them all for having damaged blacks.

Sledge this joke is really not funny, especially just after an election when tensions are high.

I know you have bodyguards to protect you but most Indians arent so fortunate.

Listen sledge the British played a game on us. He allowed the African, and even moreso the mulatto, to have access to education and so they gained access to the urban middle class. They dominated the low/mid level slots in the civil and armed services and the teaching professions, the trades, and health care from the late 19th century.

He allowed the Indian to maintain his culture but then told him he was too "collie" to be allowed access to certain occupations which were the steps to upward mobility for the poor.

He was greatly amused when the African and mixed middle classes, upon dealing with these "collies". sniffed the air as if some thing was foul, allowed these "unwashed" primitives to cut their grass for their cows, and (with the exception of a few like the Luckhoos) felt that the Indian could be ignored.

Yes some Indos benefitted and became successful business people, not dependent on the status quo for their livelihood, even as the African and mulatto became trapped in this and became dependent on others to create their employment opportunities. Some were able to enter the professions based upon their fathers' ability to educate them.

Sledge many Indians remained....and to day still remain in poverty. As confined and trapped by their history as are many impoverished Africans and Amerindians.

CaribJ, my advice is to just ignore the malodorous droppings of this (not so clever) firestarter . . . do you REALLY think he is interested in having a conversation that addresses anything real?

His nonsense is just the latest 'strategy' to emerge from the rear ends of Misir & Co as the PPP struggles to reinforce the ethnic divide . . . for continued power and profit.

. . . no better than the PPP criminals lobbing channa bombs in GT a couple of weeks ago.

The man insulted your ancestors. he called unwashed.

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